I am a very big user/fan of portableapps.com, I am also very grateful for all the apps that it has released!
Without being to ungrateful - how long do we need to stay tuned!?!?
It has been a very long time that the last portable app has been released
Kind regards
Does today work for you?
The apps are updated (and you'll find all new versions in the Suite release that was posted on Friday), we were just waiting on finalization of the 2.0 PortableApps.com Installer before releasing them individually.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Now that is some of the best news I have heard in awhile. Thanks John for all that you do!
I can't wait for things to get back to the new "normal" ^_^
I'll be happy to see a version with the updater
Paid for Software more or less?
What You need is OSS!
Not even when my girl and I were expecting, not even then.
In the name of Zeus and all of Olympus, I hope everything goes well and we get the updates today.
Now lets see if Olympus will prevail. :evil:
It's halfway june 3, 2010...
When, omg, can't way ... bummer ... still no news (apps) ...
That is good news to hear. If you don't mind me asking, do you have a timeline for when Installer 2.0 will be finalized?
May the Shwartz be with you
I'm assuming from John's comment that it's pretty much finalized, so today some time. What he didn't tell you is that he operates on Honolulu, Hawaii time, so they are just about the last time zone on Earth and after I post this it will still only be 9:14 AM on June 2nd 2010. That's a long way to go until midnight.
(currently 3:14pm US Eastern Standard Time on June 2nd 2010)
I know its a joke, but he's in new york
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
"some time this week"
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
So John, you got the servers all tuned up for the heaps of traffic you'll be getting moments after the flag falls
Thanks for all the hard work, as with everyone else, been looking forward to this for a while!
Kevin Farley
"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence you ever tried."
The drum roll has been heard for many weeks.
Patience is a virtue
They are building the suspense so to motivate people to chat about this website and promote it 
Clever IMHO
A drum roll that will forever end "next week" eventually turns from a conversation starter into a "at least it sounded good...*walk away*". I understand that there are certain kinks that need to be worked out, apps need to be updated, hardware deals need to be made, but all progress on the site shouldn't stop for months each time the focus changes.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
The servers are from sourceforge and uses their network of mirrored servers worldwide. I think they can take the strain from a bunch or portable apps.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
Yes, thank you for clearing that up for me /*bows head while stroking nose bridge with index finger and thumb in soothing manor*/... I don't believe portableapps.com is hosted on Sourceforge though /*grin*/ and I know big releases have had more than slight repercussions in the past... so I was just giving John the proverbial poke in the ribs.
And since I have the opportunity to do it again, Thanks John!
Kevin Farley
"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence you ever tried."
hosting provider.
No, we host our apps on SourceForge.net
Yes but the PortableApps.com website is hosted by Rackspace
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
You're making me dizzy!
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
I think the point is that people could always download apps directly from Sourceforge, but it's much easier to visit the portableapps website first. So mass simultaneous releases would, one would think, lead to an increase in site traffic. However, given the size apps versus webpages the amount of bandwidth used would be significantly less to the point that it's not an issue. Naturally, once 2.0 is out and people can see which apps need updating directly from their platform then site traffic will be lessened, as most people don't care about the forums and what-not.
I think that seems to sum up whatever everybody is saying. Perhaps we can go back to banging on the castle gates now, waiting in zealous anticipation.
Obviously, this forum is not hosted on Sourceforge, but every app is!
So the server load from these releases will not be borne by this site, but will be on the Sourceforge servers.
Haven't you noticed that every time you DL an app here it gets it from SF?
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
so the flood of users will be hitting the homepage and the pages for the individual apps and won't get to a sourceforge.net domain until right before downloading each app...so John T. Haller's Rackspace server will indeed get hit; tbqh if the apps were also hosted on Rackspace I don't think Haller could afford the bandwidth, even when it's not spiking as it soon will.
The old PA updater app connected to the SF site directly, allowing the user to DL apps right from the PA Menu.
Theoretically, the new menu/platform will have the updater built right in.
I suspect most people will use that to DL updates to their apps, and only really need to come here to check out new apps' descriptions.
In any case, I don't think these releases will have an appreciable impact on John's servers.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
I never heard of an updater; the only way I've known to update apps was to download the new .paf.exe file and open it manually.
But it was discontinued to allow its integration into the platform.
Where is it mentioned?
Look in the Roadmap section.
The old one was here:
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Why post coming June 3 when it is now 10 pm EST? Why not just post when things are really ready? I don't get the whole thing of reporting releases when they are not really ready.
It's 4th of June now in Australia. you are late by 1 day
or 3AM EST on 4 June 2010
Lets not, it does no good at all.
I waited last week, I'll wait this week. I'll wait next week.
What maddens me the most is the fact that I requested PNotes to be released and was told that it was held of for this.
The ORIGINAL developer has emailed me asking when the package will be released. Its time.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
If anyone thinks that complaining as you are is going to expedite the development process you are mistaken. John stated that things would be ready because he thought they would be. Evidently a bug has come up or the volume of releases have taken longer to upload than usual or something else like that. Whatever it is it's not something that can be fixed through a thread expressing impatience.
Please be patient and supportive. Remember PortableApps.com is John's creation and no one more than him wants it to succeed and our users to be happy.
PS. Has any one checked the SourceForge pages to see if any thing has been uploaded? My guess is when things are ready John will publish a number of pages in quick succession announcing the updates. Before that however the files will already be available on SourceForge.
Good luck
PortableApps.com Advocate
dig in
Error: SendRequest Error
Happens on both the Dev and Stable installers.
That generally means you're blocked from Google's download server either at their end or yours. It's mentioned in other topics.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
OK, they both seem to work now. Maybe a glitch with my internet or something.
Other issue: The stable Google Chrome has the "Development Test Release" splash screen. The Dev version has no splash at all.
Anyway, thanks for the update.
Wait and redownload. Be sure it has an MD5 of 6d3ebf103c0c649b09d1c3c25b98023d. I gotta tell Matt to stop putting those splashes in. They don't belong in pre-releases.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Yes I get different MD5. Maybe not 'dig in' just yet
There is an easy way to keep people from complaining about a release when they don't come on the day they are/were posted to be released. You don't make an announcement that they "will be" posted before they are actually posted. In three more hours it won't matter what part of the world you live in, the deadline of June 3 will have come and gone.
I wait patiently as I always have for new releases. Just a heads up for future reference.
Keep up the good work guys and gals.
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
Wonderful job by all at portableapps.com. A delay does not deserve criticism of any kind.
Nerdy Redneck
So as a user... what do I need to do?
Just download programs as normal and install?
Or does everyone have to install some updater?
I am confused as to what we should be doing and what programs we should be running.
Please advice.. please make it clearer.
you should know by now that you will be able to just download and run the installers. you won't need the updator
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
So what was with the updater anyway? Who was it for and who is going to be using it?
And if us users just still download and install applications as usual..why did you need a new installer for the applications...what can the new installers do that the older one couldn't?
can be found here with all explanations what is new in this version:
You can download the installer and run it and see yourself what it is doing. It is a toll to package the portable apps. And since the new format of the packages was defined, there is a new tool called installer to go with it.
For normal apps under windows, there also exist installers, they exist in different kind for mac or linux. Those are programs to help the developer to package the software so that the user can simply click on something and all parts of the software will be copied to proper places on your PC.
Similar installer for portable apps will simply copy all the relevant parts to correct folders on your stick during the installation.
This is at least the basic function of it.
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland
Your comments are not clear enough to be understood by noobs like myself.
I still have no idea what's going on here and I promise you.. many other people are confused!
Someone needs to clarify what's going on.. what the average user needs to download and run... etc.
At this stage I am still confused.. do I need to run the installer program before I can install the new applications?
What's going on? And how does it all work?
John and Co. are reworking the way PortableApps are built by developers.
Two key parts of that are
1. The PortableApps Format
2. The PortableApps Installer
The PortableApps Format 2.0 is a specification that developers should follow when creating the apps in the first place. It specifies how they should structure their folders, and their ini files, when setting up the app.
For average users, you don't have to do anything. Your old apps will continue to work OK. New apps and updated apps in the future will be better, but again, you don't need to do anything.
The PortableApps Installer 2.0 should really be called "the PortableApps Installer Creator 2.0".
It doesn't install apps - instead, it creates a *.paf.exe installation file for an app. It's part of the developer's last steps: after putting the app into the PortableApps Format, and using the PortableApps Launcher to create a launcher file, the developer runs the PortableApps Installer and gets the file that they post for you to download. So once more, this is a developer tool, and day-to-day users don't need to worry about it.
What you DO need to look for is the release of the PortableApps.com Platform 2.0 (a.k.a. the PortableApps Menu) coming sometime in 2010, I think. That will be a major upgrade to the Menu, and it will be designed to integrate better with apps made with the 2.0 tools that were just recently released.
Alles klar?
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
As an end-user this "PortableApps.com Platform 2.0" is what I've been waiting for. To my understanding, it will come with a handy updater and all. This is how I was expecting to be updading my apps this time around.
For now I'm just happy that some apps got release like, Pidgin ^_^
Thank you solanus. NOW that makes sense!!!
so what happened to this "floodgates" of new apps?
Low tide at the moment
I'm sure they're coming, this is the pregnant pause after the initial trickle.
I rolled up my pant legs for nothing...
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
STAY TUNED!! TODAY THE FLOODGATES BEGIN!!! MANY MANY MANY APPS WILL FLOW WITH THE FLOODGATES TODAY! (Maybe, or maybe not. Not sure, who knows for sure? Perhaps? Uncertain
Mean not to be snippy but, Impatient Enough?
PortableApps.com Advocate
Houston, we have a problem!
<barbedsarcasm>Yeah, we have a big problem. PEOPLE ARE BEING OVERLY IMPATIENT!!!</barbedsarcasm>
Seriously, please have some patience. I know a lot of people are frustrated by the passed deadline, but (as always) these people seem to have forgotten some things.
#1: Nobody's paying or being paid for this. It's all free. When somebody is giving you something for free, complaining about it is generally not a good idea.
#2: Because nobody's being paid for this, nobody is doing this as a regular job. It's something we do on our free time, and many of us don't have much of that.
#3: We all have real lives. I've said it before and I'll say it again: as long as real life trumps Internet life, real life can (and often will) destroy any and every Internet-based plan.
#4: We're human. We make mistakes. Perhaps some coding change broke things, and now John is working to fix them. Or perhaps he simply underestimated the amount of time it would take to get things moving. Either way, as a human John has the right to make mistakes (as we all do).
#5: If you want something done more quickly, you can always help out. It doesn't matter if you know how to program or not. It doesn't matter if you know how to use Regshot or not. It doesn't matter if you know multiple languages or not. All that matters is that you want to help; if you do, there's a place for you on the team. Those who can program, do so. Those who know multiple languages, can provide translations. Those who know how to use Regshot, can make sure things aren't leaving trash behind. Those who don't know any of the above, can still point out problems with apps so we can fix them. And regardless of what happens here, we can always use more help.
#6: If you're totally reliant on some bugfix or whatnot in the latest version of an app, there's nothing stopping you from getting the non-portable version until the portable one comes out.
I'm not trying to go after any individual here, or come across as a troll/snob/flamer/(insert description of a troublemaker here). I am trying to quiet down the people who have started complaining for no good reason.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
you will realize that deadlines are (more often than not) wishful thinking. I'm not sure why JTH ever predicts specific dates, unless it's just that he gets excited when he gets close to finishing a release.
I try to put my fingers in my ears and go "lalalalala" whenever a prediction of any release date is posted here, so when it is finally released, I'm pleasantly surprised.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
I don't recall a general release date ever being met, and John says things are "about to drop" when they don't a lot.
(Maybe not though, not sure, shrug. Maybe tomorrow,hmmmm, not sure, maybe next week, wait and see, next month perhaps?) lol
The floodgates were open momentarily on the 3rd.
Since then they have been well and truly closed.
Do not despair. today the floodgates OPEN
Or maybe not for a few months.
Houston, we have a problem!
knock it off
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
I don't think we'll get any more constructive posts.
Unfortunately, this sort of thing happens every time John makes a big prediction of releases.
I really don't think he's doing himself any favors, since predicting releases is even less reliable than predicting the weather - and nobody respects the weatherman!
Seriously, John, it would be better if you ONLY announce things after they happen. People are far more patient with no information than they are with a dangling carrot.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
..how many many people enjoy this site and check back almost religiously for updates and new tools. I would bet the number of folks who are impatient for free things is LARGE, but the ones who complain are actually very few.
I'm reminded of the story of two banks. One said they would 'get back to you' by 10:00AM, but didn't get back until 11:00A. Folks were mad at them as they didn't 'come through' as promised. The other bank said they would 'get back to you' by 2:30P, but called back at 11:30AM. They actually gave poorer service than the first bank by 30 min, but folks were happy with them as they exceeded the expectation.
Funny how we think, when we do.
Anyway, don't let them get under your skin, as it appears to be human nature. The majority who check each day are also appreciative, yet demonstrate just a little more patience. We are all anxious though. Then again, when it is released, there will be even newer things on the horizon to drool over! It never ends, thank goodness!!!!
In (I believe) Superfreakonomics they discuss perceived loss or gain.
An experiment in one version had people given two coins and then, based on a coin flip, they either got to keep both, or only one. In the other version, people were given one coin, and then based on the flip, either got a second or not. In both cases, the return is one coin 100% of the time, and 2 coins 50% of the time (if you see what I mean)
People (and even monkeys) prefer the second, because of the perceived win, to the first, because of the perceived loss.
I am not my signature.
I actually disagree with the statement that "People are far more patient with no information". That is completely and utterly incorrect. People don't like to be ignored or be left in the dark. You have to manage the expectation. In the same way that giving blatantly false and overly optimistic information is damaging, giving no information at all is equally as damaging.
I think it's sufficient to give site-wide, non time-line specific messages indicating that at least some activity is currently in progress. I'm sure John had good intentions and was just as eager as the next person to get releases out. Sometimes it's the case that we have to set self-imposed deadlines as a sort of motivation but it's also true that they are often not met for various reasons.
Anyway, as stated somewhere, probably time to lock this thread.
+1, especially on the suggestion to lock this thread.
Based on what we've got so far, here's my prediction: this thread will degenerate into a war between two groups, the "take your time" group and the yelling group. As we have no need of more yelling or a war here, I think locking the thread is probably the best thing to be done.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
I love this website and the programmers that put all this work into making portable apps a reality is truly legendary. Life does not always work out the way we intend and patience goes a long way. Since everything here is free,i would just relax. I'm certain new apps and things will be released eventually. I would love to post my own apps in here. It's unfortunate that to do so would be illegal since most of my adaptations are closed source. But i do test the freebies and i have no problems whatsoever. So i just do what i can to support the outstanding work with donations and testing some betas. To everyone that contributes keep up the incredible work!
Things take time. I'd rather get truly portable working software than some rushed broken programs.
Take your time, John.
Nerdy Redneck
John you already released the new installer and format, whats holding you back from pusing updates to all the PortableApps on the site?
I am patient and can wait for as long as it takes.
But I have had to move away from portableapps and install the normal version of applications, because I like to install the latest versions mainly due to security reasons.
I do not like running older versions of certain programs that may still contain old bugs and security flaws.
So be aware that many people may be drifting away from portableapps for this exact reason. And when people get set into a new routine, they may not bother returning to portableapps.
This is not a critical comment, just a honest and open constructive one.
As for me, I will consider returning to portableapps in the future if this upgrade eventuates.
As I am now a full linux user, i'm not truly making all the use i could make of PortableApps, so I'm on an update strike until the updater (and therefore, platform 2.0 b5 or stable) is live.
I check back almost daily for updates as to what's going on. PA.com has changed how I manage my computer. It's almost indispensable for me.
It's a weird thing to get so excited about. I could download Seamonkey or Foxit on any other machine just by going to the website. But, having the freedom to move your programs along with your data is awesome.
I agree that it gets annoying to get obnoxious comments telling everyone to hurry up, but be glad that people are excited about what goes on here. And, if you want to close the thread then go for it, but keep some kind of progress announcements going on.
I would try taking more baby steps. Why jump from 1.6 to 2.0? Release a Platform 1.7 with just a few new changes, and it'll give people something to digest while bigger releases are worked on.
You are talking to the wall unfortunately.
Knock it off. Now.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
I just don't moan and whine like SOME people

"No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices." - Edward R. Murrow
truthseeker, he said Now in bold --- he must mean business sitting behind that computer chair, LOL, I'd becareful, he just might come through the computer monitor and show you what now means.
Perhaps John should have not sold it as the Floodgates opening -- when the fact is, the foodgates never started, really it was like a dribble, if you can even call it that. I realize it's FREE and done on the developer's free time -- I also know that you shouldn't make announcements and overstate comments if it's not going to happen.
Some of the Portables I have had to switch over to http://www.lupopensuite.com/ for the updated program version.
I am with you truthseeker on updated programs -- I run programs like Putty and WinSCP and would rather have the most up to date version of those programs when it comes to shell access to a dedicated server.
I have already been looking for other portable sources or making my own portables.
There are approximately 100 Officially Released PortableApps. 11 have been updated or modified to the new format. 1/10 roughly. Now using John's analogy. If a hundred foot dam opens floodgates and 10 feet of water come rushing down Main street you have a FLOOD. If all 100 feet were to rush down the road you have a disaster So give it a break already. Lay off you are free to go where you choose and install what you want. Hey you can even update and re-create the packages yourself!
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
If you're going to complain and threaten to switch to another service, then switch to their forums while you're at it.
I dont think there is any need for this kind of language.
Please be polite everybody!
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
lol, I'm not really looking for an argument/fight. I am, on the other hand, getting quite irritated with "truthseeker", who would probably do better with a "troubleseeker" screen name.
Guys, I know a lot of you are depending on the latest updates for security's sake. I try to run as secure a setup as possible, too. If you feel that you need to use a non-portable update, go for it. I doubt John will complain; I know I won't, and I'm sure most of us agree.
However, I don't feel that complaining will help matters any. John is doing the best he can, and complaining will only stress him out/tick him off. If you want to get updates sooner, contact him & offer your help. I'm sure he'd be grateful for the assistance, and if these updates are truly that important to you guys you won't have a problem helping them along.
Look at all John has done in the past few weeks. Installer 2.0 is out, and he's already dropped/begun dropping fixes to it. PAL 2.0 is nearly out, and, although Chris is the main guy on that, John has done plenty with it too. There are a lot of updated apps, including 4 or 5 yesterday. Heck, even the PortableApps website has gotten a new look. It's not like John just left or anything...
btw, on the subject of moving to other portable-app sources, be careful. Lupo has been known to rip off our work, although I believe he stopped & apologized a few weeks ago. Others, in particular one site on BlogSpot, have pirated apps, poor-quality apps, etc. PortableApps has such a good reputation because John never allows pirated apps or poor-quality apps; everything has to meet a very high standard you can't find on other sites. Caveat emptor.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
You have all made valid points, and I have taken them in to digest.
I really love my portableapps, as I prefer to run everything off a TrueCrypt Travelers partition.
I know this move to the upgrade will benefit us all in the long run.
Well done to everyone working on this. Keep up the great work. Take your time, we will wait for as long as it takes because in the long run it will be fantastic.
Now can we lock the thread?
Nerdy Redneck
of new releases of PortableApps