App: VistaSwitcher
Category: Utilities
Description: from website VistaSwitcher is an elegant and powerful task management utility for Windows OS. Once installed, it replaces the default Windows Alt-Tab dialog with a nice box that shows a list of all running tasks, with their names and preview snapshots, and enables the user to take actions on them using the mouse and keyboard shortcuts. With just one click, you can switch tasks, minimize, maximize, restore the main window, or close the process.
Freeware: This software is freeware and is distributed with the permission of NTWind Software.
Download VistaSwitcher Portable 1.1.4 Dev Test 4
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MD5: 02e68356170abe4031b6fe81157da239
Release Notes
December 1, 2011 - 1.1.4 DT4: Added language changes. Fixed compatibility issues on x64 machines. Removed x64 build.
November 30, 2011 - 1.1.4 DT3: Made some changes, hope this fixes some bugs on x64 machines.
November 28, 2011 - 1.1.4 DT2: Added 64-bit build.
November 25, 2011 - 1.1.4 DT1: Initial Release
Nice app, simple and efficient. I tested it and it came out clean - as expected.
(WinXP Sp3/admin)
I ran the validator and it shows two small quirks: Format validation failed with 2 errors and 1 warning.
Two further remarks:
- The PackageVersion in appinfo.ini is That may eventually break automatic updating to an official release (if you plan to do so) that should get a PackageVersion (But that's just cosmetics)
- Do you consider automatic language switching? Not that you encounter much text in daily usage...
I wish that validator thing wasn't case sensitive. I also purposely excluded the splash.
As for the versioning, I'm thinking of having it as x.x.x.0[dev test number] for future apps (that recent spam attack reminded me of that old rant by Gord) and when they go official, they'll be x.x.x.1 (like first release), then x.x.x.2 for revisions and so on.
My only excuse for not doing language switching is that I didn't feel like doing it
Seems perfectly reasonable.:)
And language switching is obviously not the most important thing for this app. I had to search for any text anyway and found it in the preferences box. These settings normally need to be adjusted only once if ever...
One thing to be aware of is that x.x.x.0N is equal to x.x.x.N, hence why I decremented, especially in the case of four-part version numbers.
Ok, then how's about this: all dev tests are x.x.x.0, then official releases are x.x.x.1 then revs with x.x.x.2?
AFAICT, that would work in this case, so long as the base app doesn't release 1.1.4.x.
However, I still recommend decrementing the version. But don't take that as a requirement.
As reported here, VistaSwitcher Portable doesn't run on x64. I have confirmed this on my own system as well. Looks like this is an app that requires x86_64 as well as x86.
thanks for the heads up.
I tried Dev Test 2 again, still not working for me. Could it need WorkingDirectory set? I'll try again on an x86 machine and let you know the results.
Can someone else test this on x64, to verify it's not just me?
The bold stuff is the pertinent stuff. This could be what's causing the issue.
It's also worth noting that i can run vswitch64.exe directly, so it's not a matter of the executable being corrupted or anything.
I wish the developer told me before making it portable.
Should I call it quits, then, since it doesn't look like it can be made portable (by our standards?)
I was able to run vswitch64.exe directly from %PAL:AppDir%\VistaSwitcher\x64 and it ran with no issues, so it might be the UAC stuff.
In other words, that "must be installed to 'Program Files'" stuff is a load of BS.
Keep at it, this looks like a great app!
the DevTest 2 is not working in Windows 7 Professional x64 SP1.
In Windows XP SP3 (x32) it is working normally.
In System Explorer (Win 7 System) I see that the process "VistaAwitcher" starts but is terminated at once.
At my side the x64 version work.
Please verify ".dll" files = COMCTL32.dll.
Please look at x86 x64 mame portable
Launcher "VistaSwitcherPortable.ini"
Before =
Must be ProgramExecutable64 =
I didn't look closely at your launcher.ini
I've fixed that in mine, but still no luck. What DLL's are you referring to, sst?
Also, since the x86 and x64 directories are identical other than vswitch(64) and vsconfig(64), I recommend combining the directories in App\VistaSwitcher.
>>> I've fixed that in mine, but still no luck. What DLL's are you referring to, sst?
Respond =
1)Update Launcher file "VistaSwitcherPortable.ini" with like below.
2)After, you must compile with " Launcher", to create the new VistaSwitcherPortable.exe file.
3) Replace the VistaSwitcherPortable.exe file, with the new compiled file, then now it will use automatic the x86 or x64 with match your OS.
Launcher "VistaSwitcherPortable.ini"
As you can see below, I've already done that, as well as added language switching to the launcher, but it still doesn't load. I'm sure we can get this to work, as the app -does- run when started directly. There must be something else missing.
Look at = Mamex86x64 Portable Lancher
Then now, ...
Please add directory = DefaultData
Also, ... made directory "VistaSwitcher", without "x86, x64" sub-directory.
Also, edit file "VistaSwitcherPortable.ini"
After, ... recompile the launcher.
I added language handling for you, as well as switching to App\VistaSwitcher like I've mentioned. Remember that for language handling to be done properly, you need to have the VistaSwitcher.reg file in DefaultData.
The registry key might need to be quoted as well, since there's a space in the key name. Not sure, but it's a possibility.
[EDIT] Ok, still trying to get this to work, I found that i can run vswitch.exe directly, so no need for the 64-bit stuff after all. I've updated my link accordingly, and added WorkingDirectory, trying to find the solution.
Language switching wasn't working, but I left the stuff in the launcher.ini to show you. I tested it within the platform.
I fixed the ProgramExecutable64 thing and put everything in one directory and added WorkingDirectory.
The REG file is in fact an INI file; the language handling can become:
DefaultData is not required anymore.
@John: should we prevent the application from launching on Windows' startup (i.e. on exit, remove any registry entries with this purpose), or just leave it disabled by default?
Previously known as kAlug.
We could do a FileWriteN Replace for the value...
[EDIT] missed "do". Keep hitting save instead of preview.
I meant, in all apps where we can choose to do it. Act defensively or let the user do whatever they want?
Previously known as kAlug.
Otherwise, we run the risk of having users complain about traces being left, or other problems arising we can't easily fix, even though it's their own fault.
Let's see what John has to say.
should be
unless you're building using the current HG tip.
Yeah, I'm using the tip. But the correct value is
.BTW, it had been changed before PAL 2.2 Beta 1 (thus being included on it).
Previously known as kAlug.
Please test this on x64 machines.
It's still not working on Win7 x64. If I run it directly, it works. With the launcher, it doesn't. No errors. And it doesn't show up in Task Manager (likely exiting immediately when run).
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
For some odd reason, launching it through
's default action instead ofExecWait
works.Previously known as kAlug.
...if that's what it's going to take.
[Changed from expired pastebin link to the text - mod Chris]
Previously known as kAlug.
This works now, as expected. I edited my launcher.ini to remove the Programexecutable64 line, and it still runs just fine.
You can leave that line. But unless the 64-bit version is required, we should remove it completely. Also check the need for working directory.
Previously known as kAlug.
Since the 64-bit version isn't required (I just double-checked on my system), we should remove both it and the PE64 line to go with it. Otherwise, if we only remove the 64-bit version, but not the line to launch it, users on x64 architecture will have PAL error out, since the appropriate executable is missing.
Working Directory: I just commented out that line, and it's not necessary, the app still launches & runs correctly.
The WaitFor lines should remain, however, as they could still be running locally.
64-bit: That was what I meant by "completely".
WaitForEXE: VistaSwitcher is a background program; it's likely that the user will forget to close the local version (or will let Windows close it on logoff/shutdown). PAL needs a better way to handle this.
Previously known as kAlug.
Can we stop with expiring pastebins please? It winds up making posting code in forums a bit useless.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I reposted it on my pastebin:
See release notes for changes.
The Dev Test 4 runs in Windows 7 x64.
Thank you!
thanks for testing.
I also tested on my other Win7 x64 System (Notebook) and there it also works!
Good job!
VistaSwitcher works fine, so when does it get public?
Whenever there's time for new app releases, I guess. I don't see a reason to rush it either, as this version (as we've seen through extensive testing) works fine now.
when you release VistaSwitcher as an official portable app, then it can be downloaded and updated via the portable apps platform.
Much more comfortable than searching for it manually here in the test applications pages.
Link in post #1 to ... [Download VistaSwitcher Portable 1.1.4 Dev Test 4] has been withdrawn, no longer available
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