The Test Release page always has comments because people want to update this page.
It a relevant page to see all the beta access and I use a lot
Can you give for one or two active programmer (Gord Caswell,darksabre76,scriptdaemon), a user power to
that maintenance this page very often and will delete all the comment.
It will be easy for them to work, easy for other user to see what new.
like in the outdated page
Thanks for the help,
All developers can edit this page.
(I may have missed a change on that, though.)
Previously known as kAlug.
you're correct, all developers are (or should be), able to edit the page. However, deleting comments is restricted to moderators and administrators, which is what I think he's asking for, albeit without knowing what he's asking for.
The option of deleting comments should be to some active developer that always update the Test release page. I don't need this permission.
Only for you and the other developer i mention in the post.
If delete comments will not allowed to delete to all pages, maybe it will be restricted to Test page only.
but i think it very non comfortable that it will be a lot of comments at
the test page, and i think you must agree with me.
who is deleting the comments from outed page very often?