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Opera requires Windows 7 – as of when?

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Opera requires Windows 7 – as of when?

Running Windows Vista.
Opera Portable now tells me I need Windows 7.
Since when?
Can I just downgrade?

Is this perhaps somehow in line with the Chrome/Vista update issue?
Though Chrome doesn't *flatly refuse* to run! (yet)

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 35 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Yes, Opera is Based on Chrome/Blink, How To Make It Run

As Opera is based on Chrome/Blink, the latest version of Opera is based on Chrome 50, so it is no longer compatible with XP and Vista. Chrome, Opera, Chromium, Iron, and every other Chrome-based browser will follow suit. Although Chrome and Opera will currently run on Vista, they are now completely untested on the platform and could easily have dataloss bugs or similar nasties. That's why Opera Portable is set just to alert and not run. It shouldn't be used.

Opera released a small update to an XP-compatible version of the older release. I may or may not package that as an alternate legacy version. I'm unsure if Opera will be maintaining it on an ongoing basis.

If you'd like to void your warranty and have Opera Portable run on Vista in whatever state it may be, open the file OperaPortable\App\AppInfo\Launcher\OperaPortable.ini and change MinOS=7 to MinOS=Vista to enable it.

Personally, if I were stuck on Vista and unable to upgrade to Windows 7, I'd use Firefox since it's still fully supported and tested on it.

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Slimjet, which now based on

Slimjet, which now based on Chromium 50, announced that it will make compatible with XP and Vista as far as it can.
Will you consider to include it?

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Joined: 2014-02-05 15:08
Crashes all plugins & Downgrading

Re: "Although Chrome and Opera will currently run on Vista, they are now completely untested on the platform and could easily have dataloss bugs or similar nasties. That's why Opera Portable is set just to alert and not run."
And my own: "Though Chrome doesn't *flatly refuse* to run! (yet)"

That is nice handling of Opera: alert, don't run.

Chrome – on the other hand… – runs, and all plugins crashes in a constant repeating stream, and Chrome does nothing more.
This is way more than "they are now completely untested", but perhaps a way for G to say "shouldn't be used", in an obnoxious way?

Could perhaps Portable Apps check "Vista?" and at least warn?
(For "Easy revert/downgrade/block upgrade?" I suppose the answer would be no due to not wanting to help keep old stuff alive).

If anyone needs to fix as I did on my Vista and downgrade to gchrome 50 Chrome Portable/GoogleChromePortable_50.0.2661.102_online.paf.exe/download
Or if you for any reason would need another version (the above is 32-bit): Chrome Portable/

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TOO BAD !!!!!!

Google Chrome and other Chromium based browser left Vista users!
Opera ESR 36 is LAST ONE!
However, Opera Portable v36 is NOT downloadable!

In opinion, Firefox is a *far* better option. but I don't think so.
I'm very angry at Mozilla! Mozilla is f**king Firefox!

Do you left Vista users high and dry? Do you hate Vista?
I love Vista, but I hates Firefox now !!!

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 3 hours 35 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

Chromium/Chrome itself is dropping Windows XP and Vista. XP because it is unsupported by Microsoft and insecure. Vista because it has near-zero market share and is more work to support than it is worth to the Chrome/Chromium team. That's their call to make. And I say that as someone with a family member with a PC stuck on Vista.

Mozilla is taking Firefox in the direction that most of their users want. The interface is simplified and modern while still being more customizable than Chrome/Opera/etc. The extensions system is powerful but it is the top cause of instability, memory leaks, etc, so it is being transitioned to a safer setup similar to Chrome/Opera/etc. If you prefer Chrome because Firefox is moving slightly towards Chrome's extension handling, that doesn't make any sense.

Either way, none of that is at all relevant to what's being discussed.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
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Opera Portable v36 download

(deleted - answered to wrong post)

Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
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Opera Portable v36 downloadable
Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
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Good workaround tip for stopping autoupdate of single app

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Is there a way to disable the update check for a certain program?

There's a workaround, and though it's from 2012 (time to get a moveon with that funcionality in the app, no?), it still works.
Just renamed my ChromePortable (with Chrome v50) directory to ChromePortableNoUpd, tried update and "all apps updated".

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