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Donations FAQ

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Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-24 18:46
Donations FAQ

I see there is a FAQ on the donations page. I suggest an addition be made to that FAQ, something along the lines of the following:

How can I direct my donation towards developing a specific application?

  • At this time, does not accept "directed" donations. In other words, donations are used as required by the project, rather than directed at one specific application's development or release.
  • If you'd like to support the developers of any of the applications, links to donation information is included on each application's page if known.
    John T. Haller
    John T. Haller's picture
    Last seen: 6 min 21 sec ago
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    Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

    Gord Caswell
    Gord Caswell's picture
    Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
    Joined: 2008-07-24 18:46
    Looks good

    That looks good to me.

    With that said, How about a follow-up question about "what does my donation go towards?" (Or similar), either linking to the explanatory paragraph on the donation page, or directly duplicating it?

    Last seen: 5 months 17 hours ago
    Joined: 2010-09-06 06:36
    Donate to Have PortableApp

    I think it is a mistake to have a functionality like that.

    Maybe there should be a 2 side discussion on that.
    But this can be an effective way to get more donations.

    For example, I'd donate 75$ easily to see the following applications added:
    1. MiKTeX.
    2. TeXStudio.
    3. ReText.
    4. Octave.
    5. Julia.
    Most of them are already in beta testing so I'd think this easy money for the project to get.

    I'd do a page "Next Application to Be Added to the Suite".
    Where users can add their voices by +1 or by +10 (Donation let's say of 5$) or +25 (Donation of 10$).

    At the end of each month the most popular application will be added to the suite.

    This will do 2 positive things:
    1. Most wanted applications will be added to the suite -> Developers will spend time which meets the users demand.
    2. More donations will be made.

    It's not a commitment the donation will be used for that application.
    It is just a way to draw more donations and more users involvement.

    Thank You.

    Ken Herbert
    Ken Herbert's picture
    Last seen: 1 hour 57 min ago
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    Your point #1 isn't quite correct

    It would not be the most wanted applications being added - it would be the applications wanted by the people with the most money. Unfortunately there can be a very large discrepancy between the two.

    It also puts users into the mindset of "I am paying for application X, therefore I deserve application X" and if their monetary voice is overlooked in favour of other people's larger amounts (or more people's combined smaller amounts) of money, then they will become upset, and probably never donate again.

    The only targeted payment system I believe could maybe work (I have seen it work elsewhere, although I have also seen it fail elsewhere) is a bug/feature bounty, whereby users could add a bounty to a specific bug or feature of the software (in our case the Platform, Launcher, Installer etc. not the apps we repackage), and the money could only be collected once the code was released that fit their want/need.

    Last seen: 5 months 17 hours ago
    Joined: 2010-09-06 06:36
    Depends on The Assumption

    The way I see it users have 3 ways to assist an open source project:
    1. Use it.
    2. Help develop it.
    3. Help fund it.

    Now, it it depends on your base assumption.

    My assumption is that 90% of votes will be from regular users and will dominate the total votes per applications.
    I think people which will donate will be able to change things within the top popular application.

    Will that be a bad situation?
    It will give 3 things:

    1. More involvement with the users (They get to decide).
    2. More donations to the projects (Hopefully).
    3. Clear plan what to expect.

    Think of it as KickStarter pages for applications.
    But it will give power to regular users of the project while edge advantage to donating users.
    I'd think it is a good balance if it means more donations (Which means the project will exists with better chances -> Service to all users).

    By the way, the idea isn't buying application.
    The donation will be made to the project.
    It won't mean you buy an application.
    It only means you get to have larger vote on the next application to be added by the developers to the suite.

    In the future the application can be removed from the suite according to the policy of the developers.
    Again, this is not buying the application, this is buying "Votes" by donating to the project.

    Trying to think out of the box here.

    Ken Herbert
    Ken Herbert's picture
    Last seen: 1 hour 57 min ago
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    Look at it from a different perspective

    I understand that what you are suggesting is not technically "buying" an app.

    Unfortunately basic human psychology may take "I want app X", "I am giving money to the project", "I get votes for my money" & "I am using those votes for app X" and create a mental shortcut that basically results in a subconscious "I am paying money for app X".

    Unfortunately then when that specific app doesn't happen (especially after a few rounds) users may feel slighted by their money not being good enough to make what they "paid for" happen.

    Please understand, any ideas to get more money into this project is a good thing and I welcome all of them. But all ideas need to be weighed up for the pros and cons, and I am just presenting some of the negatives that are likely to arise from this idea. I know it may appear like I am nay-saying, but I am just trying to present the other side of the discussion.

    Last seen: 5 months 17 hours ago
    Joined: 2010-09-06 06:36
    I Am With You on This

    We have the same objective and I like the open discussion to get it.

    I think PortableApps should be more clear and open about the next applications to get into the suite.
    I think the priority needs to have something to do with users demand.

    Hence the idea above and I think that once it is clearly written all will be OK.
    People who donate to open source projects are well aware of their actions.

    Another idea would be a bounty page.
    Similar to Area51 of StackExchange.
    If there enough voters and enough donations something will get released.

    Let's say if ReText gets 100 Up Votes + 15$ in donations it will get released.
    That way you, the developers, can set targets which matches the needed amount of money and release applications according to demand.

    3D1T0R's picture
    Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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    The move to GitHub facilitates this via BountySource. Salt?

    The fact that we're moving source repositories to GitHub and starting to use GitHub's issues tracker (at least for some things), means that BountySource can now make sense of issues posted there, allowing people who want to to post bounties on any of the issues that get posted to one of the GitHub tracker(s).

    I'd also like to point out BountySource's "Salt" system which could be interesting.


    Ken Herbert
    Ken Herbert's picture
    Last seen: 1 hour 57 min ago
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    BountySource is exactly the

    BountySource is exactly the kind of thing I was thinking of.

    I think that could do some good - either someone within the project claims the bounty for a bug/feature, or someone new gets involved and helps out - sounds like a win either way to me.

    As long as contributor guidelines are properly defined before we open up to it, of course. Loosely defined contributor guidelines and an influx of even a few devs could be chaotic to the point of being detrimental.

    3D1T0R's picture
    Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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    The route for new contributors to get involved, and the guidelines of how it works have been very loose for far too long. If these had been better defined, I would have started making more meaningful contributions long ago, and people who are new to contributing to the project would know what to expect, and be less likely to end up either being driven away, forking projects away when they could directly help the main project (like demon.devin has done with PAL), or even complaining.


    Last seen: 5 months 17 hours ago
    Joined: 2010-09-06 06:36
    New Application - Issue?

    But how will you present new application?
    As an issue in GitHub System?

    This might be nice in theory, practically it will not work for the average user as they won't "Browse" the repository.
    It has to be in the Beta Forum / Section of the site.

    Something like a button for the ReText thread where it says - Once we reach 15$ donations in this thread the application will be released.

    Please, don't make esoteric.
    It won't make an impact on the donations.
    Think of a KickStarter page for Beta Applications where you can measure the demand by votes and donations.

    Ken Herbert
    Ken Herbert's picture
    Last seen: 1 hour 57 min ago
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    3D1T0R and I have gone off on

    3D1T0R and I have gone off on a little tangent here in the same thread, we are only talking about BountySource for Platform/Installer/Launcher bugs and features.

    I definitely don't think it would work for any capacity beyond that.

    3D1T0R's picture
    Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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    Yes and no.

    Actually, one of the repositories on GitHub is for "AppConfigs", so that might be an appropriate place to add issues regarding adding apps, though I'm not sure this is the way John would want it. In any case, anything that has a bounty on it is not only not going to show up automatically on the forum, it won't show up automatically on GitHub (unless someone who can sets it up so that BountySource can edit GitHub issues). Rather, if someone wants to put a bounty on something they'll do so on BountySource (after adding a GitHub issue if one doesn't already exist), and then they can make a mention of it on the forum if they want to advertise this information to other PA.c forum-goers.


    Last seen: 5 months 17 hours ago
    Joined: 2010-09-06 06:36
    Something the Average User Will Never Do

    Something the average user will never do and hence you again lose connection with users.

    Leave a side the money thing, how do you add applications according to users demand?
    Currently I have no idea what is the policy to add applications.

    There is no road map, there are no guidelines, nothing transparent to the users.
    For instance, mwayne creates great applications for years in the best, is there a reason they are not included?

    It can't be on GitHub as GitHub has different target crowd (Developers, advanced users).

    Once there is a way for users to express their need you need to think how to capitalize on that and get more resources to the development if the users play along.

    GitHub isn't the place for that.
    You can create polls and things like that.

    That's my point of view.

    Gord Caswell
    Gord Caswell's picture
    Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
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    Leave a side the money thing, how do you add applications according to users demand?
    Currently I have no idea what is the policy to add applications.

    There is no road map, there are no guidelines, nothing transparent to the users.
    For instance, mwayne creates great applications for years in the best, is there a reason they are not included?

    Note that it is not based on user demand, however the "Ready For Official Release" thread has been used to some extent to determine next applications for release:

    Last seen: 5 months 17 hours ago
    Joined: 2010-09-06 06:36
    Exactly My Point

    You post there and nothing.
    There is no way to know if and when will it be released.
    What are the reasons or how the priority is set.

    Hence it became irrelevant.

    We need better method to "feel" the need and maybe drive more donations.
    Hopefully it will create a momentum for more users and more developers.

    Thank You.

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