Unless you do a mod. Details here: https://msfn.org/board/topic/181987-list-of-software-that-doesnt-support... If you scroll up the page at the link you will get odds and ends of more details.
Last version to work okay with Windows 7 is said to be v27.2.4
Above said I wonder if John T. Haller is doing something to make 28.x.x work on Windows 7.
I've been debating how to handle this. Including shipping the patched files and having the launcher move them in/out based on OS version, which might be the best route. I've searched around a bit and found files for different Qt versions, but no solid place where someone is maintaining the patches on github or similar. Has anyone found something like this?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Seems so, as 32-bit support has been dropped from 28.x.x. Some detail here: https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/discussions/6481
So this is like the start of coders dropping 32-bit applications. Maybe this would be a good time for PortableApps to review its policy on supplying 32-bit apps for 'heavyweight' applications like LibreOffice. Move over to only 64-bit where that option is available.
Use Portable Apps on both Flash Drive and HDD/SSD.
Something like OBS moving to 64-bit only alongside apps like Blender is unsurprising and will be handled here. The way it's handled for other apps getting either a Legacy channel or Dual Mode.
Moving LibreOffice over to 64-bit only when it has both doesn't really make much sense. Most of your time using the app, it's waiting for you, so there's no real advantage for going 64-bit aside from super-large database/spreadsheet edge cases.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
OBS Portable 28 and above include 27.2.4 for use on Windows 7/8 and Windows 10 32-bit and will switch automatically: https://portableapps.com/apps/music_video/obs-studio-portable#app-notes
If you have Windows 7/8 64-bit and wish to use the last version that supports it, you can still download OBS Portable 27.2.4. Just rename the OBSPortable directory to OBSPortableLegacy and the PA.c Platform will not upgrade it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I am a user of Windows 7 x64 Professional and my OBSPortable launches in 32-bit mode (OBS 27.2.4 32-bit, windows). Any idea why it's not 64-bit? It's streaming/recording app so it's important to have it 64-bit.
As stated above, if you're using the current release, it will fall back to OBS 2.7.2 32-bit on unsupported operating systems like Windows 7. If you want to use the 64-bit version on Windows 7, you need to download the older version linked above and not update it. You can rename the directory to OBSPortableLegacy so that the PA.c Platform won't offer to update it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
1. Any idea which files should I copy from OBSPortable to OBSPortableLegacy in order to keep all the settings/scenes etc.? I believe it's the Data folder, but do I need all the files from there or just some specific ones?
2. It would be a good idea to include the legacy versions of PortableApps on the list of the main PA repository. I believe there's similar problem with Blender which ceased its support for Windows7.
3. What's the point of keeping only the 32-bit mode of the legacy version within the latest version of the application? It makes no sense to me. The application no longer supports Windows7/8 so it would be better to find a way of displaying effective user notification(s) within the PA Platform that user should switch to legacy version. I'm afraid more of similar cases will only arise in future as more and more applications move on with the modern requirements. At one point most of the apps will simply require Win10 as the base standard.
4. I would suggest changing the displayed name of OBSPortableLegacy within the PA Platofrm to OBSPortableLegacy (btw. any way I can do it myself?), the same way BlenderLegacy64 is displayed.
You can move Data from one to the other and most stuff should be maintained.
It's already in the list to have it as a separate build to show up differently: https://portableapps.com/node/67329
You can rename any app in the platform by right-clicking it and selecting Rename.
For higher level stuff like planning future platform stuff, please make a separate post.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!