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I would like to help in Traditional Chinese localization

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yorkmak's picture
Last seen: 16 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2007-01-21 00:15
I would like to help in Traditional Chinese localization

As I think that the portable applications here are very useful, I would like to help in Traditional Chinese localization such that more Hong Kong and Taiwan people will use the applications.

How can I help?

José Pedro Arvela
Last seen: 1 month 5 days ago
Joined: 2007-07-10 07:29
There are a lot of ways

There are a lot of ways of doing that. You can start by translating the installer.

Then, you can go to the available localizations page and add your translation.

Beyond that, there's not much you can do. Go checking the forums from time to time. See the general forums, beta testing forums, and localization discussion forums for new strings to translate.

Hope to have helped Smile

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