A pre-release of Toucan 1.2.1 is now up, it hopefully fixed all of these bugs:
- Non silent in equilise-sync during console mode
- Help file, make command line location clear
- Equilise problem
- Drive pvar
- Folder exclusions in backup
- Backup in zip mode, solid mode needs to be switched off.
- Secure stalls
- Restore failure
- Restore needs overwrite
- No encryption in incremental
- Incremental backup with maximum compression
- Overwrite backup jobs
- Backup folder exclusion still not working
If any of these bugs arn't fixed, or you can find any more please post below. The single new feature with 1.2.1 is that you should be able to run command line jobs directly from the main Toucan.exe in the programs root folder.
You can get it here.
*EDIT* Pre-release two is now up, this makes a few changes, most if which I can't remember (I'll post them up later), but it now forces ccrypt to overwrite existing files, stopping the freezing issue. *EDIT*
*EDIT 2* A whole host of new bugs are fixed in this one, hopefully it'll be the last release. *EDIT 2*
*EDIT 3* Load more fixes, I think after this release, any bugs that remain will become features I've updated the fixed bugs list at the top. *EDIT 3*
I take it that this means there are no issues, also can someone test this on Windows 98, it should now work but I cannot test it.
Thanks. Merry Christmas Steve.
Life is about the journey not the destination!
The Kazoo Spartan
What a lovely Christmas present!
Thanks Steve.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Great job, as always Steve. A merry Christmas to you.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
The backup error has not been corrected, i reinstalled the portable toucan on my drive and attempted to do a backup..
4.42 Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Igor Pavlov 2006-05-14
Creating archive E:\Backups\College\07-01-08.zip
System error:
The parameter is incorrect.
for not replying sooner, I have exams this week so I'm pretty busy. I'll have a look at this as soon as I can though. Could you post the settings that you used as it could be a combination that is a problem now.
Its exactly the same as the settings i used in the original Toucan Backup problem forum in the Toucan area. Il retrieve them later.
is now out.
4.42 Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Igor Pavlov 2006-05-14
Creating archive E:\Backups\College\14-01-08.zip
System error:
The parameter is incorrect.
Same settings as before, still not fixed. This did NOT happen in the original Toucan that was uploaded first on this site. Could i please get a copy of that from someone so i can backup as i am getting kind of worried now 0_0;
this is annoying, I'll look into it, as for other version all the files are available here.
Thanks for the backdate, i dont mind still being your test subject to help you fix it. Anything you need to know or want me to try then just ask ^_^
(Please note i check this at least once a day, so anything you want done should be pretty quick ;))
is now up.
I can't overwrite the job when I try to save it.
I'll look into this, were you still using backup?
Yes, the problem is only in Backup.
I've found this one, it'll be fixed in the final release.
tried it
backup seemed to work...
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
In the incremental mode, the exclusion of folders does not work :(.
Tried everything!
/EDIT: It works in no mode any more! Neither 7z nor zip. Not Complete, Update or Incremental
when the backup is running look in the App\toucan directory and there should be a text file in there called temp-exclusions.txt, do the values in this file look correct?
When I started Toucan and run the backup for the first time, there is the right folder in the "temp-exclusions.txt" (tried to backup toucan itself and the excluded folder is 'Other'), but it does NOT exclude that folder.
When I run the backup process a second time, Toucan doesn't care, what I changed in folder exclusion. The remains "/Other" - no change is accepted.
I've fixed this one properly this time, it'll be fixed in the next pre-release.
has now been uploaded. Enjoy!
why has the topic vanished.
*EDIT* Hmm, looks like my topic was taken out by the spam filterer, it's back now with fewer links
even file exclusion seems to be ok
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda
I'm glad to hear it!
Hey Steve,
now your programm runs without any problems :D. I just started recommending it to a lot of fellow students ;).
/EDIT: Ok, there is one last problem with commandline incremental backup. Toucan said "Welcome..." and nothing happens - no hdd action, nothing. But thats no real big problem.
glad it's all working (almost) I'll take a look at that issue ASAP and try and get a fix into the final release.
Is there a need to repeat, that your support is perfect
?? NO
My job is Type=Sync; Function=Update; Attributes=1; Preview=1; Exclusions=|
Running Toucan 1.2.1, PR4 in a WinXp SP2 command prompt window via PortableApps\Toucan\App\Toucan\Toucan.exe
For testing purposes I don't want any changes made till I know I've set it up right but it seems that Preview=1 is ignored?
preview is ignored when using the command lines system, the thinking behind that was that you need to use the GUI to create the job files so you could test it from there, I'll look at getting it supported in 2.0 though.
but I was hoping that preview=1 worked and the log file could be produced so that I could see the result of running Toucan from within an AutoIt script when the command prompt window isn't visible.
I see, in that case I'll try to add it to 2.0.
post moved to more appropriate place