I've just posted a test of the SeaMonkey launcher for the upcoming 2.0 release. SeaMonkey (formerly known as Mozilla Suite) is an internet suite with a web browser, html editor, email, etc. It's what Firefox, Thunderbird and Sunbird were originally based on. It looks like they're finally implementing the -profile switch that allows it to become portable. So, I've put together the launcher for it.
You'll need to supply your own copy of SeaMonkey since SeaMonkey 2.0 is in alpha stages... and everyone is using and alpha or nightly build (which makes it silly to ship with a copy included). Just download a zip of a nightly release or a zip of the current alpha build from the bottom of this page and copy all the files from the seamonkey directory within the zip file to the SeaMonkeyPortable\App\SeaMonkey directory.
Download SeaMonkey Portable Launcher Test 1
(may take a few minutes to hit the download servers)
SeaMonkey Portable 1.x? Nope. SeaMonkey 1.x doesn't support the profile switches or structure we use in Firefox, Sunbird and Thunderbird. It has a messy binary configuration we'd have to update, replacing any local profiles, on each launch. So, we're waiting on SeaMonkey 2.0 to be released for the official portable version.
Thanks, I'll give 'er a shot.
what happened? I'm still waiting for the portable seamonkey, it would be better than firefox, thunderbird and lightning: we only have to open one app -> less charge time, less memory, ... you know what i mean
Awesome! I'll definitely test this one.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
I'm very happy now
John sucks! He steals! Robber! *hides from John*
Wish you could help me with Miro Portable. Firefox Portable's code is way to much to understand
I should be able to get a PR out the door today though.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
John rocks! He ... rocks! Rocker! *sucks up to John*
I believe I found a bug
I put an INI with
However, if I have my main browser open (Seamonkey) it reports that it's already running.
Allow multiple instances only allows multiple instances of the portable version because running local and portable at the same time is not a good idea usually.
Mozilla browsers don't support multiple instances. If you want a new window there should be a menu option for it.
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
(allows multiple instances, I use a bat file to set that and then launch seamonkey.exe when I test nightlys so I don't have to close my main.)
I'm pretty sure Firefox came before Seamonkey (but Mozilla Suite before Firefox).
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
Seamonkey is the renamed community driven continuation of the Mozilla Application Suite, with it's name taken from the code name for the suite. Seamonkey came first.
If Seamonkey came first, how come Firefox started out as "Phoenix" without the naming convention? That doesn't make sense unless Firefox aka Firebird aka Phoenix came before Seamonkey.
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
The Mozilla Suite came first. Then came Firefox branded as Phoenix and later Firebird; after that came Thunderbird. At LAST came Seamonkey, that is a RENAMED Mozilla Suite made by the community. This was what happened.
That's what I said.
Mozilla came before Firefox, and then after Firefox came a new Mozilla Suite rebranded as Seamonkey.
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
Yes, but it's the direct continuation of the Suite.
Mozilla Suite == Seamonkey Suite
In any case, let's get back on topic
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
In any case, let's get back on topic
Its weired hearing that from YOU
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
“I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong.” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Semi off-topic, but how good is the HTML editor in Seamonkey? My trial version of Frontpage 2003 @ work is about to expire and I need a replacement. Nvu/KompoZer didn't blow my skirt up the last time I tried it/them.
(I used to do all my HTML/CSS by hand in a text editor. I'm doing so much now I need a WYSIWYG GUI to keep up with demand...hence me using Frontpage...which I hate :mad:)
EDIT: Nevermind. After installing SeaMonkey and trying Composer out for HTML editing and then re-trying KompoZer out...I can see where NVU/KompoZer got their initial code from when the Mozilla Suite went OpenSource. The table editor is *exactly* the same in both Compser/KompoZer, that's how I figured it out.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
All the the text files I looked at in \SeaMonkeyPortable\App and subdirs refer to Firefox.
Edit: Also...if some newb wants to try SeaMonkey out (the non-newb normal PA beta test peeps will figure this out on their own) the SeaMonkey zip file extracts out to a \seamonkey directory. You need to go into that directory and copy ALL the files/folders in \seamonkey to the \SeaMonkeyPortable\App\SeaMonkey directory for the portable version to work right.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
I know about the text files... like I said, just a quick hack for people to try.
And I already mentioned the subdirectory.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
As I've already mentioned before, I report all issues no matter how minor. Ignore as you please.
As far as the subdir thing goes, I read your initial post twice and my reading comprehension went into the toilet I guess and I totally missed that.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
I know I brought this up earlier in the topic, and someone said it wasn't possible.
I just tried opening a normal firefox window, and then I used a portable firefox with
in the ini.
However, when I have the line in Seamonkey portable ini, it still throws the error about another instance running if I have my main browser running.
But it's only multiple instances of the Portable version.
Then how come, it works with Firefox(normal) and FirefoxPortable?
Firefox+Firefoxportable with (allowmultipleinstances=true)
Seamonkey+Seamonkeyportable with (allowmultipleinstances=true)
ERROR says it's already open.
It is for local and portable copies. It's late, and I'm not thinking too good. I'll look into the source of SeaMonkey.
Allows multiple instances for me. Make sure you're using the right SeaMonkeyPortable.ini from SeaMonkeyPortable\Other\Source
Ok, I think I found what is happening on mine.
I used these lines in the ini
If my normal seamonkey is running, it errors and says it's already running. Then, if my normal isn't, this one will start WITH a splash screen.
I have this in the same directory as the launcher, but it appears to be ignoring it.
It is a long shot, but maybe you need to use the FirefoxPortable.ini. John only made a little hack to be able to run SeaMonkey. Maybe he as forgot to make the ini use [SeaMonkeyPortable] instead of [FirefoxPortable].
Try this:
Ae you typing it just like that? CapiTiLiZation CountS. It needs to be:
See SeaMonkeyPortable\Other\Source\SeaMonkeyPortable.ini for the format.
Also, do you have the ini file in the correct place?
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
Yeah, everything is right, I copied it over from the source directory, and changed that line to true and removed the others. (other than the header of course)
It will skip it if some are missing.
That was it.
It wanted
to be there as well
Why does it require this?
It will think that the INI is screwed up without them, and it won't bother with it.
I dunnno, ask John for more info.
SeaMonkey, Portable Edition leaves a folder in the "Mozilla" directory of the local hard drive.
self.path = path if self.path == None else self.path
doesnt seem to work... i copied the content of the seamonkey folder from the zip to the SeaMonkeyPortable\App\SeaMonkey\ folder... i launch SeaMonkeyPortable.exe, the banner shows up but then nothing happens!
if i try to run Seamonkey.exe directly an error pops up with a message telling me that MOZCRT19.DLL is missing.
btw i dont have seamonkey installed on my system.
Seamonkey automated builds are buggy and occasionally won't launch at all. This is why it's not even at the alpha level yet. Just try a different nightly build.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
i've dlded the 1.1.9 zip version, then copied it in the same folder as before... and now SM starts but it seem it won't make the profile folder portable... it automaticaly creates the profile here: 'Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Mozilla\' the same place where my old SM installation had it's profile folder... and a soon as i delete it, when i start SM portable the Profile folder pops out again in documents and settings... what should i modify to make it really portable???
With 1.1.9 it does not work.
You are using the wrong version for this launcher. You need a nightly Seamonkey 2.0 alpha build. You can get it from the following link: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/seamonkey/nightly/latest-trunk/. I have been using it for several weeks with no problem. There was a problem with a few of the builds about 4-6 weeks ago, but since then I haven't had any problems. The problem may have been a space problem on my USB drive. Also, be advised, these builds can now perform automated updates.
Kent Coley
for some reason now works... i've dlded as before seamonkey-2.0a1pre.en-US.win32.zip.. but now it works just fine...
too bad that the mouse gestures and multizilla addons don't work!
will test this for a while but i'll stay with K-Meleon as my default browser.
thanks for the help anyway!
1) Is there any hope to have someday an official (stable) SeaMonkey Portable?
2) Sometimes you can make a portable program this way: a) install a full program on a PC; b) copy all the files (except uninstall.exe and uninstall.000, for example) to your portable device; c) uninstall the program from the PC. So, why it doesn't work with Seamonkey?
May the FOSS be with you!
1) I think we plan to once SeaMonkey itself becomes more stable.
2) Many apps (the Mozilla apps, Pidgin, 7-zip, and many others) don't keep their settings contained in the app's directory. Some apps use the %APPDATA% folder on the system, some keep their settings in the registry, some use both. In the case of SeaMonkey, it store's the users' profiles in %APPDATA%.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
1) Does anybody know the exact century when SeaMonkey Portable should be launched?
2) FireFox and Thunderbird (both from Mozilla apps) are already portable, so why SeaMonkey isn't yet?
May the FOSS be with you!
1) We're waiting for SeaMonkey (non-portable) to become more stable, and add in a -profile switch, that will allow us to tell SeaMonkey to keep it's settings together with the app, instead of in %APPDATA%
2) Firefox and Thunderbird both support the -profile switch to set a custom path to the users' profile, SeaMonkey has not yet implemented this switch.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
switch properties that are used by Firefox and Thnderbird Portable for changing the profile path automatically.EDIT: Ok, it's what Zack said. But mine is funnier.
Oh, and... please use <ol> lists for being prettier. Pleaaaaase?
I'm not sure that I will learn quickly the tags you're using here. Though I could evaluate myself as an experienced user, HTML-writing isn't my cup of tea.
By the way, why don't you use here something like Simple Machines Forum?
May the FOSS be with you!
Isn't SMF closed source, with redistrbution restrictions on it?
Also, from what I understand it is basically a forum system. Drupal (which they use here) is a full CMS, and incorporates a forum within that (it may be a simple forum module, but Drupal itself goes way beyond what non-CMS systems could do in other ways)
I was just kidding with that on the bottom, but if you want you can go to here for more info.
Basically is a <ol> tag for opening an ordered list, placing each list item between <li></li> tags and closing the list with </ol>
Which Gives
And beyond what Jimbo said, I think that they don't use that (I'm supposing you're talking about BBcode) because this forum doesn't allow as much tags as BBcode would, for keeping the layout clean. Plus, BBcode is a bad base for HTML learning as it teaches to implement deprecated tags and less users know HTML, that makes the forums layout cleaner.
But lets go back to the topic, shall we?
Yes, let's come back to the topic.
I have some more (not silly now) questions. First of all I must mention that I'm using Seamonkey with the Russian language (so I'm sorry if I make a mistake in translating back to English). And I noticed some bugs in it.
XML syntax analysis error: unknown symbol
Address: chrome://communicator/content/downloadmanager/downloadmanager.xul
Line 53, symbol 1
Where should I report or what should I do?
May the FOSS be with you!
Got to MozillaZine Forums. This is about Seamonkey 2, that is in
betaalpha state, so go to MozillaZine Forums, follow to the Seamonkey Build Forum, and give your info. Don't forget that Seamonkey 2 is in alpha state, so it can be really buggy.I tried to follow your advice but in vain. I can't register there - they say: "Sorry, but this e-mail address has been banned."
Why am I banned? I have never written there and my address was never used for spaming or whatever illegal activity.
May the FOSS be with you!
I think they banned all of mail.ru due to spammers and forum trolls.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I downloaded the app, installed it and when I wanted to run it it said:"seamonkey.exe was not found. Please check your configuration." So I went to H:\PortableApps\SeaMonkeyPortable\App\SeaMonkey and there was nothing in that folder. Maybe You(John) Would like to fix that
I believe there are no files because Seamonkey is in Alpha. I also believe they are always updating it "nightly" thats why John said it would be "Silly" to include it. So he could put files there but then it would be different the next day or whenever they update it.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi,
Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)
This is only a launcher. Post reads: "You'll need to supply your own copy of SeaMonkey." This works in conjunction with the seamonkey.exe downloaded from the Seamonkey homepage.
Is this launcher suitable for the latest seamonkey 2.0 alpha 3 ?
yes it is ...
does this work for the betas or just the alphas?
May the Shwartz be with you
It'll work for the current Beta.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Okay, I've downloaded the launcher, copied all the seamonkey files, including seamonkey.exe, into the same directory as the portable launcher.
I get a message that seamonkey.exe can't be found -- check your configuration. I've looked at any file that looks like a config file. Can't find a clue.
Can someone help? Thanks.
If you re-read the top post, there is a line in it that tells you exactly where to put the files expanded from the nightly (or beta), though it is pretty well hidden in the text.
You need to put them in a subdirectory compared to the seamonkeyportable.exe called App/SeaMonkey - the folder should already be there when you install the launcher, but empty.
Hope that helps
John, I just tested this with the ofifcial 2.0 of SeaMonkey. Everything works fine, but %AppData%\Mozilla\SeaMonkey is left behind. It only contains crash reports, though.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.