I have successfully used the FREE Berean Bible software on my thumb drives on several different computers with OS's ranging from WIN ME to WIN VISTA. The site is offering a new version that includes a "max setup" of ASV, BBE, ESV, NKJV, KJV, and WEB (about 7.5 mb) translations of the Holy Bible! Individual translations can be downloaded and installed too.
It is a no frills basic software, with word search, and i love it!
Just download the set-up file and browse to your thumb drive for the installation.
in Christ,
But everything is free here, if you didn't notice.
Oh, and are you sure that it leaves nothing behind with something like RegShot???
There's also stuff like LCDBible and BPBible.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
the SWORD Project is on here also
Welcome Ted
to PortableApps.com
Is this OpenSource Software (OSS)?
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
A disclaimer, I am a team member of the Berean Bible study freeware development team (also known as BerBible).
There have been several updates, most note-worthy of which involve:
* legally licensed free downloads for the ESV, NASB, NKJV, and other Bibles
* improved user interface with "Home Bible" being able to 'sync' with parallel Bible display.
Here is a short animated slideshow to provide a quick orientation:
BerBible has a "clean" install and uninstall procedure.
It is closed source in order to facilitate getting permissions from Bible publishers, including Thomas Nelson, Lockman, Good-News, and others.
we already have BPBible, the main dev on that is the brother of ChrisMorgan who portablized it, you might give that a try.
Idk what can be done with closed source software, if you can open up the source, I'm sure someone would do it, it might also be possible to do, with permissions from the devs.
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