I've posted a release candidate of the PortableApps.com Platform (formerly, PortableApps.com Suite Base). This includes an updated PortableApps.com Menu as well as a new PortableApps.com Installer for the platform. As said earlier, this is basically a maintenance release to ensure we get an updated, more stable menu and up to date Suite out while we begin testing the upcoming theming engine and other features going into 1.5 and 2.0. This release is an update to the 1.1 Beta 4 release with a few modifications.
New in 1.1 Release Candidate 2
- Rename Drive - You can now rename your drive just by clicking the name in the lower left of the menu. This will only work if you have an existing autorun.inf in the root, so you don't have to worry about accidentally renaming a drive. Changes take effect in the menu immediately but you may need to unplug and replug your drive for Windows to see it.
- Autorun.inf updated - Existing autorun.inf is updated instead of replaced, keeping custom additional icons and actions, drive name, etc
- App folders are no longer locked by the menu
- Eject added to tray right-click
- Removed Get more apps from installer since it launches default browser
- Updated German and Dutch translations
New in 1.1 Release Candidate 1
- Personal Picture Optional - The personal picture is now hidden by default. You can add one by mousing over the area in the upper right where it goes and clicking. You can remove it by right-clicking.
- Personal Picture Accepts BMP and JPG - You can now use either a BMP or a JPG file.
- Menu Position Automatically Remembered - The menu now automatically remembers it's relative screen position and starts up there on next launch. Essentially, the screen is divided into 9 areas: top-left, top-center, top-right, middle-left, middle-cenrer, etc. No editing of INIs is required.
- Eject Button - I added the eject button back in. It's tied to the Windows eject dialog and is disabled on Windows 9x and Windows NT. It runs it out of process so it won't keep a lock on anything on the drive.
- 32 Languages - I added in every translation submitted and figured out the encodings for them so they should work on the right systems. We're missing the Spanish International translation (it's being worked on), so I've substituted the standard Spanish one.
- Full 120DPI Support - The menu now scales as do all menu components for higher resolution displays making it much easier to read.
- Improved Installer - The installer automatically offers to start the PortableApps.com Platform. It also gives you the option to set your homepage in Firefox Portable to Start.PortableApps.com. There is also a clickable link to get more apps.
- BUGFIX: Documents and subfolders no longer read only - The Documents folders are now marked as system folders not read only so they should be writeable on Linux. The installer will fix this for you.
- BUGFIX: Menu Exits Without Drive - The menu will now allow you to exit even if the drive was ejected first.
- BUGFIX: Menu Read Only INI Fixed - The menu should now run correctly from a CDR or other read-only medium without complaining about its INI file being read-only on exit
Feature List From 1.1 Beta 4
- Draggable - The menu is draggable around the screen by clicking and holding on the PortableApps.com logo
- Localized - The menu has been localized into 17 different languages (see below)
- Tray Right Click - There is now a right-click in the tray to close the menu without having it show up again
- Global Hot Key - WINDOWS+P will show or hide the PortableApps.com Menu
- Wallpaper Swapper - Place a file call portableapps_wallpaper.bmp in your Documents\Pictures directory and the menu will swap it for the Windows wallpaper while the menu is running and swap it back when you're close it
- Video to Videos - By popular demand, the Video directory has become Videos. The installer will automatically adjust this for you
- Single Instance - Launching the PortableApps.com Menu a second time will cause the currently running instance to show
- Uninstallers Filtered - Files called uninstall.exe are ignored
- Keyboard Accelerators - There are now keyboard accelerators on all elements within the menu. So, you could quickly hit WINDOWS-P and then ALT-D to bring up your Documents folder if you don't have the menu up.
- Page Up / Page Down - In addition to the arrow keys and mouse wheel, you can now use the Page Up and Page Down keys to scroll your list of apps.
- NEW IN BETA 4: Personal Picture - You can place a personal picture in the menu (much like on Windows XP/Vista). It appears in the upper right. Just click it to change it. 48x48 pictures work best but it will stretch or shrink others automatically. Very large pictures may cause the menu to start slowly.
- NEW IN BETA 4: Remain Visible - If you add a line reading RemainVisible=True to your PortableAppsMenu.ini, it will remain visible even when you click off of it.
- NEW IN BETA 4: Start Minimized - If you add a line reading StartMinimized=True to your PortableAppsMenu.ini, it will start in the system tray without displaying.
- NEW IN BETA 4: Fade Menu - If you add a line reading FadeMenu=False to your PortableAppsMenu.ini, it won't fade in and out.
- NEW IN BETA 4: Start Position - If you add a line reading StartPosition= to your PortableAppsMenu.ini, you can select the position the menu starts in. The default is LowerRight but you can also choose UpperRight, UpperLeft, LowerLeft and Center.
- BUGFIX: autorun.inf - The autorun.inf in the root directory is now set with normal attribute so it won't confuse people
- BUGFIX: Settings Remembered - The menu now remembers your settings (font size, language)
- BUGFIX: Working Directory - Applications expecting to be run from their own directory will now function correctly
- BUGFIX: Low Color Menu Icons - The menu icons have been improved to display properly on 16-bit and lower color depth displays
- BUGFIX: Low Color Logo - The PortableApps.com logo will now show up properly on 16-bit and lower color depth displays
- BUGFIX: Default Browser - The URLs for support and search will now fall back to the PC's default browser if Firefox Portable is not installed.
The update is packaged in a new installer that will automatically detect your existing installation. I'd recommend backing up just to be safe first.
Download PortableApps.com Platform 1.1 Release Candidate 2 (0.8MB / ~1.1MB installed) [Source]
MD5: 5319516c883670bf301eaa0c789b5bff
View a screenshot of PortableApps.com Platform 1.1 Release Candidate 1
Please post back any feedback on your testing.
PS: Oh, and any questions today, I'll be on IRC: #portableapps on irc.freenode.net
besides known autorun overwrite - the langfiles are deleted and replaced - ok, I understand why, but it should be announced, because all language mod files will be deleted , too.
Other new features seem to work properly on XP SP2 restricted account. Will test it with admin tonight..
The "personal picture rightclick delete" deletes the PP completely - perhaps the picture should be safed as PPcopy or something else within the data folder.
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda
the picture deletion thing.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Think of it as remembering a path to the picture on your flash drive. If you right-click, it forgets. Then you can set it again if you want. It's just that it happens to 'cache' it in the Data directory for you.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
it refused to accept a "personal picture.jpg" put into data folder as PP.So, I just renamed my PP and selected it anew. "Minor beta/RC testing damages" ...
BTW: WinXPSP2 fully patched(=SP3?) admin account: no problems found.
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda
I have the Next Prerelease 3 of the launcher platform.
Is this RC1 version ahead or behind the pre-release 3? does it fix the pre-release 3.
Since the versioning system is constantly re-designed, i never know if im downloading older or newer versions
someone please explain this to me.
and email me at omotheclowno25@gmail.com if you can help me get themes to work. i cant get themes to work with ANY version
Make that change! RIP MJ - King of Pop!
1.1 RC2 was posted at May 15, 2008.
"Next" Prerelease 3 was posted as August 8, 2011.
Part of your confusion stems from the fact that originally, the "Next" PR3 was 2.0 PR3, but now they are discussing changing the numbering scheme, so John changed that to "Next" until they figure it out.
Also, at the top of this page is the link to the announcement for "Next" PR3. John only posts the latest announcement on the top of the page.
You can use the built-in themes in "Next" PR3, but custom themes are not supported yet. In one of the upcoming releases, custom themes will be supported.
As a rule, a prerelease comes out before a release candidate.
Please don't ask when the next version will come out. Nobody knows.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
So PortableApps.com Platform 1.1 Release Candidate 2 is older than pre-release 3.
Does that mean that RC2 will work with all these custom themes i've been downloading that wont work on pre release 3, wont work on 1.6 etc?
wot versions have a reasonable chance of working with custom themes,where do i put the files, and what sites have themes that work?
Make that change! RIP MJ - King of Pop!
Let's test, test test in order to release it as soon as possible!
Paid for Software more or less?
What You need is OSS!
Awesome! Can't wait for the official release.
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
Edit: Quick report. Didn't notice any problems. Personal pic works all fine. Homepage was set properly.
just a quick Q john, what theme do you use for the screenshots? zune?
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
He uses Royale Noir, which was an official microsoft theme, but never officially released. See here
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
How come I never knew of this?
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
Thanks for the update, hopefully this will be official soon and we can roll out an updated suite.
I see KCeasy Portable as a menu entry, is this something we should be looking forward to as well?
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I had the same question...and I was delighted to see my LBreakout2 in an official pic
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!111!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!111111!!!! YOU RULZ!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!
Ok, now serious, I am downloading it and I will put it on my pen as soon as my school is over today.
EDIT: Ok, a quick try. It is awesome! Seems to work fine on Wine 1rc1 on Ubuntu 8.04. The folders now are great! I will install it on my pen as soon as I get time.
And an idea: how about integrating the updater to the menu? A button on the sidebar aligned to the bottom that would say "Check for Updates" when the Updter was found. If the Updater wasn't found, the button wouldn't be there.
Other idea is the menu at launch to start the updater with a hidden switch that would only reply the existence of updates (Marko would have to create that switch). If updates existed, a sidebar button saying Updates Found would appear. Tha button would launch the Updater.
Another idea: how about a "Linux Version", calm down, not that hard. Do you know how Picasa for Linux works? It would be like that. It would have the normal menu, and a script that would lauch the Menu trough WINE (that should come with the Menu). Then any apps that were launched trough the Menu, would be launched trough WINE. This version could work on Windows and Linux.
Then trough Windows hidden switch we could make the launcher show up in Linux and not in windows, also, some SVG/PNG icons could be included to style the folders in Linux trough a .desktop file inside the folders.
This idea could be used for Mac too.
What do you think?
Until a theme switch is added, I'll stick with the R30.
Simplifying daily life through technology
You can still replace the theme files (I did). The only thing theme switch allows you to do is switch between multiple themes... but usually you would only have one theme you like the most and will use... I'm just saying the way it is now is fine for me. I like to swap the R and B channels to get a blue skin.
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
1) a set of 2-3 personal pictures by default like in Windows? (or where can I get them?)
2) adding the Russian language? (if it's not complex to be done I could try to make the translation - I'm not a programmer but only a teacher of English.)
May the FOSS be with you!
Two quick comments on the code:
1) Can you include pngimage.pas? What is the status of licensing of this unit? The PNGDelphi project has been pulled from SF.net.
2) Your FindFirst/FindNext sequences don't include a FindClose- this will hold a handle on the directories which should probably be closed.
1) That shouldn't be in there as it's not quite ready for release yet, I'll remove it. I have permission from the PNGDelphi author to release it as GPL with exceptions for PortableApps.com to link it to closed source stuff. It'll be released in conjunction with the 1.5 Alpha next week.
2) Thanks... I knew I missed a couple things when taking some of the bug fixes and features in 1.5 and backporting them.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I'll start testing as soon as I get the chance.
John can I get in on the new theming engine testing? I've been waiting to see what you've added to the theming.
Finally! Nice job, everything seems to be working as it should.
The #1 programmer excuse for legitimately slacking off: "My code's compiling." --xkcd
Is it possible to open the installer´s clickable link in Firefox if installed instead of the standard browser?
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Unfortunately, it isn't. I've been debating ditching it for that reason.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
or display a warning about it.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I think I figured out a way to do it. If it works I'll do it in RC2.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
It doesnt have the keyboard shortcuts enabled (i.e. Alt-s to search)
I´d suggest these:
@Marko and other "germans": What do you think?
And whats the purpose of having a Keyboard Accelerator for the "rightclick-menu"? Is there one to bring it up?
Just for consistency: Do you plan on adding an eject button to the right-click menu?
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
alle Submenüpunkte brauchen keine "&", die werden nach der Selektion mit z.B. Alt-O
von alleine angezeigt, man muss dann nur noch z.B. "G" für große Buchstaben drücken
(gilt zumindest für WinXP..)
Das traymenu zu akzelerieren macht wohl wenig Sinn (als einziger Punkt bliebe "beenden"..)
All submenu items don´t need a "&", the shortkeys are shown after selection of the main menu item like win+P,Alt+O, just choose the stressed "G" for big fonts in German langfile...
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda
I hadnt noticed that they are underlined automatically.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I love it and it works well. Thanks John.
But is there a way to make it work like a right click on the eject drives icon in the taskbar? So it just ejects the drive so it doesnt bring up that window and I have to click 3 times? Or is that too XP-specific?
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
There is no open source code that will eject an individual drive that I'm aware of.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
what about eject script?
i use it in desklinkz
i am gonna add its source code soon,
i forgot to add it
Na na na, come on!
Eject script doesn't eject the drive. It tries to shut down apps running from it with lots of options and then it just kicks off Windows eject API like the 1.1 menu does. A similar feature is coming in the 1.5 release but automated.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
very well, and the source for it is over at http://sourceforge.net/projects/liberta/
But it is in C++, not Delphi, I'm afraid.
usb drives? I have about 4-5 usb drives/cables on my laptop at any given time. I would want to just eject the singular pam drive.
I couldn't see if the description said anything on it.
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.
When it is running, it places an icon per drive in the system tray (you can turn them off selectively)
From them it is possible eject any single drive.
It also support TrueCrypt v4 volumes, and can dismount them, including dismounting any that are on the drive you choose to eject before the eject itself.
It can even handle ejecting the drive it is running from.
I don't think that it has a command-line parameter for eject, but the original comment was looking for source code for an open source single drive eject function, which it does have.
What is the wallpaper in that picture

i really want it
can i have a link?
Na na na, come on!
Try selecting NONE for the wallpaper type, then matching the background colors
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
... or do You working on it?
Paid for Software more or less?
What You need is OSS!
That's one of about a dozen things we'll do for the next release. We're hitting the ground running on 1.5 so it'll be close behind this current release. I just wanted to get 1.1 out the door NOW without having to wait for 20 feature suggestions, new translation sets, etc. I had several other features I was going to backport from 1.5, but I wanted this to be a simple few day test. 1.1 is being released on Tuesday.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I think this might be the turning point for me: switching from the PortableApps.com Menu Mod to the official menu. Looks absolutely fantastic. Great work.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
no, too little theming options
, no theme switch list no category's ..... 
but i take a look what the new versions bringing up.
btw, good work, better then beta4. and it works fine
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
I've been playing around with it this afternoon on Vista Ultimate SP1, and it really well and leaves nothing behind.
1. Music plays when open menu.
2. Theme Switch
3. Category ( like r30 )
That would be nice....!
As stated, this is a maintenance release... so themes come later.
1. No. In a later release, you can start CoolPlayer+ or similar to autorun if you'd like music.
2. This comes in 1.5 with the introduction of the PNG-based theme engine
3. Categories will come in 1.5 or 2.0 and be tied to the built in categories within the apps themselves (all apps here have them already)
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I've posted RC2. It adds the ability to rename your drive from the menu, updating existing autorun.inf (instead of replacing), app directories are no longer locked, added eject to tray menu, updated localizations.
I'll be on IRC again today as well.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
all features seem to work properly except autorun.inf. It´s still replaced by install - which of course is a sort of update ;)...nice new features indeed
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda
It updates the Icon, Open and Action but leaves Label and secondary launch stuff intact. This is by design.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
"Icon" and "open" are the two mods i introduced into autorun.inf.
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda
Well, Icon is debatable... I considered not updating that for an existing autorun.inf.
But Open... well, the whole point of putting the PortableApps.com Platform on a device is to run it
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
personally, I prefer autostarting the drive with the automemscan app BluePlanet posted here, PAM is autostarted after a clamwin memoryscan.
But for mainstream use your autorun design is beyond any further discussion..
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda
I thought that might be what you're doing. 1.5 is getting autorun on start/exit... but the ability to add something that runs before the platform load is intriguing in this case. Perhaps it could be a setting in the platform and the StartPortableApps.exe could kick it off.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
as I used it too.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
and would be appreciated by a lot, for sure.
EDIT: at least by two of us.Simeon was faster than me..
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda
When you implement autorun in 1.5, would it be possible to provide a way to suppress autorun? Say, if you held down Alt-Shift when you run StartPortableApp.exe? I am presently using R30, and I like autorun most of the time, but there are times I want to plug it, grab a file and disconnect quickly. Autorun slows that down.
Yeah, that's planned as well as you wouldn't always want it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
This worries me, since my modifications to autorun.inf launch a script that performs various tasks depending on platform, host, etc, and optionally launch PortableApps only when desired.
I'd therefor suggest that you, if at all, only modify settings that have NOT yet been modified by the user.
A configuration option by which the advanced user explicitly can turn off modifications to autorun.inf entirely might be useful.
for the App folder lock removal. I found it really annoyin gcause I always make a copy of an App before I update it and I always had to close the menu to delete the additional folder.
I'll test it later!
Renameing the drive works well under Ubuntu. Lanching Coolplayer+ and playing MP3s worked too.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I've been playing around with Release Candidate 2 on Vista Ultimate SP1, and I haven't found any problems yet. All the new features seem to work well.
No bugs found in xp and 2k(RC 2).
Just asking, why isn't the drive space indicator at the bottom localized?
Signature automatically removed for containing links
It just occured to me that I can also have the installer remove the inadvertent hiding of the autorun in Suite/Platform 1.0 on install. So, it'll become a normal file again. Thoughts?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I think that's a good idea. Especially for some of our users that are not as computer literate.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
That may be good for those who don't know about the 'Show hidden files' option (in Windows).
just downloaded RC2, its looking good.
can't wait to get my hands on the 1.5 code and get to work.
"Because they stand on a wall and say, 'Nothing is going to hurt you tonight. Not on my watch.'" (A Few Good Men)
Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.(Albert Einstein)
would it be possible to, while PAM is running make the default browser FF portable?
maybe using code from PFA or xenon?
looks great btw
Lead, Follow, or get out of the way.
Setting file associations is generally a bad idea on machines you don't own as, if there is a problem, you leave the machine partially braindead. We'll be adding this functionality later once there is a solid fallback.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I would suggest to have option to enable/disable eject button functionality through ini file. Lot of time during testing RC1 i have accidentally clicked on eject button. Nice this feature is now available in tray menu
With Regards,
Why disable it? It would be like disabling close. Remember, it's just like close except it pulls up the eject function (which you can cancel if you want).
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Because in some cases, like mine where I launch PortableApps from a script, I don't want my users to eject directly, but wait until told to do so by a message from within the wrapper script. The visible Eject Button might mislead them into thinking that the drive is ready to be ejected, even though the "clean-up" (like shutting down background processes spawned from the wrapper script in a safe way, etc). The vanishing of the PortableAppsMenu.exe signals to the wrapper script that the time has come to shut down.
that doesn't have that button? I know that for me, I have the new menu, but an old theme so the eject button isn't on it. No button, no accidental eject. I'm sure you can find or ask someone to make an old theme for you.
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.
Are you implying that I could just keep/install the 1.1.4 Beta Theme, which doesn't have an Eject Button, in some way into the PortableApps.com Platform 1.1?
You could, but all that would do is hide the button. If you click the area where the eject button should be on a theme without the button, it will still close the menu and bring up the Eject dialog.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Besides, in the case of running PortableApps from a non-ejectable drive the Eject Button doesn't make sense.
RC 2????
it's cool........
with changeable name of drive...
i'm getting not patient when does RC 3 out??
John, what your nick on IRC? on what channel??
JohnTHaller, and the channel is #portableapps at irc.freenode.net
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Please add the Russian language
You mentioned it before but didn't point to a translation, which we kinda need. And it wasn't in the main list from earlier. I found one in a later forum post. Does this make sense?
We still need a translation for 'eject' and 'Check for Updates' if possible.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
1) You can shorten some Russian expressions this way:
MENU_OPTIONS_ADD_APP=&Установить программу
2) 'Check for Updates' in Russian is 'Проверить обновления'
3) If I understand it right 'eject' here means 'to remove a removable drive'? Is it about USB drives or CDs/DVDs or both? In any case it can be translated as: a noun 'Извлечение' or as a verb 'Извлечь'.
May the FOSS be with you!
means remove a removable drive. So its about USB drives.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
So 'eject' can be translated in one word (as I have already suggested) or you can use a two-word expression 'Извлечение устройства'.
May the FOSS be with you!
RC2 Is great
Thanks for using my Hebrew translation
Here is a fix for"videos" and also the upcoming 'eject' & 'Check for updates'
MENU_BACKUP=גיבוי קבצים
MENU_RESTORE=שחזור קבצים מגיבוי
MENU_OPTIONS_ADD_APP=התקן תוכנה חדשה
MENU_OPTIONS_GET_APPS=השג תוכנות נוספות...
MENU_SEARCH_DRIVE=חפש בכונן זה
MENU_SEARCH_WEB=חפש באינטרנט
CHECK FOR UPDATES=בדוק עם קיימים עדכונים
Kind Regards.
Shlomit Menaker
when it out?????????
i can't wait.....
When 1.5 out????????
i cant wait it too.....
Why you do not on IRC?
Dude, calm down.
We may not even *NEED* an RC3. The whole point of a release candidate is to put it out there and get FEEDBACK... which is what is happening now. The only reason to have another release candidate is if there are BUGS, which, so far, there have not been.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Or if you want to put new features in, like in RC2, which *should* have been a beta release if it had new features.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Ok, here it is what is missing from the pt-PT translations btw:
Also, a few fixes I propose:
And I would advice the replacement of
Small Fonts
andLarge Fonts
withSmall Text
andLarge Text
.Which in Portuguese is:
I'm happy to see the next version coming ...
Some comments:
1) Backup/Restore should be localized
2) In autorun.inf, LABEL should not be "updated" when installing the new version
3) When you change lines in autorun.inf, could you put the changed lines as comments? So it would be easier to change them back ...
4) At the bottom of the window "X MB free of Y GB" should be localized (e.g. German "X MB frei von Y GB")
5) There should be a tooltip for the eject button
6) "Get more apps..." fails if a local Firefox is started before
7) "Check for Updates" should lead to a localized page
Please, look at my reply: https://portableapps.com/node/13387#comment-82418
Sorry for 'double-posting' but I'd like to have your suite in Russian as soon as possible.
May the FOSS be with you!
I just noticed that the PortableApps(.com) Backup should probably have that .com added, and the help file for it is outdated last I checked too.
I really Love the PortableApps suite and I use it all day every day. I don't even install software on my computer anymore, I just install it to my portable 500GB HDD and run from there with PAM. I am glad that there is finally an eject button and the only change that I would like to see made is that it automatically detects which device you are trying to eject and performs the eject for you instead of simply pulling up the "safely remove hardware" dialog. Otherwise, Great RC and look forward to 1.5 and 2.0!!!!