There are so many Linux that can run on USB devices. I know one, Damn Small Linux, available on It is available to install on USB drives, so take a look to it. Thank you.
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There are so many Linux that can run on USB devices. I know one, Damn Small Linux, available on It is available to install on USB drives, so take a look to it. Thank you.
will also run on a windows through q emu
Yes your right and right now Steve Lamerton is working on recompiling Qemu for Windows to remove the FMOD sound system and using SDL for Sound and eventually (once everything is set up) we will have our own package on
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
not only me but a lot of other people are getting pissed off because this is like the 1000th thread about linux on usb.
And thoes are just the ones that i threw to gether from the first two pages BY SEARCHING! there were over 10 pages containing crap about portable linux so a message to all, do us all a favor here at and dont add to the huge number of requests for portable linux. ok?!?
nobody here seems overly annoyed by this but you...Zach simply pointed out that We have a fully OSS version of Qemu in the works.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Zach and Zach
or should I say Zachs
This is going to get confusing 8-0
You guys really need to get an icon/avatar/pic
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
I don't believe in avatars.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Hey now.... my old sig was "I don't believe in signatures."
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I'm so confused
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Haha! Goal achieved. Now I have an avatar lol, that should help
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
that this isn't the off topic forum do you?
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Yes, I do realize that. Though I do believe it was Tim that led us off topic with his mention of either Zach T or myself needing an avatar, because having 2 Zach's with no avatar could get confusing.
Portable linux is in the works. Ours will not require the user to boot from the USB, they will be launched within a modified version of the Qemu virtualization software that uses an open source sound library, the current Windows version of Qemu uses the closed source FMOD.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
but no cigar, I have finished it with SDL support, John is just waiting for the suite and things like that to be cleared out of the way I believe
Anyone wants to test Damm Small Linux in Windows? I will package it. Just install it with the Portable Apps Menu.
See below.
We're already bumped, so I'll say it.
Close, but no cigar
Or as my English teacher would say:
Close... but no cigar. Not that I encourage smoking! That's disgusting!
It was like the highlight of my week.
I know, pretty bland life. 
good one I heard the other day was:
Close, but no cigar, which is fine because I don't smoke anyway!
Since there is going to be a new Linux portion of the OS APPS section i would highly recommend BackTrack. This distribution already comes in 700 MB Live CD and a beefed up Live USB version. It would be awesome to see it ported for the suite, you guys would consider it, and its many network applications, very useful.
for more info there's
"The world wasn't ready, BUT WE DID IT ANYWAY!" The Calc–Pirates
I have finished Damm Small Linux as PortableApp. It's a .RAR file of 60 MB. Decompresed is aprox. 100 MB.
Is there any way to make it NOT run full screen? It plays hell for those of us with dual monitors and high resolutions.
EDIT: n/m, just figured it out. Remove the -full-screen from the LaunchDSL.bat file. Guess it would have helped if I'd looked a bit first. Also, if you want to change the amount of memory DSL uses, change the number after -m on the second to last line of the batch file mentioned above.
i heard of a software that can run linux ubuntu in a windows os.It is like qemo but different is in pcworld article switching to linux
Yes, you are right. It's called Wubi. Wubi allows you to put Ubuntu on any system without installing.
Oh yeah i forgot.
I was looking in some pages and I found this: Kolibri OS. It runs in a floppy drive, and with 8 MB of RAM! I have edited it, so there is the floppy drive, a little hard disk and the emulator. If anyone wants to see Kolibri OS homepage, is
I tested it, and is very useful, but it take to me some errors. And the partition of Linux is about 4 GB. So the best for now is emulate Linux in Live CD inside Windows. If anyone wants, I will package a launcher for Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu and Xubuntu with Qemu. But is a launcher.
Look and help finding Linux Live CDs in
Nice job duhowpi on the BT3 Portable. i have a old machine, an emachines 550, that i want backtrack on but it cant boot from usb. i already tried the using the grub i had from an install of DSL on another partition but it wont recognize the usb either. i dont know much about Smart Boot Manager or WakePup, any ideas guys?
"The world wasn't ready, BUT WE DID IT ANYWAY!" The Calc–Pirates
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