PortableApps.com Platform 12.0 Beta 3.2: Improved Updater/App Store, Modern Theme and More
PortableApps.com is proud to announce the PortableApps.com Platform Version 12.0 Beta 3.2 release. This third beta in the 12.0 line is a relatively minor update over the current beta. It is designed to continue to test fixes to the updater and app store, refinements to the new theme and menu layout change, updated branding that's more subtle and manual proxy support. Like previous releases, it has automated app updates, customizable folders (categories) in the menu, a full theming engine with multiple chrome styles, the Portable App Directory app store for automatic download and installation of portable apps, find-as-you-type search (just type / or F3) to easily find apps in your ever-growing collection, an improved updater, more-complete translations into more languages and lots more. If you'd like to see more features and functionality keep coming, please read a personal appeal from PortableApps.com founder John T. Haller to help! Read on for all the details...(permalink)
Existing Platform users can automatically update by clicking Help - Check for Updates and getting a fast-install 1MB update patch if they have the beta channel enabled under the Advanced tab in Options.