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[Final strings] Translate: Launcher 2.1

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Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08
[Final strings] Translate: Launcher 2.1

The Launcher supports multi-lingual messages to the user, and so we have some strings for translators. With the release of 2.1 coming, there are also some new strings for newly-added features.

All words starting with $ should not be changed as they are the values being passed in.

The way the code will be used is in the following form. It's easiest for me at least if you provide them in that form. (I put it in a definition list with <dl>, <dt> and <dd> for readability.)

${LangFileString} LauncherStringName "String value"

Strings: (code format)

${LangFileString} LauncherFileNotFound "$AppNamePortable cannot be started. You may wish to re-install to fix this issue. (ERROR: $MissingFileOrPath could not be found)"
${LangFileString} LauncherAlreadyRunning "Another instance of $AppName is already running. Please close other instances of $AppName before launching $AppNamePortable."
${LangFileString} LauncherAskCopyLocal "$AppNamePortable appears to be running from a location that is read-only. Would you like to temporarily copy it to the local hard drive and run it from there?$\n$\nPrivacy Note: If you say Yes, your personal data within $AppNamePortable will be temporarily copied to a local drive. Although this copy of your data will be deleted when you close $AppNamePortable, it may be possible for someone else to access your data later."
${LangFileString} LauncherNoReadOnly "$AppNamePortable can not run directly from a read-only location and will now close."
${LangFileString} LauncherPathTooLong "The path to $AppNamePortable is too long.  Please shorten the path by eliminating some parent directories or shortening directory names."
${LangFileString} LauncherNoUNCSupport "$AppNamePortable cannot be started from a UNC path. Please map the directory to a drive letter and try again."
${LangFileString} LauncherNoSpaces "$AppNamePortable cannot run from a directory with a space in it.  Please alter the current path ($EXEDIR) to remove any spaces and start the portable app again.  Please see the help.html file for more information."
${LangFileString} LauncherRequiresAdmin "$AppNamePortable requires administrative privileges to run."
${LangFileString} LauncherNotAdminTryAgain "Press Retry to try authenticating again or Cancel to quit."
${LangFileString} LauncherNotAdminLimitedFunctionality "Some features of $AppNamePortable will not work if you do not run as administrator."
${LangFileString} LauncherNotAdminLimitedFunctionalityTryAgain "Press Abort to quit, Retry to try authenticating again or Ignore to continue anyway."
${LangFileString} LauncherAdminError "Unable to run as administrator, error $0."
${LangFileString} LauncherAdminLogonServiceNotRunning "$AppNamePortable requires administrative privileges, but the Windows Logon service is not running. $AppNamePortable can not start."
${LangFileString} LauncherIncompatibleMinOS "$AppName requires Windows $0 or later. This PC is running Windows $1, so $AppName can not be started."
${LangFileString} LauncherIncompatibleMaxOS "$AppName requires Windows $0 or earlier. This PC is running Windows $1, so $AppName can not be started."
${LangFileString} LauncherDirectoryMoveNotAllowed "$AppNamePortable cannot be started, as its path has changed since it was last started from $LastDirectory to $CurrentDirectory."
${LangFileString} LauncherDirectoryMoveWarn "The path to $AppNamePortable has changed, since it was last started, from $LastDirectory to $CurrentDirectory. Moving portable apps like this is not advised, and some features may not work. Are you sure you want to continue?"
${LangFileString} LauncherAlreadyStarting "Another instance of $AppNamePortable is starting. Please wait for it to start before launching it again."
${LangFileString} LauncherAlreadyStopping "Another instance of $AppNamePortable is currently closing. Please wait for it to finish before launching it again."
${LangFileString} LauncherCrashCleanup "$AppNamePortable did not close properly last time it was run and will now clean up. Please then start $AppNamePortable again manually."
${LangFileString} LauncherNoJava "$AppName requires a Java Runtime Environment. Please install jPortable from and then try again."
${LangFileString} LauncherNoJavaDownload "$AppName requires a Java Runtime Environment. Would you like to automatically download and install jPortable on your device now?"
${LangFileString} LauncherNoJavaCancelled "$AppNamePortable cannot run without a Java Runtime Environment and will now exit."

Strings: (readable format)

$AppNamePortable cannot be started. You may wish to re-install to fix this issue. (ERROR: $MissingFileOrPath could not be found)
Another instance of $AppName is already running. Please close other instances of $AppName before launching $AppNamePortable.
$AppNamePortable appears to be running from a location that is read-only. Would you like to temporarily copy it to the local hard drive and run it from there?$\n$\nPrivacy Note: If you say Yes, your personal data within $AppNamePortable will be temporarily copied to a local drive. Although this copy of your data will be deleted when you close $AppNamePortable, it may be possible for someone else to access your data later.
$AppNamePortable can not run directly from a read-only location and will now close.
The path to $AppNamePortable is too long. Please shorten the path by eliminating some parent directories or shortening directory names.
$AppNamePortable cannot be started from a UNC path. Please map the directory to a drive letter and try again.
$AppNamePortable cannot run from a directory with a space in it. Please alter the current path ($EXEDIR) to remove any spaces and start the portable app again. Please see the help.html file for more information.
$AppNamePortable requires administrative privileges to run.
Press Retry to try authenticating again or Cancel to quit.
Some features of $AppNamePortable will not work if you do not run as administrator.
Press Abort to quit, Retry to try authenticating again or Ignore to continue anyway.
Unable to run as administrator, error $0.
$AppNamePortable requires administrative privileges, but the Windows Logon service is not running. $AppNamePortable can not start.
$AppName requires Windows $0 or later. This PC is running Windows $1, so $AppName can not be started.
$AppName requires Windows $0 or earlier. This PC is running Windows $1, so $AppName can not be started.
$AppNamePortable cannot be started, as its path has changed since it was last started from $LastDirectory to $CurrentDirectory."
The path to $AppNamePortable has changed, since it was last started, from $LastDirectory to $CurrentDirectory. Moving portable apps like this is not advised, and some features may not work. Are you sure you want to continue?"
Another instance of $AppNamePortable is starting. Please wait for it to start before launching it again.
Another instance of $AppNamePortable is currently closing. Please wait for it to finish before launching it again.
$AppNamePortable did not close properly last time it was run and will now clean up. Please then start $AppNamePortable again manually.
$AppName requires a Java Runtime Environment. Please install jPortable from and then try again.
$AppName requires a Java Runtime Environment. Would you like to automatically download and install jPortable on your device now?
$AppNamePortable cannot run without a Java Runtime Environment and will now exit.

Translation status:
All translations are available here.

  • English: complete (fancy that)
  • Armenian: complete
  • Bulgarian: incomplete (need 2.1 strings)
  • Danish: complete
  • Dutch: complete
  • Estonian: complete
  • Finnish: incomplete (need last six 2.1 strings)
  • French: incomplete (need last six 2.1 strings)
  • Galician: incomplete (need 2.1 strings)
  • German: incomplete (need Java strings)
  • Hebrew: incomplete (need last six 2.1 strings)
  • Hungarian: incomplete (need Java strings)
  • Indonesian: complete
  • Italian: incomplete (need from LauncherNoUNCSupport onwards)
  • Japanese: incomplete (need last six 2.1 strings)
  • Polish: incomplete (need 2.1 strings)
  • Portuguese: incomplete (need Java strings)
  • PortugueseBR: complete
  • Romanian: complete
  • Simplified Chinese: incomplete (need last six 2.1 strings)
  • Slovenian: complete
  • Spanish: incomplete (need 2.1 strings)
  • Sundanese: complete
  • Swedish: incomplete (need last six 2.1 strings)
  • Thai: incomplete (need last six 2.1 strings)
  • Traditional Chinese: incomplete (need last six 2.1 strings)
  • Turkish: incomplete (need 2.1 strings)
  • Vietnamese: complete
  • Armenian: complete, but not included due to missing support in NSIS Portable
  • Others: no translations yet, please translate! Smile

Encoding: the Launcher is entirely Unicode and so all translations should be encoded as Unicode rather than a language codepage.

2010-03-17: initial strings (2.0)
2010-08-21: new strings: LauncherIncompatibleMinOS, LauncherIncompatibleMaxOS, LauncherDirectoryMoveNotAllowed, LauncherDirectoryMoveWarn
2010-10-23: OS strings changed
2011-04-30: new strings: LauncherAlreadyStarting, LauncherAlreadyStopping, LauncherCrashCleanup
2011-05-07: new strings, believed final for 2.1: LauncherNoJava, LauncherNoJavaDownload, LauncherNoJavaCancelled

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08
All updated

I've taken John's modification to the OS strings, so $1 is now available as the current OS in that case. This means that Armenian, German and Slovenian strings for LauncherIncompatibleMinOS and LauncherIncompatibleMaxOS are now out of date. They will work fine, but John's point is correct and so they should be updated.

I've copied the 2.1 strings (the last four) from Portuguese to PortugueseBR; it would be good if someone familiar with Brazilian Portuguese could check and offer any improvements to this.

Thanks to all the translators. Sorry I haven't committed your work before, I just hadn't got to it. It's not like it takes long to put it in...

I still haven't put in Armenian (sorry, hrantohanyan) because the language file isn't supported in the released NSIS Portable which PAL depends on.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Last seen: 10 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2009-07-28 02:16
Armenian translation update

Nevertheless i updated Armenian translation.

${LangFileString} LauncherFileNotFound "$AppNamePortable-ը հնարավոր չէ բացել։ Վերատեղակայեք ծրագիրը։ (Սխալ. $MissingFileOrPath-ը չի գտնվել)"
${LangFileString} LauncherAlreadyRunning "$AppName արդեն բացված է։ Փակեք $AppName-ի բոլոր օրինակները՝ $AppNamePortable-ը բացելու համար։"
${LangFileString} LauncherAskCopyLocal "$AppNamePortable-ը փորձում է բացվել մի  տեղից, որը միայն կարդալու համար է։ Ցանկանու՞մ եք պատճենել այն պնակի վրա։$\n$\n Գաղտնի հուշում. Եթե ասեք Այո, Ձեր անձնական տվյալները $AppNamePortable-ի կպատճենվեն պնակի վրա։Այդ օրինակը կջնջվի, երբ Դուք փակեք $AppNamePortable։"
${LangFileString} LauncherNoReadOnly "$AppNamePortable-ը չի կարող բացվել միայն կարդալու համար նախատեսված տեղից։"
${LangFileString} LauncherPathTooLong "$AppNamePortable-ի ճանապարհը շատը երկար է։"
${LangFileString} LauncherNoUNCSupport "$AppNamePortable-ը չի կարող բացվել UNC տեղից։"
${LangFileString} LauncherNoSpaces "$AppNamePortable-ը չի կարող բացվել հենց նույն տեղից։ Փոխեք  ($EXEDIR) ճանապարհը"
${LangFileString} LauncherRequiresAdmin "$AppNamePortable-ը պահանջում է ադմինի իրավունքներ։"
${LangFileString} LauncherNotAdminTryAgain "Սեղմեք Կրկնել՝ նորից փորձելու համար։."
${LangFileString} LauncherNotAdminLimitedFunctionality "$AppNamePortable-ի որոշ հնարավորություններ չեն աշխատի, եթե այն բացեք ոչ ադմինի իրավունքներով։"
${LangFileString} LauncherNotAdminLimitedFunctionalityTryAgain "Սեղմեք Ընդհատել՝ դուրս գալու համար, Կրկնել՝ նորից փորձելու համար և Անտեսել՝ այնուհանդերձ շարունակելու համար։"
${LangFileString} LauncherAdminError "Հնարավոր չէ բացել որպես ադմին։ Սխալ. $0."
${LangFileString} LauncherAdminLogonServiceNotRunning "$AppNamePortable-ը պահանջում է ադմինի իրավունքներ, բայց Windows-ի մուտքի ծառայությունը չի աշխատում։ $AppNamePortable-ը չի կարող բացվել։"
${LangFileString} LauncherIncompatibleMinOS "$AppName-ը պահանջում է Window $0 կամ ավելի բարձր։ Այս համակարգչում գործում է Windows $1-ը,ուստի $AppName-ը չի կարող բացվել։"
${LangFileString} LauncherIncompatibleMaxOS "$AppName-ը պահանջում է Window $0 կամ ցածր։ Այս համակարգչում գործում է Windows $1-ը, ուստի $AppName-ը չի կարող բացվել։"
${LangFileString} LauncherDirectoryMoveNotAllowed "$AppNamePortable-ը չի կարող բացվել, քանի որ նրա տեղադրությունը փոխվել է նախկին՝ $LastDirectory-ից $CurrentDirectory-ի։"
${LangFileString} LauncherDirectoryMoveWarn "$AppNamePortable-ի տեղադրությունը փոխվել է, նախկինում բացվել է $LastDirectory-ից, այժմ $CurrentDirectory-ում է։ Հնարավոր է որոշ ֆունկցիաներ անհասանելի լինեն։ Շարունակե՞լ։"
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2009-11-18 21:07
Japanese translation
${LangFileString} LauncherFileNotFound "$AppNamePortable を起動できません。この問題の修正のためには再インストールをしたほうがいいかもしれません。 (エラー: $MissingFileOrPath が見つかりません)"
${LangFileString} LauncherAlreadyRunning "別に $AppName のインスタンスが既に起動しています。$AppNamePortable の起動前に $AppName のインスタンスを閉じてください。"
${LangFileString} LauncherAskCopyLocal "$AppNamePortable は読み込み専用デバイスから起動しているように見受けられます。一時的にローカルのハードディスクにコピーし、起動したいですか?$\n$\nプライバシー上の注意:もしそうなら、$AppNamePortable に含まれる個人的なデータは一時的にローカル ドライブにコピーされます。$AppNamePortable を閉じたときにデータはのコピーは削除されますが、後で他の誰かがあなたのデータにアクセスすることができるかもしれません。"
${LangFileString} LauncherNoReadOnly "$AppNamePortable は読み込み専用のデバイスから直接起動することができません。そのため今すぐ終了します。"
${LangFileString} LauncherPathTooLong "$AppNamePortable のパスが長すぎます。いくつかの親ディレクトリーを省くか、ディレクトリー名を短くしてください。"
${LangFileString} LauncherNoUNCSupport "$AppNamePortable は UNC パスから起動できません。ディレクトリーにドライブ レターを割り当て、再度試してください。"
${LangFileString} LauncherNoSpaces "$AppNamePortable は空白文字を含むディレクトリーから起動できません。現在のパス ($EXEDIR) から空白文字を取り除き、再度 PortableApp を起動してください。追加情報は help.html を参照してください。"
${LangFileString} LauncherRequiresAdmin "$AppNamePortable は実行に管理権限を要求します。"
${LangFileString} LauncherNotAdminTryAgain "再実行で再度認証を試すか、取り消しで終了してください。"
${LangFileString} LauncherNotAdminLimitedFunctionality "$AppNamePortable のいくつかの機能は、管理者権限で実行しなければ処理できません。"
${LangFileString} LauncherNotAdminLimitedFunctionalityTryAgain "中断を押して終了し、再実行で再認証を試みるか、無視で継続してください。"
${LangFileString} LauncherAdminError "管理者権限での実行に失敗しました。エラー $0 です。"
${LangFileString} LauncherAdminLogonServiceNotRunning "$AppNamePortable は管理者権限を要求しますが、Windows ログオン サービスが実行されていません。$AppNamePortable は実行できません。"
${LangFileString} LauncherIncompatibleMinOS "$AppName は Windows $0 以上を要求しています。この PC は Windows $1 が動作しており、$AppName は開始できません。"
${LangFileString} LauncherIncompatibleMaxOS "$AppName は Windows $0 以前を要求しています。この PC は Windows $1 が動作しており、 $AppName は開始できません。"${LangFileString} LauncherDirectoryMoveNotAllowed "$AppNamePortable は $LastDirectory での最後の起動から $CurrentDirectory に変更され、起動できません。"
${LangFileString} LauncherDirectoryMoveWarn "$AppNamePortable へのパスは $LastDirectory での最後の起動から $CurrentDirectory に変更されました。このような Portableapps の移動は推奨されず、いくつかの機能が処理できない場合があります。続けますか?"
Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08

I've committed that now. I just have a few points I'd like to ask about:

  • In LauncherNoSpaces you use the string "PortableApp"; in there I'm just meaning "start the portable app again", it's not any special reference. (Perhaps "start $AppNamePortable again" would have been better, but I don't want to change it now.)
  • "Windows" - I presume in Japanese it is still "Windows" as in English, not some Japanese name?
  • In LauncherDirectoryMoveWarn you use "Portableapps"; same as the first point.
  • "PC" - feel free to translate this as you would translate "computer".

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Last seen: 2 weeks 5 days ago
Joined: 2006-04-26 06:35
Rephrases suggestions

I think the following should be rephrased as "press retry to try again" is using a term to explain the same term:

${LangFileString} LauncherNotAdminTryAgain "Press Retry to try authenticating again or Cancel to quit."
${LangFileString} LauncherNotAdminLimitedFunctionalityTryAgain "Press Abort to quit, Retry to try authenticating again or Ignore to continue anyway."
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