I tried to install LibreOffice Portable after I have downloaded it to C. I tried to install it on my USB but strange I had more than 1.5 GB free on C and during the install I get the error that I`m running ot of space on C. So I had to stop the installation. After I have done that I now have only 500 MB free on C even when I have deleted the LibreOffice Portable.exe file?
Can somebody help me to free C because I think that LibreOffice Portable has created some files somewhere on it but I dont know where or how to find them?
Thanks in advance
Open Start->Run and type
. This should open the temporary files folder.Delete any folder named
that looks relevant.Previously known as kAlug.
There is only one such folder and its 244kb
But I have ARC118.tmp that is over 1.5 GB Can I delete it?
from only knowing the name. Arc is a compression format but it could be a coincidence.
When was it created? If the creation date matches the installation date, I'd say you can delete it.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
There's no problem to delete anything from temp folder.
If one application is using determined file under temp folder, you can't delete that file.
I'd recommend you try using something like BleachBit to clean up unnecessary files.
Ofcourse what exactly you clean is entirely up to you, but these are the things I would recommend you to:
(in case some Mac user has introduced these pointless [at least on Windows] files to your system)
(these don't delete stuff, they just defragment the DBs)
(make sure to get anything in there that you aren't sure you want to delete out first, or don't tell BleachBit to do it but instead go in to your Recycle Bin manually and delete any files you are sure you don't want/need anymore)
Hope you find this helpful.
Thank you all for the help
ARC118.tmp was created yesterday by the time I tried to install so I have deleted it
I hope the laptop will still work after that 
I will try that too BleachBit
Thanks again