Мы из России.Сделайте пожалуйста портабле Nero WaveEditor
Мы из Rossii.Please portable Nero WaveEditor
New: Kanri (Oct 9, '24), Platform 29.5.3 (Jun 27, '24)
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Мы из России.Сделайте пожалуйста портабле Nero WaveEditor
Мы из Rossii.Please portable Nero WaveEditor
Download page for English speakers: http://www.nero.com/enu/downloads/
License Information: EULA states that their software can only be bundled if it's bundled with CD/DVD hardware. The program, WaveEditor, is Freeware under the general Nero EULA found here.
Download information: The download is a .zip containing what is presumably the installer (since it is a single .exe).
All that being said, Audacity (which is confirmed to have Russian language support) and WaveShop have similar features to WaveEditor and are already free and bundled.