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Submitted by Wouter on November 7, 2006 - 11:04am


I was wondering, in my school some computers don't have JAVA installed to play runescape. And installing something isn't allowed. Is it possible to carry java on its own with a USB? Or a browser..?

Or does anyone know or can help me?

Thx in advance.

How to use kill.exe and PSTART

Submitted by twnty3svn on November 6, 2006 - 11:31pm

Can anyone please point me in the right direction on how to use kill.exe ( PSTART? I want to automatically end my Rainlender.exe process when PSTART exits.

Also is there any adverse affects on doin this, compared to the standard exit from within the app.

Tried googling and searched the forums, but couldn't find a answer.


MiniVMac: " not a valid win32 application."?!?!?!?

Submitted by roctimo on November 3, 2006 - 2:05pm

I've searched numerous times on the forum and on google for any clue as to why this is popping up, but to no avail. I have all the components I need to run this, ROM, disk space, system installers, etc. But when I try to drag the ROM file onto the minivmac application, it tells me "Minivmac.exe is not a valid win32 application." I definitley downloaded the WinXP version from the minivmac website, and yet this is all that it gives me. Am I overlooking something here? thanks.


Killing Process from PStart

Submitted by fatmcgav on November 2, 2006 - 6:13pm

Hi There,

I'm trying to kill a process when i close PStart. Now I've got it set up so that it runs the Xampp Stop Script on close, but i also want to run a batch file to kill the Xampp Control Panel (Xampp-control.exe) on exit.

Now i created this file:
@echo off
echo Killing Xamp Control Panel
taskkill /f /im xampp-control.exe

However it doesnt work. If i run that command from a command prompt, it runs fine though...

Now i'm a complete newb at this - any ideas how to make it work? Prob somet simple i've missed...

about link support in portaPUTTY

Submitted by rfu on November 2, 2006 - 11:53am

I really love portaPUTTY, i really do, i using it from my tiny usb disk everyday, but there is just one thing missing, and thats the click link support like nutty and other clients having it. I really miss that one feature Sad Have anyone patched the current portaputty or can? I tried to contact the author, no answer at all :| I hope someone can help me out. I dont really care if its another client, it just has to be able to save to ini and link support. Thanks for your time so far

List of non-official apps

Submitted by rich.bradshaw on October 28, 2006 - 4:16pm

Right - lets get all the non John programs all in one place for new people here. Only legal modifications, and only programs with links. Preferably software that only exists in this forum or close enough, there are plenty of lists around of every portable app.

QSClient - Putty, WinSCP, NXclient, Xserver, and lots others all in one program. Install on local pc, run it and choose install to USB stick. Awesome bit of software!

CCleaner Portable - Deletes all temp files and sorts out registry problems. This is a launcher for the program, you need to download the offical program and put it in the same directory as this.

Why do programs use the registry at all?

Submitted by rich.bradshaw on October 27, 2006 - 6:48am

Reading through the threads here, it seems that programs that want to use the registry are a problem for making apps portable. Why do programs use the registry anyway? I can understand for adding things to Windows context menus etc, but why bother for things like settings - surely a local .ini file or something would be a lot more sensible... Why do people write software that uses the registry at all - what are the benefits over a small config file?

Lost CD/DVD Drives -- For Neerd

Submitted by Yucca on October 21, 2006 - 4:24pm


If you can see your drives with a yellow caution symbol in device manager, then just uninstall them and reboot. Windows should "find" them again as new hardware and reinstall the drivers. Hopefully, unless there is a mechanical error or unless your drivers are corrupted, you'll get your drives back.

