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Sage and read/unread data

Submitted by mstinaff on October 1, 2006 - 10:48pm

I have put Portable Firefox v1.5.0.7 onto my usb key and launch it from PStart v2.9.0.13. From within that Firefox I added in the Sage extension v1.3.6. Everything seems to work fine except when I click on any feed title in the RSS window. Each time I switch feeds it reloads the data and resets all the items to unread. Kinda reduces the usefulness of an RSS reader if I have to click through each feed and check by hand each one to see if I have read each of the items or not. Has anyone else encountered this? or at the very least where is Sage supposed to be storing this data? How might I coax it into remembering read/unread data? I have tried reinstalling it and one by one toggeling each of the available options to no avail.

Is flv player portable?

Submitted by techguyone on September 30, 2006 - 2:56am

I'm using it in conjunction with a firefox extension called Video Downloader (basically it lets you get video from say youtube, and then play it on your local pc)

I *think* it's registry free, but if someone could confirm that would be good (it's a typical install, then copy the folder and uninstall, and you are left withjust the program)

url for flv player is:

I know that vlc player supposedly plays flv files (youtube and web site flash video) but I couldn't get either portable vlc or the full version to do so (I don't know if I'm missing a codec or something)

Pstart and eject

Submitted by gjjh25 on September 27, 2006 - 10:21am

For the people that are using Pstart, how do you set it up so it can eject/ safely remove the USB pen.

I have tried using autostart software but am having trouble combing the two?

Folders in PStart

Submitted by gnode on September 15, 2006 - 10:01am

Is there a way to set up folders in the PStart xml file? I just want to put a couple of links to various folders that I use that are filled with documents. When I click the icon, I just want to see a list of files in that directory so that I can choose which one to launch. Do I need to create batch files that open the directories in Windows Explorer or is there an easier way to do this using PStart native commands? It would be even cooler if PStart would list all the files in the directory, but i figure that might be asking a bit much. Any ideas?
