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Chromium Portable Bug | The "Google Chrome Getting Started" tab automatically opens up in a new tab each time I start Chromium.

Submitted by whatiswrong on October 19, 2012 - 5:47pm

Using Chromium Portable | Version 24.0.1284.2 (159713)

Whenever I open Chromium to browse the internet, the "Google Chrome Getting Started" tab automatically opens up in a new tab. How do I turn this off? It's annoying. I've tried looking in the settings to see where I can change this but don't see the option.

Chrome Portable Weird Bug

Submitted by FishieGoRawr on October 19, 2012 - 2:02pm

Hello guys! I'm using chrome portable at school on my USB flash drive since we can't download normal chrome, and that i hate to use Explorer. One day, I was using chrome and then it crashed. I clicked on the shortcut again and it said it couldn't found the path. So i go and check in folders, and i see alot of weird files and i cannot delete/paste anything on my USB. I have alot of important stuff on it so i can't format to remove chrome... That bug happened to a partner of mine too. He can copy stuff, but he's still stuck with all those folders that he can't delete.

How to import IE Favorites into SeaMonkey Portable?

Submitted by fergus on October 19, 2012 - 11:39am

Firefox (Portable) allows importing of IE Favorites at the time of setup.
SeaMonkey (Full Windows Install) allows ditto, using Bookmark Manager.
But SeaMonkey (Portable) does not, that I can see.
One can do it in any number of ways -- e.g. rather laboriously one by one, or even batch job through some kind of script -- but is there some obvious Import mechanism that I'm missing?
(I've got a LOT. I went into Firefox Portable and built a places.js using the available IEF import tool and then imported that into SeaMonkey, but that was a performance.)

[Fixed] Powder Toy illegal instruction error

PSkilton's picture
Submitted by PSkilton on October 18, 2012 - 11:33pm

I tried to run Powder Toy on my XP SP3 and it gave an error saying the following:

powder.exe application error

"The exception Illegal Instruction. An attempt was made to execute an illegal instruction. (0xc000001d) occurred in the application at location 0x004314eb."

Powder Toy worked fine on my Windows Vista.


Quick BlackJack Portable is not realy portable

Submitted by Z60m on October 18, 2012 - 9:28pm


Why it's not allowed to run Quick BlackJack Portable 3.0.4 in the directory C:\Programme\... ? I use many PortableApps programms in C:\Programme\Portable\Category\AppName\... without problems. But Quick BlackJack Portable 3.0.4 is the first PortableApps program that i see, that open a window and say: it's not allowed to run the program in C:\Programme, because this directory is only for regular programs and i have to choose an other directory.

When a portable program can not run in any directory, it's not really portable.

I hope you can understand my bad english.

Chrome doesn't auto update extensions

Submitted by Six on October 16, 2012 - 5:02pm

I'm using portable chrome to wrap my web app extension in and it works great with the exception of the fact that chrome portable never seems to automatically update extensions.

I can specify the command line argument to force chrome portable to update extensions every X seconds and this does work however when it does end up installing an update it closes chrome portable automatically.

Although the command line argument fixes the updating problem, I can't have my web app close down automatically every time I release an update.

2x client portable - won't remember the position of connections

Submitted by skroslak on October 9, 2012 - 8:45am

dear community,

2x client portable is an awesome tool, but I see two problems:
1, I didn't find a way to force it to remember positions of the connections, I have like 50 of them and having all in one list is... very inconvenient
2, it doesn't close properly (throws "app wasn't closed properly the last time..." when you try to open it fresh)

did anyone figure out how to make it remember the positions of the connections? (in the list in Folder view)
