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[Fixed] Winscp 4.3.7 : Path to putty not saved

Submitted by Chido42 on March 20, 2012 - 6:10am


Just like the title describes, the path to putty portable can't be saved. I have to launch putty manually before if i want it to work. The putty path preference is not saved when i close it.

Seems like the problem existed before i dont know if it was suppose to be corrected.

Thanks a lot for your work.

[Fixed] SRWare Iron Portable: Language settings has no effect

Submitted by Johnson81 on March 16, 2012 - 5:34am


I'm not sure if there is a similar topic about the Iron browser an the language setting.

The problem

I could not change the language of the SRWare Iron Portable from English to German.

What I'm using Platform 10.0.1 (Language German)
Language: German / Deutsch
Option "Use this language for all portable apps" is activated

What I did

  1. Install SRWare Iron 17.0.1000.0 (Developer Build 120000 Windows)
  2. Start Iron in PortableApps: Iron's language is english

[Fixed] VirtualDub Portable 1.9.11 Leaves Registry Keys Etc.

Submitted by OldYeller on March 15, 2012 - 5:27am

[Note: This report covers 2 bugs:

1. VirtualDub Portable 1.9.11 uses/leaves registry keys
2. addon codec pack installs both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, causing multiple error screens on 32-bit systems.]

Thanks a lot to the Portable Apps team for all your great work.

404 Error When Downloading Previous Versions of Google Chrome Portable

Submitted by jonow on March 13, 2012 - 1:14am

When trying to download and install previous versions of Google Chrome Portable, I get a File Not Found (404) error.

I am trying to download previous versions of Google Chrome Portable from the PortableApps SourceForge page for Google Chrome and I can download the exe file and then run it but when I get to the screen for it to actually install, it gets about half way and comes up with a notice saying:

Which JAR to load from jPortable?

Submitted by gris on March 10, 2012 - 1:22am

I have installed jPortable 31.1 and JavaPortableLauncher on my desktop. When I called JavaPortableLauncher.exe, a window popped up, asking which Jar file I wished to open. I navigated to the Java\Lib directory via the window, but I did not have a clue as to which file to open. Please could someone advise me how I should proceed from there?

Google Chrome will not load webpages when run from external drive?

Submitted by robw on March 9, 2012 - 3:32am

Hi all,

I've been trying to figure out the following issue with Chrome.

I run all my portable apps from a mapped networkdrive (N:), and this is all working fine. All portable apps will start, and run without issues. Even the PA startmenu will run just fine, picking up updates etc.
But Chrome is acting up..

The app itself will start just fine, but it will not load any webpages entered into the searchbar. Windows will show the spinning circle thingy, but nothing happens.

Dropbox portable

uncleserg's picture
Submitted by uncleserg on March 8, 2012 - 11:28pm

Anybody knows, where can I get Dropbox for PortableApps platform. I am using Dropbox AHK but couldn't add it to menu. Thanks in advance for any help. By the way icon of Dropbox represented as default apps om main page of website.

Chrome Portable Local File homepage

Submitted by NXSmiggy on March 8, 2012 - 10:38am

Hi guys,

Is there any way to set the portable chrome homepage to an internal file on the usb drive?

the file I want to use is located at


and I need the homepage link to update with each drive letter change in windows for each machine so the path cant read "file://D:/Webfiles/index.html" etc. Is this at all possible to do?

