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[Fixed] Java Portable Launcher doesn't support quoted paths?!

Submitted by ascend4nt on February 25, 2012 - 6:30am

Java Portable Launcher currently gives a 'cannot find file' error when it is passed a path to a JAR file that is surrounded with double quotes.

For example, launching with this will fail:
JavaPortableLauncher.exe "c:\A folder\with a java JAR file\myfile.jar"

But launching it this way works:
JavaPortableLauncher.exe c:\A folder\with a java JAR file\myfile.jar

This seems a pretty simple problem to solve, and it'd be nice not to have to resort to workarounds like stripping quotes off with another program (or batch file) before calling the launcher.

AVG Removes "MANA.EXE" (again) from latest updated version

Submitted by YukiBear on February 22, 2012 - 11:45pm

I reported this the last time it happened.
This happened with the last Mana update...only, not the same way.

This time, MANA.EXE is listed as an "Identity Threat" and is removed from the system (FlashDrive).
Here is some of the info given by AVG:

- Process ID 1814
- characteristics:

***** Injects code
** Executable changed
** Executes from the file system
* Is terminated
* Visible window
* Large executable size

It terminated 9 processes
1 file deleted


[Fixed] RedNotebook Issues

vf2nsr's picture
Submitted by vf2nsr on February 19, 2012 - 2:04am

There appears to be a few threads on the forums about various issues with Rednotebook. Since I have been the developer of the program since it was in developmental stage, and am in contact withe author of the program I thought perhaps making one thread to discuss issues would make sense.

Given that I have spent 3 days and nights trying to get a handle on the slow loading of Rednotebook below are my discoveries:

  1. Rednotebook was written for Linux in Python.
  2. The author of the program uses Linux
