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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Build a easy tool to make portable app (delphi source included)

candylight's picture
Submitted by candylight on November 12, 2007 - 10:05pm

I've developed a small tool to make portable application with delphi program language,now put it here with all source.
You can extract the TestPortable dir to your usb disk PortableApps dir (if you installed PortbleApps,you will find it easily),now restart your StartPortableApps.exe,you will find the new app in your PortableApps menu.

Is there a way to clear the tracker?

dagardner's picture
Submitted by dagardner on November 12, 2007 - 3:26pm

Is there a way to clear the tracker so that it no longer says there are new messages? I don't read every thread, so it would be nice to be able to clear the tracker to make it easier to find posts I haven't read.

Maybe clear the tracker when you log off, so that it only tells of the posts made since you were last logged into for the forum, or provide a button to clear the tracker, so you can easily see new posts when you refresh.



Getting Page Fault Blue Screens after a few hours

Submitted by fishboy on November 12, 2007 - 4:22am

I have half my USB drive as a normal FAT32 partition and the other half as a TrueCrypt partition. When I have the TC partition mounted and leave the computer on at night (for example) I almost always wake up to a blue screen. This seems to happen more frequently when I leave Portable Firefox running (it's on the TC partition), though it happens in other circumstances, too.

Any idea what's going on here?

general application updater program, any advice?

Submitted by jps on November 10, 2007 - 1:32pm

I am using a lot of freeware & open source tools. Most times I prefer the portable version because I can use them on my own comp, on the go and after crashing and reinstalling windows. Most of the smaller tools don`t have it`s own updater.

UpdateStar is quite good but it only works for installed and registered programs.

I also tested secunia psi beta, it searches the hole disk, but after two hours of scanning it doesn`t show many any non up to date versions and the beta is really kinda unstable.

Files disappeared.

Submitted by dcloud on November 10, 2007 - 1:29am

Just thought I would let people know about this. I have (or had) PortableApps installed on my OCZ Rally2 4Gig USB drive for about two months, and then files started disappearing. I checked with the manufacturer of my drive and they suggested I reformat it and start from scratch. Well, I did, and since then no files have disappeared.

Translating and Distributing/Selling the PA

Submitted by icecold-odin on November 9, 2007 - 3:37pm


I am thinking about this thing Smile
I use it on a 4 Gb usb drive.
Now I have made all the apps translated into danish and I am wondering about one thing.

I saw this discussion:
where a company will redistribute the along with some other software - but its missing one point.

Can I sell the package translated into danish and packed with the software the single user require ( from the whole suite to just a few apps)
off course the apps will be unmodified exept for translation.

PortableApps Launcher not working

Submitted by chrisclark on November 9, 2007 - 2:01pm


When I first downloaded and installed the Lite version of PortableApps the launch menu would always pop up as soon as I inserted the USB into the computer. Subsequently I installed Roboform2go, and now Roborofm2go comes up as the first action, and the very useful PortableApps menu does not appear

How can I solve this?

