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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

paf installer doesn't accept relative paths?

Submitted by spchtr on July 16, 2007 - 3:36am

Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong or if it's just not set up for it.

When I try to run, say, GIMP_Portable_2.2.17.paf.exe and put in .\GIMPPortable for the install path it's telling me that that is an invalid path. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to use relative paths for the installers? I know I'd prefer it that way. Smile

A couple of skin attempts and a question reguarding them

Submitted by crazypoultry on July 16, 2007 - 2:33am

First off, i've been lurking around here for a while, and i gottasay i love the portableapps suite(although it has made me get 2 bigger thumb drives now :))

anyway, i thought i'd give a skin of my own a shot and the first results can be found


Sub Zero



A Simple Request (again)

Submitted by fogobogo on July 13, 2007 - 8:02pm


No ASCII art. That should not be a problem...

BUT ... I once requested for an Update Forum Topic. (thanks for the soon reply Ryan or was it Rob...dont remember...)

I think I lead to some misunderstanding. Sorry maybe i do again. The thing is actually simple.

IF there is a new version of a program THEN some people test it. (registry, etc.) and tell the rest of the people if a NEW version of the LAUNCHER is needed or not!

Forum Query

Submitted by xrxca on July 12, 2007 - 1:41pm

So odd question here, am I missing something or is there not a way to change the sort order in the forums, it would be really nice (especially in longer topics) to be able to sort purely by date rather than in the reply tree format, a post was added 1.x hours ago, but try finding it?
* programmer (noun) : a predominantly nocturnal creature fueled by either Caffine or Sugar (Or Both).

Convey Portable Mod

ZachHudock's picture
Submitted by ZachHudock on July 12, 2007 - 12:28pm

I planned to make a mod of Convey Portable that integrates the features of C.A.F.E., S.U.C.R.E. and M.P.Cube, unfortunately, the last 3 apps i mentioned are in French, I only know English and a little bit of German, and free online translators = crap.

CAFE allows users to set temporary file associations so that files on your USB device can be opened by apps on your USB. SUCRE simulates the built in "Run" command for Windows, and M.P.Cube creates a portable playlist by converting absolute paths from a .m3u file to relative paths.
