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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.


Submitted by PercivalYost on November 24, 2019 - 11:06pm

Installation can be removed. I synchronize the mobile application directory via BtSync and when the file is moved, it will cause problems.

Add Thunderbird Address Book to the Platform launch menu

Submitted by SUNot on November 21, 2019 - 5:47am

I want to be able to directly start my TB's address book and used these instructions to add an app to the menu:

And these instructions to start the TB address book:

Update apps without Portableapps program

Submitted by djs71a on November 20, 2019 - 4:43pm

Hello, I can access the portable apps website from work, but when I install the portable apps application, it cannot get a list of apps. I assume my work's firewall is blocking it. So, I plan on downloading individual apps instead of using the portable apps application. Once I do that, how do I check for updates for individual apps?

I am not sure if "portable apps application" is the right term. I am referring to the app that shows up next to the clock to launch / install programs.


Foxit Portable update to v9.7 to include security patches?

Leeteq's picture
Submitted by Leeteq on November 15, 2019 - 3:17pm

Ref..: (October 3, 2019) ["Foxit PDF Reader Vulnerable to 8 High-Severity Flaws - Threatpost(.com)"] --

Extracts from that security bulletin: <blockquote>"For instance, when a user opens a PDF document, it can execute JavaScript.</blockquote>

Changing Icons with Resource Hacker?

Submitted by riccardopearlman on November 7, 2019 - 12:10am

Doesn't seem to work? I have a portable version of RH (though not the portableapps version) and I am running it as an administrator. You can go through the motions of changing the exe's icon and it saves, but the icon doesn't change and both the new and backup exe's end up inoperable.

Not sure that it matters, but I am running Windows 10 LTSC.

Any suggestions?

PortableApps on WinPE

Submitted by Tenzen on November 6, 2019 - 12:42am

Does anyone know what things might naturally break in certain PortableApps when launching from WinPE?

It seems the more simple apps work, but a lot of things like most Browsers (not all) and more complicated apps don't seem to run at all. Sometimes there's a missing DLL or some other exception, or sometimes the splash screen shows up but the app doesn't launch.

Any clues what mandatory Windows files need to be present for All PortableApps to work, which may not be present on a WinPE build?

Locked - mod GC

How to make a portable app?

Submitted by singhn on October 30, 2019 - 12:17pm

Hello Everyone,

I would like to know the process & instructions on how to build a portable app from scratch and, locally.

I used to use vmware thinapp (process of building app is quite simple and straight forward) to make portable app however i believe is a better to build portable.

I found one post old post however i find it difficult to understand the instructions.
