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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

New Portable Aps

Submitted by spiritwolf83 on February 1, 2007 - 8:26am

While on my favourite torernt site I came across a portable version of dreamweaver 8 and Nero 7, would these be real? I can send people the torrenmt files if they want to have a look.

Thanks all in advanced



Submitted by DJRWolf on February 1, 2007 - 1:48am

I was wondering if anyone knows how (or even if) you can make shortcuts that are able to work on a thumb drive even if the letter changes from one computer to the next. For example, instead of a normal shortcut saying somthing like "E:/FireFox/Firefox.exe" I'm thinking of it just having it point to the FireFox directory and the exe within it. That way I can use just a few apps on a smaller drive. Another way of saying it is I want to make a relitive shortcut instead of a fixed shortcut.


Bahamut's picture
Submitted by Bahamut on January 31, 2007 - 1:14pm

Someone (I think John) had the idea of placing common files (like GTK) in their own directory instead of having multiple copies for each app. What happened to that idea?

Also, what apps share what?

Installing on Desktop

Submitted by Lord Dragon on January 30, 2007 - 11:06pm

Has anyone considered installing PortabeApps Suite on their desktop?

It would be great. If you have multiple pcs you could set up your favorite apps in PAM and drag and drop from your usb drive to your c: drive. Put a shortcut to PAM in startup and have all your favorite apps ready to go. You could do this over several computers or have one easy app install when reinstalling Windows.

Suite won't load -> NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.

Submitted by sunworks on January 30, 2007 - 10:28pm

I have installed suite on MANY* USB drives without incident, including different SanDisk models. I love the suite and recommend it to everybody I meet.

However, I just purchased a number of the Cruzer Mini 4GB drives and after installing the PortableApps Suite I get the following error box when I attempt to start the suite:

16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem
The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.


Bahamut's picture
Submitted by Bahamut on January 30, 2007 - 11:05am

Since the new launchers support a simple replacement of files, why not provide an archive that includes the files that need to be replaced? In most cases it tends to be only the executable and perhaps a library or two. This would definitely save bandwidth for both the site and the downloader. Obviously, the full distribution would still be available. Also, adding a link to the latest launcher for each program to its respective download page would be nice too.

Status Update (Jan 30, 2007)

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on January 30, 2007 - 10:47am

Howdy All,

Just wanted to drop a quick status update in the forums to let everybody know where things are at. My friend who I'd mentioned before is recovering pretty well. He's gonna have some ongoing issues that will hopefully resolve themselves in a few months. The bell's palsy may require surgery. And the hearing in his left ear may never fully come back. But, he's in very good spirits. Up and walking around a bit more. Even gonna put in some part time days at the office. So, thanks again for the well-wishes to him. I've passed them on.
