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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Could Not read The file

Submitted by bleckie on August 4, 2006 - 4:27am


I am using the portable versions of firefox and thunderbird for a long time already and I am very happy and thankfull of the work of John T Haller in this field. Since I am travelling soon, i wamted to update my USB Stick with the latest version of the portable App Suite. However the download links from this website pointing to Sourceforge was no successfull at all. I always received the errormessage: Could not read the file!! I tried it with every possible downlaod link, but all were unsuccessfull and received the same answer!

What happened?

I am looking forward to receiving your kind and updated answerto this issue!

Killer Apps ?

Submitted by RossGoodman on August 2, 2006 - 10:16am

I know that there are various threads such as:
Best Programs To Have -
Whats On Your Portable -

My question is which portable apps could you NOT imagine life without?

For me its:
Portable Firefox with Switch Proxy extension. (I can use it on multiple customer sites)

Freemind with locally installed Java. (It's just how I think !)

OpenOffice. I don't use this on a daily basis but it has saved my bacon more than once.

Despite having a full 1GB drive, these would be my top 3.

U3 vs. Plain-Old...

Submitted by djenner on July 29, 2006 - 2:20pm

I bought U3; I notice that many of the portable apps here are not U3 compliant. The U3 launcher seems to me a good idea (especially if I am to pass these around to folks who have difficulty with Windows explorer). On the other hand, not clear it's R0eady For Prime Time. Would I do better to place additional orders for Plain Old flash drives and save the $10?

A general U3 launchpad question

Submitted by djenner on July 29, 2006 - 2:13pm

Having decided that larger, and cheaper (...) flash drives could solve some portability problems (mostly, my aching back and a wallet that did not allow for a new Portégé), I started looking around at what was available. I fixed on a 4gb SanDisk U3 model and two 2gb Kingston U3 models (good price at; free shipping; no sales taxes; substantial rebates available; acceptable return policy). I am encountering a strange phenom with the Kingston drives (the SanDisk not having arrived yet).

If I connect the Kingston U3 drives to my XP notebook or Mrs. Jenner's deskside XP machine, things work as expected. The drive installs; it ejects and things go swimmingly. If I connect the same drives to my deskside XP machine, a number of things happen:

Launcher feature request

Submitted by Bruce Pascoe on July 28, 2006 - 5:49pm

A nice feature for the launcher would be the ability to rename the launcher and have it use an .ini file with the same name. So this way, if I changed the name of FirefoxPortable.exe to, say, FeedMeNow.exe, it would use FeedMeNow.ini. PStart does this with its settings file, and it would be nice to see the launcher do the same. It would keep my PortableApps directory clean (I'm OCD when it comes to stuff like this), anyway, since I currently have a PFF launcher named "Firefox Portable.exe" (note the space).


Submitted by onunez67 on July 28, 2006 - 12:52am

About contributions:

I am a very grateful person, and I do recognize the afford and merit of those people who create free programs, not only to run on USB drives, but all kinds of free software.

I use free software like open office, abi word, foxit reader, portable apps, etc. (I have a 1 Mb USB drive fully loaded with all kind of free stuff) I want to contribute with money (not much of course), but in my country is very difficult for common people to access to international payment facilities as “pay pal” or credit cards; so folks like me (maybe hundreds or thousands) CAN NOT contribute.

anonymous web surfing at work....

Submitted by renans on July 27, 2006 - 11:48am

My question is this, is there a way to surf annymously at work. At work we have a network and they use websense and i guess they can see every website that you go to. I don't know if websense works with firefox, but i know that in ie websense can see everywhere you went. I want to surf anonymously, is there a portable app that allows this.
