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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

How to open a jar file with Java 6, but also keep Java 7 on USB?

Submitted by Loui8 on September 1, 2013 - 9:36am

I have a Java jar file which I need to open with Java 6. JavaPortableLauncher I believe runs Java 7 (if installed).

I need to have both Java 6 and 7 on my USB stick. How can I run the specific jar file with Java 6 while also keeping Java 7 on the USB stick for all other applications?

Which are 100% portable and which are not?

Submitted by Fordis on September 1, 2013 - 7:06am

I think this is important: Which are "100% portable" and which are not?

Of all the apps in, can someone please list down for us, the ones which are "truly 100% portable" and the ones which are "not fully portable."

1.) 100% portable - doesn't leave any trace on the host PC that is used.

2.) Not fully portable - leaves some trace or saves data on the host PC.

For example:
Some portable software saves data in Windows Users Folder, ie: C:\\Users\\ApplicationData \\ AppData \\ RoamingData \\ LocalData and the like.

Chrome Review (~ FF & IE)

Submitted by Hansj on August 30, 2013 - 10:17pm

Chrome is an easy install with PortableApps, because 1) flashplayer works immediately compared to FF that requires a detailed installation to become portable and have lagging issues; 2) Java works too, but maybe only because it is already installed in portableapps commonFiles folder; 3) there are no plugins - only extensions; 4) and you can write your search in the URL so without the searchbar there´s more space for webpage.

PAM icon in My Computer views ( or just Computer :D )

consul's picture
Submitted by consul on August 30, 2013 - 11:51am

So I am looking at my icon when I am in the File Manager on Windows Vista, and you know how you can change the Views so you can see icons, lists, details, etc? When it is in Medium or Large View, it looks like the icon is just a expanded version of the Small View or the List viewss, so it is pretty raggedy.
Is this normal or was there going to be different icons for different resolutions? Or was that just for screen resolutions?
Would you be open to having the small logo file icon be a tad more detailed? The other windows native file icons seem to scale better bigger.

suggestions for good USB stick duplication

Submitted by xbibleyosef on August 25, 2013 - 4:08pm

Hi folks,

I'm looking to sell some software as part of a charity project on USB flash drives sometime next year.

I'm wondering what is the best app to duplicate USB flash drive on a regular PC in say, 4 or 8 at a time.

I'd like to maybe farm out this to someone to do this for me if I get 100s of orders to my product, give them a USB hub and ship new sticks to them from Amazon or whatever.

I think commercial USB suppliers and duplicators will only do this in 1000x pieces or above.
