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General discussions of portable apps and news.

Context Menu Temporary

Submitted by esimha on July 9, 2013 - 2:46am

Expresso/Coffee will work for temporary file associations.

Is there anything for Temporary Context menu when portable drive is attached?

Means without host modifications.

Note : it may be useful when we want our favorite applications to be opened for particular extensions that can be configured in context menu. it will give quick access.(Expresso/coffee will work for one favorite applications) but this will be helpful for use more number of favorite applications.

Let me post your comments and examples of those.

Is there a way to migrate a profile to an installable program?

Submitted by rectitude on July 7, 2013 - 2:11am


I am thinking of Google Chrome, since the update mechanism does not inform as to any update pending and I am concerned about safety since I don't want to be running any out-of-date applications, particularly those that use the internet.

Also, secondly when a program crashes would it not be a good idea that in the least if an update is provided by the menu that it does the clean up for you?

Cheers and thanks

How to integrate portable application in windows context menu?

Submitted by Peter8087 on July 6, 2013 - 12:52pm

Is there a way to integrate portable application in windows explorer context menu? For example, the installed version of notepad++ creates "Edit with notepad++" in but the portable version doesn't do this. But i am not asking only for notepad++ but for any application that i want to integrate in the context menu.


Rewriting the Platform with Web Technologies

gluxon's picture
Submitted by gluxon on July 4, 2013 - 11:28pm

Something that I've begun to do recently is writing my applications in web technologies with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The reason for this is that it has many benefits, cross-platform being a big one. However, it wasn't the biggest one that I saw. Maintainability and ease of development were the biggest. The code-base for my apps would stay very simple and easy to understand to any web developer. Changes could be made very easily and quickly given HTML's dynamic capabilities.

Platform redesigned

gayathri's picture
Submitted by gayathri on July 2, 2013 - 4:29am

Dear Mr.John
Is it possible for the platform to be resigned so that it would open in full screen mode and the apps arranged to appear like icons in a windows desktop?. This might in fact act like a Portable Desktop Environment.Hope u will consider the suggestion
with regards

SOLVED: Crashed cleanup dialog by clean close on shutdown/logoff (AHK script)

Submitted by portableappscom on June 30, 2013 - 2:37pm

This AHK script solves the following. apparently long-standing, problem:

"[...] did not close properly last time it was run and will now clean up. Please then start [...] again manually."

This is the message I get after restarting my PC and opening some apps. I know the problem is that I let Windows close the apps when I shut down my computer and it doesn't occur if I close the apps manually before the shutdown. But this isn't very cool because I often have 4 or 5 apps open.

home page like this "/dossier/index.html" in GC Portable or FF portable?

Submitted by gokufast on June 27, 2013 - 7:14pm

Hi i made a web page and i want to burn it in a CD, how i can get my home page automatically open fron the CD?

i try --homepage="\resources\index.html" in google chrome portable but it doesn't work.

the problem is that i don't know the drive letter of the PC's i will play the CD.

