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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Back up

Submitted by jcqm on July 26, 2012 - 6:48am

I´ve been facing a problem with the Back up utility in Portable Apps, which is it does not complete the task. It starts but at some point, a error message apears and the back up closed itself.
Because I´m not smart enough, I´m unable to create a log to view in what point the problem appears.
Any tips?

Database Browser

mutsuura's picture
Submitted by mutsuura on July 23, 2012 - 10:55am

I find it most irksome when a "portable" app is... NOT!

I downloaded "Database Browser" and installed it:

Subsequently I moved the installed app to another directory only to find encounter a warning that the directory has changed and it might not work which... it didn't!

Developers ought to understand the meaning of the term 'portable' and not label it so if it is not. If this were on a stick/dongle and plugged into another machine with a different drive letter the application would not run.


Submitted by hwfa on July 22, 2012 - 2:46pm

Please, is there an "official" portable version of MozBackup? One that will back up up both portable and non-portable Firefox, Thunderbird, Lightning? Or does anyone know if it's possible to install the "standard" MozBackup in a portable way - without touching the Registry etc. etc.?

I have Googled quite hard but to no avail; perhaps I just need new spectacles but ... IRC channel

bill_gagliardi's picture
Submitted by bill_gagliardi on July 22, 2012 - 11:14am

Is there still just the one IRC channel, or is there more. I've heard there are more than one, but Miranda woun't let me get a full list. If there is more than one, which one is for help developing an app? Thanks..

P.S. I did see, and was browsing comments dating back to 2008, but have no idea what is current.

A question for mod Chris

bill_gagliardi's picture
Submitted by bill_gagliardi on July 21, 2012 - 5:58pm

I posted a Release Test of Simple Port Forwarding (in the wrong forum), und you removed the link stating that it was commercial software and that there was no indication of permission given.

For the second part, I agree that I forgot to include permission. I was cutting and pasting from the development test template, and replacing with my info. There isn't a line for permission, and I forgot all about it (maybe that could get added to the template). I have updated the original post to include permission from the author.

It is possible to make articles for non-portable apps?

Submitted by farat_as on July 20, 2012 - 12:38pm


I want to make portable MS Office 2010. But I know that its licence (as many other applications) does not allow to distrubite it after making it portable (editing it in any way).

That's why I am asking if it is possible (it is legal) to create articles by developers like: "how to make your portable MS office 2010 from your own installation file" step by step. So every user can make MS Office 2010 portable.
