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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

mollum verification

Gord Caswell's picture
Submitted by Gord Caswell on August 18, 2012 - 9:54pm

While I appreciate having mollum activated, and hope it cuts back on the spam, I wonder If there's a way to disable the verification for users that have had a specified number of posts successfully submitted?

I haven't looked at the module recently, might be able to figure it out myself before John replies, if so, I'll post the answer to my question here.

[EDIT] fixed post title

completely sandboxed portable applications?

Submitted by minhnhatx on August 18, 2012 - 12:48am

I have looked everywhere and cannot find the type of portable app creator that I want.
Basically I want to create a portable application that is sandboxed.
For example, if you open a portable Firefox and go to File-->"Save page as", and save the file on desktop,
the sandboxed Firefox would not save the webpage to desktop
but instead it would save to
%Firefox portable Directory%\Sandbox\%root directory%\Users\Admin\Desktop\

Check for Updates?

Submitted by DaveI on August 13, 2012 - 2:17pm

I've noticed twice that it "seems" that my
Check for Updates only finds new updates when
I update the Portable Apps Menu itself. When I do that
and then do a Check for Updates it finds new updates.
I update all the new apps (Except I keep an old version
of Thunderbird because I like the Penelope Plugin)...
Then after that it doesn't find any new apps until
the next time I update the Portable apps menu (When a
new version comes out)...Has anyone else noticed this?

Fast USB flash drive with Windows mountable partitions

Submitted by Lupp on August 9, 2012 - 5:11pm

Does someone know a flash drive, suitable for Portable Apps, which does tell a Windows host not to be "removable media" but rather a hard drive?

I am looking for a stick which may contain more than one partition to be seen on a Windows system. One of these partitions would contain a bootable LINUX (with WINE, of course), another one the casper-rw if needed, a third one Portable Apps (useable under Windows or LINUX/WINE), and even a fourth partition might be of interest to separate files for exchange purposes.

Spying Apps?

Submitted by johnnem on August 8, 2012 - 6:00pm

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this forum. I have a question regarding iphone apps. Is there a app one can download onto someone else s phone or their phone and read a persons text messages and get transcripts of that persons phone calls?

