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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

AIMP not so portable

Submitted by tobalsan on September 16, 2012 - 3:52pm


i recently changed my main computer (from desktop to laptop). Anyway, as a heavy user of portable apps, i moved all my apps onto the new hard drive, and everything went fine except for AIMP Portable.

When I launched it, it forgot all the settings i used on the previous computer. I kept a copy on my previous computer, so i could recheck, and it is definitely an issue: the programs stores data in the


folder (i got all my apps on another drive, in a "Apps" folder at its root).

Changes on local files

Submitted by farat_as on September 13, 2012 - 10:37am


Creating folder
When I open Mozilla:


When I open Foxit reader:
C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Roaming\Foxit Software
C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Roaming\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader
C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Roaming\Foxit Software\RMS

When I close one of them they are deleting automatically.

I have all my portableapps on D:\ drive. Windows 7 has installed on my C:\ drive.

Online store issue

bill_gagliardi's picture
Submitted by bill_gagliardi on September 13, 2012 - 1:08am

Has anyone else noticed that if you go to the online store, under the Office section, Mozilla Sunbird, Portable Edition shows up. However, if you go through the Platform via Apps, then Get More Apps... you see Mozilla Sunbird, Portable Edition 2nd Profile, but not Mozilla Sunbird, Portable Edition? I just noticed this...


Submitted by justine on September 12, 2012 - 1:02pm

First of all, my apologies, my English is not good. but I try.
Since many years, my family and myself, we are downloading and using programs, offered on this site by Mr. John and his able
helpers. I wish I was able to offer them a glass of cold water, but our means do not permit. However, my family and my self wish to tell Mr. John and his people, that we thank you for such nice programs, which we might not have been able to get other wise. God bless you and thank you from our hearts.

me Justin and my family.

Does this exist: help for newcomer in foreign land

Submitted by ert111 on September 11, 2012 - 9:43am

Hi everyone,

I recently emigrated to Germany and am struggling with the language. My firm deals with a lot of scanned PDFs in German but doesn't convert them to searchable ones.

I would like a portable USB tool that I could quickly lift text out of scanned PDFs and place into google translate for example.

Does such a thing exist?

qBittorrent options-Downloads section; still need manual

Submitted by christina_a on September 9, 2012 - 1:11pm

I'm guessing from no replies to my queries, that no "full" manual exists?
It's similar to uT, but not exact copy. Haven't found much in "Help" on qBT's official site.

Couple of examples for questions:
In options>downloads section, a "keep incomplete torrents in."
? Assume ? if don't change default for this, incomplete & complete are kept in same location?

But, doesn't seem to be option to save torrents to CUSTOM path. There's an option to "save files to location," (change location to save files, but not for torrents?)
