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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

hey john, you might want to take a look at this (copyright infringement and theft most likely)

Submitted by Green Hat Linux on April 18, 2007 - 7:15pm

i just saw this over on mikicun and thought you might want to look into it, from the way its worded he seems to be taking credit for your work or (quite possibly) trying to trick someone into getting a trojan using a illegal copy of P.A.M.

[Link removed by moderator RM: Illegal software available from link. John, contact me if you want the link]

[EDIT] whoop's, sorry bout that... [/EDIT]

just thought you ought to know.

*tips hat and walks off*

blocked usb ports

Submitted by compudude06 on April 17, 2007 - 5:05pm

i love the suite john built and i use it pretty much everyday, but i recently ran into a problem. i plugged into a computer only to find the usb ports were more or less disabled. it would recognize the drive was there, but wouldnt let any files transfer or pam to start. is there and easy way to beat this, or am i sol?

Miranda or GAIM?

Submitted by King Tut on April 16, 2007 - 10:15pm

I want to know what one is recommended. I will be accessing my USB drive mainly from XP computers, and a few W2K every now and then.. (rarely). I have never used Linux and only ever had one Mac, so that is kid of out of the picture. My USB flash drive is 2GB.

Portable Apps killer?

Submitted by King Tut on April 16, 2007 - 8:25pm

So, last year August I got a iRiver T10 1GB. I filled it up quick enough, and was happy that I could have my favourite Portable Apps with me. Around Christmas this year, it broke down, and I had to send it off to get a new one. I got my new one about late February, and once again filled it up with Portable Apps and music. Around early April, it broke down AGAIN. I'm sending it off today.

I was wondering, was it Portable Apps that killed it for what ever reason?

my docs folder

Submitted by compudude06 on April 16, 2007 - 5:18pm

i know its not a big deal, but when you explore to the main jump drive location (ie- F:\) you see the documents folder. i have many other folders in there and sometimes its hard to see the documents folder right away. what is the easiest way to change the folder icon to something like windows my docs folder icon? the portable apps folder has a cool icon, so maybe this is something to be considered in the next release.

short introduced - steganos locknote - very simple portable editor with encryption as open source

Submitted by guestt on April 16, 2007 - 12:50pm

It`s a simple editor like the windows standard editor. Very fast and easy to use. Dunno what is under the hood but steganos is a well known corperation.

I'm Fading Away..

Steve Lamerton's picture
Submitted by Steve Lamerton on April 16, 2007 - 11:04am

Well, as some of you may know l have exams coming up shortly (4 weeks time for 4 weeks) and because of this I am going to be cutting back on my presence. This is actually a decision that l made some months ago and you may have noticed my post rate dropping. I would still like to release Toucan ASAP and have just sent John an email regarding this, so stay tuned for details, I'll still be around sometimes but I apologise in advance if l don't answer posts very quickly.


nnCron users: tasks "kit" that can improve USB stick usage as a "portable" workplace (IM, browser, documents, etc) at work/home

Submitted by iScape on April 16, 2007 - 10:41am

nnCron tasks "kit" that improves several aspects of USB stick usage as a "portable" workplace (IM, browser, documents, etc).
Increases operation speed; reduces number r/w requests to USB drive and therefore (hopefully) extends drive lifetime. Takes time for sync:) A kind of simple back-up and a chance to get lost in 3 copies (home, work, USB) Smile
Supported use cases:
1. Start work session.
2. End work session.
3. Workstation reboot/shutdown.
4. Notification about access to temporary data location to prevent possible edit of inactive copy of data.
