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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

I'm on Holidays! / What apps do you want to see?

Ryan McCue's picture
Submitted by Ryan McCue on March 30, 2007 - 4:48am

I'm finally on holidays! Thank John for that. Wink

Anyway, I'd like to know, what apps would you like to see the most? (i.e. more games, more office tools, etc. No specific apps please)
This post is sponsored by My Spare Holiday Time. Visit them on the net at


Submitted by dkulchenko on March 29, 2007 - 11:04pm

Will PortableApps every be Ceedo - 30 Day Trial + Working Firefox and other apps + Compatibility with other OSes? And even better?

P.S. I really love PortableApps and am waiting for something else in the Games column... Smile

What's on your portable#2?

Submitted by jessejazza on March 29, 2007 - 5:01pm

I have read this thread several times and have enjoyed reading all the apps people have on USB. But it has now got so long - isn't it time for that thread to be closed and another "What's on your portable#2? started

[Moderator note: Do *NOT* include links to multiple applications in your post or your message will be automatically marked as spam and your account temporarily disabled.]

Xampp - mysql problem

Submitted by foobar on March 29, 2007 - 3:40pm

Hi - I don't know if anyone can help, but I have just installed XAMPP using portableapps. I installed manually as suggested, and while apachge and php work fine, when I click "Xampp start" I get a DOS box containing the message:

Please wait [Bitte warten] Could not open required defaults file: mysql\bin\my.cnf
Fatal error in defaults handling. Program aborted

The my.cnf is there... any ideas?


portable apps menu on the whack!!!

sergentsiler's picture
Submitted by sergentsiler on March 29, 2007 - 10:05am

for some reason when i plug in my drive to my comp, all of the buttons are at the top and then ther is a big black part where the rest of the menu is supposed to be. another wierd thing is that the buttons that should be at the base of the menu show up at the top with the rest of the menu but the bottom buttons work on the bottom of the screen. this also dosent happen on other comps. anyone know whazup??

This is how we do it.

Submitted by Thomas.Humphries on March 29, 2007 - 9:46am

Ok, here are my thoughts.

Thoughts back would be even better Wink

1. You lose your USB Device.
2. You have help!*1 on the device.
3. You never get a phone call.

So you have to go and get a new pen.
How do we make this totaly/only your device.

Here is how I think (If I could do it all!) my USB pen would run.

1. autorun.inf loads
2. check_if_i_am_me.XXX checkes your system for username / system name
if system name / username is correct from within program then continue to load

New launcher - Qsel - Pstart replacement

Submitted by cmmehl on March 27, 2007 - 1:52pm

Hello everybody,

I would like to recommend Qsel as a launcher for portable programs on your USB-devices. It is of amazingly small size (download is only 63 kb), yet very powerful.

Personally, what convinced me to use it instead of Pstart are the category pages, of which the user can create an unlimited number - allowing for an easier and clearer accommodation of a large number of portable programs than Pstart, despite the latter's group feature. Now my programs are really grouped the way I want, easy to find and and with a good overview.
