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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Is torpark a trojan app?

Submitted by inuyasha967 on October 22, 2006 - 2:10pm

I've read allegations that torpark phones home here:
Untill this question is resolved ill have to refrain from using torpark and switch to the official firefox/firefox portable and tor releases. I know that torpark is someone elses project, but since firefox portable is used in torpark, could mr Haller investigate and comment? Please note that i maintain full confidence in the use of firefox portable and tor. I an no programmer so even if the torpark is open source i have no idea how to verify it. I hope someone more knowlegeable can check it

Why can't I download?

Submitted by alastria on October 22, 2006 - 1:10am

I saw about your site a couple of days ago, and I'd like to try these apps out. But I've been unable to download *anything* from the sourceforge repository "" for almost 48 hours. What's up?

1) Are extended outages like this normal? When can I download these apps?
2) Why are you using only one sourceforge repository? Why not use several? Redundancy will help you avoid things like this in the future.

-- Derek


Bahamut's picture
Submitted by Bahamut on October 21, 2006 - 3:45am


Does anyone know what exactly this key does? It seems to track every executable run recently. I know there are other keys that hinder true portability, but I was wondering if anyone knew about this one in particular.

Search Fixed

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on October 19, 2006 - 6:27pm

I've fixed the site search from the main toolbar. If you went directly to the search page, it worked, but not from the toolbar. This was due to a Drupal upgrade applied late last night to fix a security vulnerability. In the process, it changed the way forms work (with tighter validation). The custom theme used by the site didn't have this validation applied, so Drupal was rejecting anything you entered. I've updated the theme to work with the new validation.

Long story short: you can use the search box again.


Submitted by Nerd on October 19, 2006 - 3:47pm

Yes, I feel very stupid asking Mr.Haller somthing. Its not like you go into a microsoft fourm and say "Oye!" "Bill!" like you know him. but any way, wouldent it be good to put a spell cheacker on the comment poster thingy? It would be good for people like me. Seeing as I've probebly spelt somthing wrong alerdy in this topic.
