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Got a suggestion for an app that should be portable? Post it here.

Cursor Editor

Submitted by OsamaJT on March 13, 2023 - 5:29pm

Hello, I'm new here, and I love PortableApps :)

I looked in the forum and found no one asking for/suggesting a cursor editor to be supported by PortableApps, so here I am :)

any cursor editing app should do, I ran recently into "Real Word Cursor Editor", it already has a portable version if that makes things easier, and I found it to be a good option, I don't have any experience at that though.

Thank you :)
Love your work

7-Zip ZS - a 7-Zip fork with extra codecs with high compression ratio

Submitted by rbon on March 11, 2023 - 12:29pm

7-Zip ZS is a 7-Zip fork with extra codecs with high compression ratio.
The extra codecs for the compression algorithm are:
Zstandard v1.5.4 is a real-time compression algorithm, providing high compression ratios. It offers a very wide range of compression / speed trade-off, while being backed by a very fast decoder.

Studio 2.0

Submitted by Maturing4111 on February 13, 2023 - 9:52pm is described as 'powerful but intuitive CAD-like software for building model brick creations, giving the feeling of building with LEGO in real life. It's fully integrated with to provide a complete online experience that allows sharing and building with others' and is a 3D Modeler in the photos & graphics category.

