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Got a suggestion for an app that should be portable? Post it here.

Hattrick Organizer

dsaberniak's picture
Submitted by dsaberniak on August 3, 2011 - 2:55pm

Hattrick is the original online football manager game, and it's free to play.
Current active users number 726,661 in 127 countries.
Hattrick Organizer is a popular, free, java-based helper application and is a CHPP (Certified Hattrick Product Provider)-approved program.
It's OpenSource licensed LGPL and written in Java, therefore it's OS independent.
Installers for Windows and MacOS are supplied, as well as a ZIP file for every other platform (Linux, BSD).


Mir's picture
Submitted by Mir on August 1, 2011 - 7:15pm

I ran into a few CHM's that are annoying me because my computer are either linux or the windows computer have chm viewing turned off due to a security hole. i really want to convert one of my chm's to a PDF. this will be of no issue for me due to me having access to a PDF print driver.

KCHMviewer is Opensource


Dowload link:

Canonical Bazaar for Windows (version control system, Python)

Submitted by Ross Kemp on August 1, 2011 - 6:20pm

Good day mates

If some bloke decides to take this challenge and make a portable version of Bazaar for Windows, he will have my sincerest appreciation.

I'm not an expert, but I think making Bazaar portable is doable, and I would attempt to do it myself, but it just seems like a huge amount of work due to all the dependencies and shit.

Thanks in advance

Renamer with macro

Submitted by bigpallooka on July 28, 2011 - 9:44am

I really enjoyed using the macro function in Oscar's File Renamer. It's development stopped years ago and I had some issues with stability as far back as WIN XP (Win 7 on all my 'puters now). Is there a portable renamer that has this sort of function? I have tried Ant Renamer and find it restrictive or counter intuitive or not dumbed-down enough.

clip grab

Submitted by james c110 on July 27, 2011 - 6:59pm

clip grab is a popular video grabbing tool that supports encoding to other formats with out first having to download the video. simply paste a compatible URL, choose the quality and format and click the "grab this clip" button. it also supports proxy configuration and can also add ID3 metadata to MP3 files


it is free but i couldn't find any info on weather it was open source

registry entrys can be found in
