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Request Apps

Got a suggestion for an app that should be portable? Post it here.

real-time AVs? if so, i just need a good portable firewall ! or these oxymoronicals?

sweepsnregs's picture
Submitted by sweepsnregs on February 4, 2011 - 5:32pm

I've been poking and scouring over there @ SoftPedia to see anything worth PAFing

Any1 know good portable firewall? Are real-time AVs and firewalls and PORTABLE oxymorons? Any1 claiming at anytime (even with future technologies) are scam artists? B4 every1 starts knocking me , remember the advantages of PAFs: easy duplicating app setups from 1 machine to another, easy uninstalling, no registry mucking up, etc, etc. yeah i see these benefits still outweigh any of the standard reasons for not PAFing a given app. But then I'm not a coder, haha

Kdenlive for Windows

Submitted by Blobo9000 on February 4, 2011 - 2:49pm

It would be really good if made Kdenlive for windows and made it portable. I love Portable Apps because I can take my software and files anywhere I want.

I would also like there to be portable Safari because others are requesting that and I really like that browser.

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dtSearch (Desk Top Search) - please make this portable

Submitted by jstorm3 on January 31, 2011 - 6:26pm

This app is so helpful for study. You can sort search results by "number of hits". You can search for results by specifying how close words are to each other. Its better than google! Search all indexes or search them separately. For those with thousands of documents this allows you to find anything on your hard drive super fast.

Portable would be awesome.


Submitted by Christian Hartmann on January 31, 2011 - 3:14am

Novel Writing Assistant (Version 1.7)
Available for Linux and Windows!

Kabikaboo is a tree-based note pad, designed to help you plan a book or complex project.

- Note Tree: infinitely customizable; you create all categories and subcategories.
- Edit Nodes: a simple node that you can write text inside of.
- View Nodes: recursively see any section of your tree, as if it were one document.
- Tabbed Notebook: keep as many nodes open as you want.
- Bookmarks: help you jump back to your favorite/important nodes.
- Visits: three different automatic lists of visited nodes.


Submitted by dscarfog on January 30, 2011 - 11:50pm

I know this has been said before, but I haven't heard anything in a while. Dropbox is suppose to get ride of the need for flash drives, but my work PC will not let me install Dropbox, so a portable app would be great! The Dropbox API has been out for a while.
