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Request Apps

Got a suggestion for an app that should be portable? Post it here.

Python 3 and IDLE

Submitted by Flametastic on October 25, 2018 - 1:02pm

Python is an interpreted high-level programming language for general-purpose programming. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability, notably using significant whitespace. It provides constructs that enable clear programming on both small and large scales.

IDLE is the Python IDE built with the Tkinter GUI toolkit.

FreePascal and FreeBasic

Submitted by Flametastic on October 25, 2018 - 10:10am

FreeBASIC is a self-hosting compiler which makes use of the GNU binutils programming tools as backends and can produce console, graphical/GUI executables, dynamic and static libraries. FreeBASIC fully supports the use of C libraries and has partial C++ library support. This lets programmers use and create libraries for C and many other languages. It supports a C style preprocessor, capable of multiline macros, conditional compiling and file inclusion.

QEMU Portable

Submitted by djking101 on October 15, 2018 - 7:41am

I know I have already Portable Linux but hey 1 step at a time, note i am not going for OSLauncher as that is no longer supported, i want to get qemu portable, get portable linux, with metal boot, then build my own frontend for QEMU. Ill upload a draft by Thursday, then Ill be away for a couple of weeks, holiday, then more QEMU!

Would like to see HDogg as a portable app...

Submitted by Wiebenor on October 14, 2018 - 4:44pm

Name: HDogg

LICENSE: was freeware/commercial, but now opensource...

Original site:
I reported earlier(what this text is replacing), that it is on source forge, but can't find it, as of yet, but opened the ZIP from original website linked above, and checked the license, and it is a 2007 version of the GPL...


Submitted by DarkAlchemist on October 4, 2018 - 8:21am

We will start the portability with version 1.4 as the first step - the other Foobar project was stopped in 2011.
The second step (or parallel project) will be create the portability for plugin MP3tag ( that will work with MP3Tag portable ( - note is not necessary to make the portability for this one, you can to extract EXE to a USB driver, it works.

Portable GDevelop (for windows)

LCB456's picture
Submitted by LCB456 on September 27, 2018 - 11:36am

Can someone see about making the free game maker GDevelop portable? If so it would be appreciated

It installs to the directories:

C:\Users\ (your account name) \AppData\Local\Programs\gdevelop


C:\Users\ (your account name) \AppData\Roaming\GDevelop 5

Could some one look into that?

Here's the link:
