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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

Sandboxie Portable (Can you use it to make other apps portable?)

nocr's picture
Submitted by nocr on June 20, 2007 - 4:25pm

I use Sandboxie to test out new freeware that I've downloaded, just to be sure it isn't including any malicious software. (paranoid)

anyways, I was excited to find that they have finally made it portable:

Thread (on Sandboxie forum)


One of the posters there came up with an odd Idea, which I thought I would present to you guys.

anyways, here goes:

Help with shortcuts

Submitted by FlightlessNinja on June 20, 2007 - 4:58am

Hi all,

Ok i have copied the progeam i want into the portable apps folder but there are several .exe's that it needs to work but all of them appear in the menu.

All i want is to have the one item in the menu for the program itself.

Can this be done?

I have tried using bat2exe but i'm not sure if there is anything specific that you have to include in the batch file in order for it to work correctly.

Can anyone hepl.

TextPad Portable

Submitted by krTsukasa on June 19, 2007 - 5:05pm

I am trying to create a working launcher for a program called TextPad using PortaLaunch. Technically, TextPad can be carried around on a flash drive and used on a remote computer anyway, however all of its settings are stored in the registry, and so they are lost when switching computers. So far, I have gotten limited success with getting it to work.

Compile issue with ApplicationPortableTemplate 2.0

Submitted by chris0 on June 18, 2007 - 10:38am

So I'm trying to make BZFlag portable. Someone claimed earlier that it is already portable, but it leaves a "My BZFlag Files" folder in My Documents. I plugged all necessary data into Klonk's ApplicationPortableTemplate (ver. 2.0) and compiled. It spat this message:

(no errors above here)

Processed 1 file, writing output:
Adding plug-ins initializing function... Done!
Error: could not resolve label "CheckAppsINI" in function "InitINI"
Error - aborting creation process

Any clue?

PAM U3 Shell?

Submitted by Technilube on June 18, 2007 - 10:25am

Maybe I'm searching for the wrong keywords, but I got disappointed with my U3 drive on a trip to Europe last month when none of the internet cafe and hotel PCs would allow U3 to run. This then, of course, wouldn't let me get to my Portable Apps and files. I'm thinking of removing U3 and just making it a standard USB stick, but am finding some of the U3 programs seem to be U3 dedicated (Avast, WinRar, etc).

PortableApp Run Only One Instance

Submitted by ticklemeozmo on June 16, 2007 - 5:54pm

PortableAppsMenu should only have one running instance.

I leave the PortableAppsMenu.exe program running (in a hurry, it's just easy to shut the programs and pull rather than click the little icon and hit exit) between use, and when insert my USB key again, i find myself starting up PortableAppMenu again. This creates two instances.

I would like PortableAppMenu to open the current running instance's menu should it be run twice accidentally.

Portable NES Emulator - Nestopia Modification

Submitted by x999x on June 16, 2007 - 6:34am


I've come up with a very low-ball approach to executing batch files from PAM using a ResHacked stand alone Flash Playe(Projector).

I've had great success moving flash games and even Warcraft III on to my thumbdrive using this technique, most recently Nestopia.

Enough already, where's the darn download link already?


portable scrabble

Submitted by dfritter4 on June 15, 2007 - 4:10pm

i have written a fully functional 2-person scrabble game, that, if worked on (there are a few know bugs here and there) could definitely be a sweet addition to portable apps.

its written in VB (yes i know...) for my computer programming class. id be willing to release the code to anyone who wants to help me improve it.

heres a screenshot: (yes i know you can see the other person's hand, but what can i say...)

Working directory bug

Submitted by ormus7577 on June 15, 2007 - 1:42am


I've written a launcher (for a game called Adom). Sadly the app is hit by the working directory bug Sad I know it's fixed in beta2 pr2. But is there any other way around it? I would like the launcher to be more universal and not limited to one prerelease version. Beside, where is that version available for download? Can't find a thread/download at sourceforge.

