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Firefox Portable

auto updates

Submitted by Geri on May 15, 2006 - 3:13am

My app. always downloads f/f updates - I want to stop this, and I've been to the update tab and cleared all boxes. How can I turn this process OFF guys?

portable firefox is a great idea tho' , thanx

Problem with .URL ("Internet Shortcut") files

Submitted by joebob on May 14, 2006 - 8:53pm

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?:

If I double-click on a Windows .URL ("Internet Shortcut") file, Firefox opens without my profile settings loaded (as though I was opening Firefox for the first time).

However if Portable Firefox is already open and I double-click on a Windows .URL file, the URL launches in a new window with all my profile settings loaded. What gives?

[Question] About the trademark policy of portable firefox

Submitted by hobbyscripter on May 11, 2006 - 5:37am

i'd like to ask what splash i'm allowed to use if i'd like to

publish a community edition?

1. A splash without "" in order not to let the user think the community edition as a official version which is published by ex.

2. Or A splash within "" ex.

DOM Inspector

Submitted by TehOne on May 9, 2006 - 2:31pm

I just started using the v1.5.0.3 of Portable Firefox. I started from scratch with this one, installing plugins from scratch etc... I have only one problem. I don't appear to have the DOM Inspector installed. How can I add this extenstion to my v1.5.0.3 Portable Firefox?


Two plugin directories?

Submitted by KevinTMC on May 9, 2006 - 11:20am

I've noticed that there are two different plugin directories in my PFF

All the plugins I had installed in previous versions are found here:


Whereas when I installed Flash using the extension posted on the PFF page, the files went here:


Is this okay? Do I need to harmonize these directories, move anything around...or just relax and enjoy?

P.S. I've got two searchplugins directories too, at G:\PortableFirefox\App\firefox\searchplugins and G:\PortableFirefox\Data\profile\searchplugins. Same answer th

lost my bookmarks?

Submitted by RickW on May 8, 2006 - 2:40pm

on my home computer i was able to get the wanted harddrive bookmarks imported into the portable app on my usb drive. when i plugged the usb drive into the office computer i used pass2go to access PFF and the splash screen did not appear but FF did. pass2go wasnt working properly so i decided to open FF directly from the usb drive. got the splash screen and pass2go was then working properly, but my usb bookmarks are gone. did the harddrive access on the office computer overwrite my bookmarks?

