screen capture, editor, color picker and more

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Version 7.2.8 for Windows, Multilingual
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PicPick is an all-in-one program, primarily system tray-based, that provides a full-featured screen capture tool, an intuitive image editor, a color picker, a color palette, a pixel-ruler, a protractor, a crosshair and even a whiteboard.
- Screen Capture - Take screenshots of the entire screen, an active window, specific region of the screen, free hand, scrolling window and more. Auto-scroll, dual monitors and sound effect are supported.
- Image Editor - Intuitive User Interface (Windows Ribbon style). Standard drawing, shapes, arrows, lines, text, and etc. Effects are supported as well. Blur, sharpen, hue, contrast, brightness, color balance, pixelate, rotate, flip, frame effect and more.
- Color Picker and Color Palette - Various color code type (RGB, HTML, C++, Delphi). Photoshop style RGB/HSV conversion is supported. Pick and Save your favorite color!
- Screen Pixel Ruler - horizontal and vertical orientation. various units (Pixels, Inches, Centimeters). DPI setting (72, 96, 120, 300).
- Screen Magnifier - Zoom 2x to 10x option. Stay on top, smooth display, and sizeable window
- Screen Protractor - Helps you find angles on screen. Pick a center, then a location, then the angle in degrees away from the first. Can be used in a variety of photography, math, and graphics applications.
- Screen Crosshair - For aligning objects in graphics or design applications. For calculating relative coordinates on screen
- Whiteboard - For giving a presentation or just drawing something on screen
Download Details
- Publisher: NGWIN & PortableApps.com (Andreas Piatek)
- Date Updated: 2024-02-23
- Date Added: 2012-09-07
- System Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11
- App License: Freeware (Personal use. Business use with a paid license.)
- Source: PortableApps.com Launcher, PortableApps.com Installer
- SHA256 Hash: bfd5ae310229f36de7bc0638d2255f26a44172d0a6302af335617a9471037398
PicPick is packaged for portable use with permission from the publisher