password manager

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Version for Windows, Multilingual
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Password Gorilla helps you manage your logins. It stores all your user names and passwords, along with login information and other notes, in a securely encrypted file. A single “master password” is used to protect the file. This way, you only need to remember the single master password, instead of the many logins that you use. If you want to log in to a service or Web site, the Password Gorilla copies your user name and password to the clipboard, so that you can easily paste it into your Web browser or other application. Because the password does not appear on the screen, Password Gorilla is safe to use in the presence of others.
Download Details

- Publisher: Password Gorilla Team & PortableApps.com
- Date Updated: 2013-06-01
- Date Added: 2012-11-26
- System Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11
- App License: Open Source (GPL)
- Source: Password Gorilla, PortableApps.com Launcher, PortableApps.com Installer
- SHA256 Hash: 5de4846d1b5195189835ccb75ae741c8de7600f609d050a4c1aaa23bd38ed691