File and directory synchronization

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Version 1.6.2 Rev 2 for Windows, Multilingual
6MB download / 17MB installed
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Synkron is an application for folder synchronisation that allows you to configure your synchronisations in detail. Despite having many features, the user interface of Synkron is very user-friendly and easy to use. Synkron is able to synchronise multiple folders at once, analyse folders before sync, restore overwritten or deleted files, plan synchronisations and much more.
Download Details

- Publisher: Synkron Team & PortableApps.com
- Date Updated: 2015-04-29
- Date Added: 2010-12-27
- System Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11
- App License: Open Source (GPL)
- Source: Synkron, PortableApps.com Launcher, PortableApps.com Installer
- SHA256 Hash: 406fad255f76bcc195213941396d97e1504d002d52f5d2d43aa7d2560718c125