Hi guys,
Some of that "most wanted and killer programs" are on that pirate sites, but I want that apps to be here, on portabbleapps.com ...
Could you release these free programs ? (pls soooon)
IronPortable 4.0.280 stable
(there is a link for download, and original portable zip is there)
OperaPortable 10.50.3206 dev
(Can be done probably more faster with "classic installer")
LunascapePortable stable
(download link)
Google Chrome stable
DelugePortable 1.2.0 stable
BitCometPortable 1.18 stable
Zipped releases (no installation required)
Tixati v1.29 Portable Edition
There is portable zipped edition
BitSpiritPortable stable
will illigal apps ever be on this site
if you don't know-ee you should ASCII
so no ilegall
stop being demanding!
Why are you telling random people to start working?
At a glimpse these are all freeware apps therefore they can be legally distributed with the permission of the author or alternatively as online installers. See Google Chrome Portable for an example of an online installer.
PortableApps.com Advocate
It is easy, just do from that portable zipped ... paf.exe ... and publish here
That is all, what I want from you, devs!
Sorry, but this is catastrophic slowlyness! by devs on portableapps.com
If they're too slow for you, why don't you just do it yourself, it would be much faster that way. The devs on this site work on projects in their spare time and do not receive any compensation for their efforts. If you are unhappy with their work, or lack there of, maybe you should stop complaining and try to learn how to write launchers. It would probably be faster than simply criticizing everybody until they do what you want.
- Im not developer, dont know howto.
- That is too slow for everyone.
Moreover, I did my last requests on Novemeber 2009, and still no programs from that list is here. https://portableapps.com/node/21535 These programs are (most of them) portable in zip from its authors .... just only convert to paf.exe installer
- Many other people do sth in their free time, and its work is allways recent.
- These programs https://portableapps.com/node/22351 are in portable format from its authors and compressed result to zip file. So, convert to paf.exe installer should be done in 5 minutes.
Zipped doesn't mean portable. And none of them are in the proper format.
Just because you want something doesn't give you the right to make demands of someone else's time.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
- That are zip from its authors, and that is!!! in proper portable format.
- OK, I stop demanding, but in other way, I can only download it from pirate sites. So "thanks for help"
Most ZIP 'portable' releases leave stuff behind on local PCs. We do true portable software here. It must follow a certain spec and guidelines:
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
OK, but if "Request Apps" page here are only
"promise well" but "expect nothing"
I did all what I could. ... Place www links, names, and direct links to zip packages .... I know many people want something, but Is there "any real hope" to have these apps in paf.exe in cca 14 days or just soon time ? That is surely not a big problem for You, I believe.
Even if it is in zip and a "portable" version of the program does not mean it will be easy to do.
A bunch of developers a have stuff they already work on and don't have the time to work on any more.
Take a look at the PortableApps.com Launcher. you can make the apps portable yourself with out programing.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
So far, looks difficult,
but I want to try it
(In time as I found some courage about it)
PortableApps.com Launcher - pre-alpha 1,
but I think THIS IS IT, what Im looking for
If you had done a search you could have knocked a few of these off. Search before you post!
think before preach at others
i did a search and got hits on a number of the things you requested. see Computerfreaker's post below. also tone your attitude down a bit please.
think before preach at me!
"Deluge Portable in Development"
(similar old as other projects search)
Actually, that were great jokes from You.
Sincerely, I search before post, everytime I am here, so don´t preach at me. Thanks
Try to understand this. It's not that easy to portabalize. Try to take a look at all the work our members have done.
Only Open Source program will be hosted on this site. No freeware unless authorized by John.
Do you even realize why they're on pirate sites? Because they're illegal. This site follows the Open Source Definition and only releases true PortableApps.
There is no true easy way to have Everything Portable, all of the ways require hard work by you or others. Zipping up and .paf don't make stuff portable.
Freeware which is zipped from its author, is legally to do it portable here. When author to do zip + exe (2 variants of its SW), He automatically expect installation way and also portable way for their users. So, what is illegal ????? Nothing!
I understand, its more difficult, than I thought, but maybe its problem of PortableApps.com Format. Other Portable suites (with different format) have for example 250 applications, fast, and nobody is tired with hard to do them on USB drive. Maybe some simplify on this could be wise. Its only outsider view, but maybe sth to thinking.
Thats not true - PortableApps.com dont hosts open-source projects only! They are also freeware here. A few, but still.
I have more apps idea, to be here, but it looks, requests are not welcome.
Deluge(GPLv3), Iron (by The Chromium Authors GPL) are opensourced,
so at least, if You can, pls
The biggest problem is the fact that allows PortableApps.com to even exist: this is all free software. Because it's free, nobody gets cash from it; we all have separate, "regular" jobs/careers, and portabilizing apps is done in our spare time.
We're doing apps as quickly as we can, but it's a slow job. In order to conform with the PortableApps.com Format, each app has to be totally portable - it can't leave anything behind on the host PC (except stuff Windows creates by itself, such as Prefetch information). Each app also needs lots and lots and lots of testing to make sure it not only conforms to the Format, but actually works as well - some apps don't react well to having data moved to unexpected spots. Also, you wouldn't believe how much trouble an app can cause when trying to make it work consistently across several different Windows versions - for example, an app that works just fine on 32-bit XP can wreak havoc on a 64-bit Seven installation. More time gets spent on troubleshooting, bug fixing, tweaking, and rebuilding to fix that kind of problem.
All the testing means still more man-hours poured into an app - I'd be willing to wager each official app has had at least 100 man-hours poured into portabilizing it and probably more.
We understand your desire to see things moving more quickly, and there's not a person on here who doesn't agree with that. Unfortunately, "more quickly" is something that can't happen unless more people join us. If you'd like to help portabalize some apps, perhaps some of the apps in your list, we'd be more than delighted to have the extra help. We'd also be happy to help you along the way; there's a whole subforum dedicated to asking & answering questions about portabilizing apps. You don't need to know a thing about programming to start; you can learn from the many existing launchers, which (when combined) cover about every possible thing an app can do, ranging from Registry entries to files all over the PC to drivers.
If you can't/don't want to portabilize apps, please don't complain about the slowness of others. I promise you, things are moving as quickly as they possibly can. John T. Haller, the site owner, is particularly busy - few of us (if any of us) can comprehend how he gets so much done in so little time.
Please, have some patience.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
I will try patiently myself and try to check out its own way with launchers etc.. Thanks indeed
Just out of curiosity, did you search? I just spent 10 minutes and found most of the apps you were looking for.
Google Chrome is here.
Lunascape won't happen; here's why.
Deluge is still in development and seems to have stalled; perhaps you'd be willing to take over?
Iron doesn't seem to be on here; perhaps you'd be willing to try your hand at it. There's a portable build already on the Iron website; your launcher would be pretty darn simple.
BitComet, Tixati, and BitSpirit aren't on here either. There are some other Torrent clients, most notably uTorrent, on here though; until somebody gets around to the apps you requested, you might want to look at the other clients.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
Thank you computerfreaker. you proved the point i made in an above post that got commented back very rudely.
:lol: - Google Chrome instead ,,, now is 4.x Final Stable
:lol: - Lunascape bad comments since March 2009 ,,,, now is 6.x Final Stable
:lol: - Deluge instead of 1.2.0 ,,, now is 1.2.x Final Stable
:lol: - I dont want to use uTorrent ,,, because is crap, dont like Bittorrent Inc.
:lol: "Just out of curiosity, did you search? I just spent 10 minutes and found most of the apps you were looking for." (see upper response)
z25blink, please have some patience.
* Chrome - still being actively developed. My comments about free time hold true here, and the guy developing Chrome can't be everywhere at once. Also remember my comments about the length of testing required before an app can drop.
* Lunascape - you saw the thread. It's possible PortableApps' position has changed since then, since we're accepting freeware now, but I don't know as IANAL. Perhaps someone with more experience could chime in here?
* Deluge - why not update it yourself? No, that's not supposed to be sarcastic or anything like that - I'm really serious. You've got a launcher to work with; it probably just needs some minor tweaks to work with the latest version. An updated launcher would be much appreciated, I'm sure.
uTorrent - I somewhat see your logic, but IMHO it's somewhat twisted. You're complaining that you don't have access to the apps you want, but you're also complaining when we point you to an app that does the exact same thing. Still, I respect your desire not to use it.
If you're interested in developing a launcher or two, just say so - I'll be delighted to provide you with links to documentation and apps to help you on your way. I can also promise you'll find people willing to help with any problems you could have - we've got a couple of strong IRC channels on Freenode (#portableapps, #portableapps-dev, and #portableapps-ot), where you can get quick help, and you can also post on the subforum dedicated to portable app development.
If you're not interested in developing... well, perhaps you'd be willing to help field questions on here or in IRC? That would be pretty useful too - the less time developers have to spend answering questions, the more time they can actually be coding.
If you're not willing to develop, and you're not willing to help field questions, at the very least don't complain. Like I said before: things are getting done as quickly as they can. Just watch the Beta Testing forum for a couple of days and you can verify that for yourself - watch the number of posts created in the Beta Testing forum alone over the course of, say, a week. You could be surprised.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
Un-official Request Apps Guidelines
An Unfinished Beginner's Development and Packaging Guide
What is a portable app
PortableApps.com Suite and PortableApps.com Platform
Comprehensive, heh ?
Yep, that's pretty comprehensive.
Here's the most useful of all, IMHO: Creating a Portable App: A Guerrilla Field Guide (That's the topmost post in the Development subforum, btw - it's stickied so it'll stay there)
You can also get some help from UUPADA, a "Unofficial Ultimate Portable Application Development pAckage"; digitxp, one of the forum members, created it some time ago. It contains a blank template for a portable app, which is incredibly useful. It also contains a bunch of apps to help make an app portable, as well as the Guerrilla Field Guide I linked to earlier in this post.
You can get UUPADA here; it's in the "Part 3" link.
One more thing I find very useful: Sandboxie Portable. Although it isn't an official PortableApps.com app, and technically isn't even a beta test here IIRC, if you know how to use it it has many advantages over, say, Regshot.
There's a thread on the Sandboxie forum here, and you can download Sandboxie Portable from this thread.
Looking forward to working on Iron with you!
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
Well, you tempted me with the idea of some almost-portable apps and I fell. You can get Iron here; however, as "punishment" for tempting me, I appoint you my official tester for Iron.
Seriously, I would really appreciate it if you tested Iron; I'd also appreciate it if somebody told me if they noticed a newer version of Iron. I've got half-a-dozen projects going now, in addition to my full-time studies, and something's bound to be missed.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
Post content removed. Please don't link to sites which are thoroughly illegal (including copyright, trademark and licensing violation and who knows what else), or recommend things like ThinApp - invariably people use pirated versions of it rather than paying the thousands of dollars for it, and then redistribute it, again against the license, and morals.
-- Mod Chris
JTH moderation please, ban him!
Couple of problems here.
First, by replying to his comment, you removed his ability to edit his comment - the link is stuck there until a mod finds it. Hopefully that will happen sooner rather than later.
Next, IMHO banning is a bit excessive, esp. since I think this is a first-time offense. If he didn't know it was an illegal site, banning him is pointless. Many other members, including me, have at one time or another posted illegal links in good faith. A mod comes through, cleans up said link, leaves an explanation or warning, and all's well. Hopefully that will be the case here.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
"have at one time or another posted illegal links in good faith."
Same as me, few days ago .... with the same webpage exactly
Please... calm down. We don't ban people unless they are spam bots or continue to go against the forum rules.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
xiiiiiii man, ban me for something I didn't know about? I support portableapps.com the way i can, love it, and use it all the time. I never went against the rules here before, and I was trying to make the same point as most of the people here, that instead of shouting out WORK for other people, try finding ways of getting the work done yourself, or get alternatives. I DIDN'T KNOW that I couldn't post that link here, and if I went against the rules, now I would take the link out, if I could.
So, instead of throwing stones at me, next time calm down a bit and explain to me that I did something that's forbidded and I'll correct it if I can.
I guarantee you that I support open source software as much I can not piracy!
(Though most shareware fees are pure steal from us, so... FOSS rocks!)
PortableApps.com & Ubuntu fan here ^.^
,is one of the most warez supporter, as well.
GOOGLE IT is not wise
google only shows what most people want. And that is warez
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
ethics is out
Sadly, I have to agree with you.
Google any software and the top results invariably include warez. Google any popular news story and the top results invariably include malware sites trying to take advantage of the interest in the news story - even when that news story is about the earthquake in Haiti.
Not Google's fault, either. They just create the formula or whatever that defines how a pagerank is determined; people do the rest, whether by active interest in warez or SEO techniques for malware. Quite sad, really.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
@ricardofilipemoreira: Get that link out of here.
Sorry to be so harsh, but that site hosts dozens of illegal apps, steals the PortableApps trademarks, and feeds off PA.c's good reputation. From what I've heard of it, it's one of the biggest thorns in PA's side.
Please edit your post to get rid of that warez link as quickly as possible.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
no harm in being harsh. you got more easily noticed that way
I didn't know that site was illegal, though I know some of those apps are. I was just trying to tell him that Chrome and Chromium and Iron and Opera Portable (the versions he wants) are available in PA.c format if he searches the right places for them.
GoogleChrome Portable 4.0 is available here too, a test version. he probably missed it, but that's the version I have installed here and downloaded it from here.
so........sorry:P but people who say WORK instead of asking with manners and waiting for an answer are just lazy and don't do their homework properly.
That was my point, going by the rules now
Thanks for being so understanding! We really appreciate that.
Yeah, there's a whole bunch of sites that feed off PA - some of them blatantly "mirror" PortableApps' content, while some of them get sneakier and rip off the format, the icons, or sometimes even the apps. (Yes, there are at least one or two sites, that one included, which take our apps, repackage them, and pass them off as their own!)
That particular site also doesn't follow the PA format - sure, the apps might look like they're in PA format (I don't know, I haven't gotten any and won't), but I've heard they frequently leave data behind on the host PC, which is directly contrary to the Format. It's been summed up before: they do releases more quickly, but each release is far inferior to its real PA counterpart.
As a result of its piracy, trademark violations, theft, and lies, the relationship between PA and that site has been bitter, to say the least. Adding insult to injury is the link back to PA on that site - it makes it look like the two sites are affiliated, when they're actually bitter enemies. I'm sure the PA members, and especially John, would give a lot to get that site pulled down.
Incidentally, Opera's on here too (I didn't notice it when I was searching earlier): https://portableapps.com/node/12454
It's a bit old (2008), but should (hopefully) still work.
btw, a bit OT: I'm a Ubuntu fan too - it totally rocks!
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
yeah, as for that pa.c clone, can't say i've never downloaded from there, cuz I have. but if there is an alternative for an app here, i'll chose the one hosted here over theirs... and you're right, though many apps from them are portablized, they all leave traces behind.
as for ubuntu, it's my OS of choice, easy to use and set up, and less errors than windows, more independent regarding apps. you install anything, don't like it, uninstall it and it's gone, no traces behind, no registry to edit, just a home config dir to delete. that doesn't happen on windows,, unfortunately, that's why i love portableapps, instead of installing apps that may lead to a slow and buggy OS, i have a (almost) clean windows install and all apps running from portableapps
that combined with portablefileassociator (also hosted here) makes a powerful, futuristic and promising piece of software
Careful with that - most/all of their apps are illegal. They've got pirated apps on there, and plenty of trademark violations (e.g. a Chrome installer with the Chrome files bundled, and Firefox Portable without Mozilla's permission).
Oh yeah, I love Ubuntu's built-in portability as well. Very nice to have!
I'm a Windows guy by nature, since I started developing with VB6, but I still love my Ubuntu VM. Eventually I'll be upgrading Ubuntu to a dual-boot setup; that should be fun.
Yes, it's really great to have an almost-clean Windows install - I do too. I have exactly two installed apps that I use (I'm forced to keep a bunch of apps installed even though I use their portable counterparts), with several dozen portable apps, and my Windows is as fast as when I started it for the first time - w00t!
Yep! PortableApps is the way of the future, as is proven by all the companies jumping on the bandwagon. Even the "big boys" like Mozilla and Google want a piece of the action!
As for portable file associations, I use eXpresso, but PFA has a lot of power too.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
found here:
this is the latest. just place it in the Portable Apps dir and the exe shows up in the menu. works great
"No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices." - Edward R. Murrow
Theres's still one thing you're not getting. Just because a freeware program is zipped up doesn't give anybody the right to just take it and add the "Portable" suffix to it.
We can say, no forbid via law juridic can disallow you to do that.
If you dont change source code of program (what is closed source), you can do it.
These, of course, not!
As others explained to you, things are not so simple. If you have just zipped archive and you have the impression it works portable, then you can just take it and use it portable, you don't need pa packaging for it. I am using number of such software portably. Then no need to wait for release here.
But if you have just zip archive it does not mean it will work portably according to the specs here. That means it might leave this and that in the registry, and in other places, attempts to install some drivers and so on.
So to make it real portable it often needs some mods on the whole software and the launcher has to be properly designed. So if you think just take the open source app called Firefox and make it into some kind of portable package yourself and call it again Firefox Portable, well this is not allowed what ever your interpretation of the infos given in the wiki links might be.
To do this, you have to have special permission from the authors.
JTH might give you exact explanation what kind of special permission he has from the mozilla to do that.
And to ask for the most recent version of this and that, is fine and as rule recent versions should be used, but observe also that some newer versions of certain software simply can not be made portable at all, thought for the user the software still looks similar and has similar functions, but internally all has changed so much that portabilization is almost impossible or needs very much extra work.
And when major changes have to be done, then proper testing has to be done first prior release, so all will take much more time.
So with relatively new software, still under development, versions have not so big meaning, there are some software with number of versions every day with so called nightly builds. If I was up to using all the time the most recent version of wireshark for example, I would have to download and install it number of times every day.
So calm down, and when the versions are done then you will get them.
(unless you do it yourself)
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland
agreed, freeware apps and some open source ones can't be made portable just because they're zipped. they may work without installation but they still leave traces behind. there are many apps (free ones too) you can use to create launchers that make those zips truly portable, and that require few or no programming skills at all.
for the app names, if they're freeware or shareware, they may be used without payment but still can't be modified without written consent from the author. and even if you don't modify them, still the names are trademarked, so one can't just make a freeware X application X portable because you're using the app's name illegally. got it?
instead of reading the wikis try reading the app's license, provided with the app itself
No. ONLY you can only legally modify OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE.
Sorry, to cap and bold that much, but it helps to make those words stand out. Not yelling or anything.
The Free(dom) Software Foundation is different from Freeware.