I understand by default already installed app will not will be listed but in config page you do get option to list all apps which shows local install and available update for all apps. If you see my earlier post it has my settings ini which is set to shows all apps. [OnlyInstalledApps=0]. So Updater will list all my other installed local apps and if any updates exist Only 7-zip fails to be listed.
If You install 7-Zip via updater it will be installed with the last available version. That means it is up to date after install. Up to date Apps will never shown by the updater! If You see updates for local installed versions, there are not up to date. Try to change the version of the installed 7-Zip appinfo.ini to something lower than, run updater and it will be offered an update to (local . It is an updater not a program manager like the stuff on win.
The option "only installed apps" means: "Show updates only for installed Apps"
But take care, if You've PortableApps installed twice or more (local and on a usb stick) it could be the PortableApps.com Installers of the Apps will every time offer the PortableApps.com directory at the stick (or the one it prefer on Your machine) as default installation directory (if You'll run the installer via updater from the stick or another place is equal). So double check the install folder for 7-Zip to take care, that You will install on the place You want and all will be fine
(That is not an issue of the installer nor the updater, it is just like the way it is designed).
BTW: I checked it with c: e: and z: (stick). Every time same procedure: First (if 7-Zip is not present or outdated) an update is offered, after install and second start it 'disappeared' cause it is up to date now.
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... in most cases this occures if You are behind a proxy ore without activ internet connection for other reasons. The updater can not find the database because download fails.
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Thanks for reply Marko. I missed that if updated version is installed it will not be listed.
Tested with all the application listed in updater a9. 90% for all apps installed fine. The following apps failed to install
GnuCash 2.2.4 - Selecting this downloads winstatdir portable.
InkScape 0.45RC1 - MD5 checksum does not match (FTP path access denied error)
WinSCP 4.0.7 - File not found
Updating a thumb drive with an old installation (about Feb. 2007) I noticed that PA Updater alpha 9 updated only some apps (e.g. Clamwin, Filezilla, Firefox, Thunderbird), but did NOT update different other outdated apps (e.g. 7Zip, Gimp, Inkscape, Miranda, Sudoku, VLC).
Shouldn't the updater recognize those versions?
How "new" must the apps be to get recognized by the updater?
[If it matters: If available all the apps were in German language.]
... but if Apps are not in the current paf spec (appinfo.ini on the right place) the updater handles it as not installed. Please set "Show only installed Apss" off.
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There is a bug in the updater. It doesn't want to quit. I am on a school PC, with the updater running as I speak, and the bell will ring in 10. I want to log off, but I cant, as the updater it running. I tried hitting X on it, right clicking and hitting close, running the eject script, safely removing hardware, and even hitting log off. I may have to pull my drive out while it is in use.
... there is no way to close the installer window if the client process (Download/Install) is running. You can enable the cancel button and close the updater but in this case the client process will be still active.
At the moment there is only the way to kill it over the task manager, but I'll search a solution for it.
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I don't know if you tried this, but could it be that the problem you are having with the wget command is that it is breaking on German characters in the path rather than the spaces in the pathname?
I commented out the space-removing mods in the source and it seems that it worked okay with spaces in the path on my copy of Windows (XP/SP2, English-US)
... but it works now with spaces in all versions, cause the routine was changes from dont allowing changes to trasform it to dos paths. This works on all systems.
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I just updated the updater to Alpha 9 and tried to use the program but when i tried to start it, it gave me a "No actualization needed" error. I know that I have updates because some of my Apps are out of date and newer versions are out there. Why am I getting this error and how should I fix this.
Apparantly, unplugging the drive doesn't always stop the updater. If I unplug it during download, the updater willl keep runing, and continue the download if the drive is reinserted, which prevents any log off or shuting down of the PC of any kind. However, if it is unplugged when starting a new download, it will do a quick "download" of each, and exit out. I thing if you can cansel in the middle, being able to stop the download like that should be added in. After all, it would be bad if you start the download of openoffice and the bell rings.
On startup the app could look for this file (or section within settings?) and continue downloads either automatically or based on a settings switch.
I have fallen foul of a unexpectedly slow net connection which has made me late for leaving work due to downloading open office... that was a looooooong day
I also have this problem with filezilla 3.0.10, it isn't updating. Also the menu doesn't update either (to 1.1), not sure whether it should or not as you would need to colse the menu before installing it though?
The programs to download and the latest version of an app is read from an INI file on the authors official site. The beta firefox and the menu are not in the ini file yet. The menu isn't in, as it has really been conventional for years. The beta isn't there for the same reason, plus it is not directly listed in apps. These should be added, though. However, if it is added, please make sure it doesn't tell you to update if you use a menu mod, like I do.
In the last days I work with all my time and energy on OpenOffice.org Portable 3 Beta 1, thats why the release of the Beta 1 of the updater have to wait until the second week of June.
But I think its worth to wait for. It is nearly complete (only final tests have to run)
Beta 1 will come with:
* as stable as the last version but with a way to cancel the updater
* using of profiles (different inis for different tasks/places like office/home/scool
with or without proxy, one profile for developer versions
* new icon for the updater
... and some featurs more.
What we need to complete the Beta are some final strings for translation in French, Italian, Spanish and Japanese. If You are able to help please look at the svn source
I'll be some days away from the net ... so please keep smiling if the upadter will miss some updates. I'll update the database as soon as possible.
If someone is interessted in creating an maintain a database for the developerversions please let a hint here. I'll conact You in the second week of June for it.
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... so please keep smiling if the upadter will miss some updates. I'll update the database as soon as possible.
If someone is interessted in creating an maintain a database for the developerversions please let a hint here.
Why isn't updating the database part of the process of releasing an app?
The update is still in alpha, and is not yet supported by the site, and the database itself is stored on a different server, over which the current PortableApps.com site staff have no control whatsoever.
Ultimately, once this is released, and official, and supported, then it will indeed be just one more task to perform in each release, but it's not quite there yet.
Why is the database itself is stored on a different server?
The updater is being designed by a moderator (Marko Moeller) of the PortableApps.com forum so it seems to me, as he is one of the team, it would be in PortableApps.com's interest to have the database stored on their server, even though Marko's code is still (just) in the alpha stage.
Marko doesn't have upload access to a location on this server as far as I'm aware. And it is alpha, so I see no problem with it being stuck on another server.
The problem with it being on another server is that Marko has to keep it up-to-date. Indeed he has asked if someone could take on this task. No-one should have to - it should be automatic.
Couldn't a script be written to trawl through all the apps collecting the version numbers and writing them out to the database in the format required by the updater?
Since John is currently the only one making the releases, he'll be doing it once it goes official. He always has a process of having to update download links, MD5s, add release stories and notifications on SourceForge and PortableApps.com, etc, so updating an entry in the database will be fine for now.
... but I'm still looking for a solution to parse the informations from the site.
Additional informations like md5 sums and the internal release numbers are not on this page, thats the next issue
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I think it should be part of the core of the platform.
One thing I would like to see is if you have many updates, have them download at once. Rather than download one, install, download the next, install, etc etc.
That way you could begin the download, go off and do things, and when you get back all the apps are ready to be updated.
On the first run the updater downloaded all programs where the appinfo.ini (X:\PortableApps\\App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini) stated that is wasn't the actual version. But some programs (like Firefox, Clamwin, Filezilla) have update functions on their own. I would suggest to NOT use the included update functions because they are not aware that you are using portable versions of those programs. It might be they write registry keys or store some files locally. It would be better to disable those update functions in the portable version by default but that seems to be a licensing issue.
On the second run you found out that the database of the updater isn't updated automatically (as discussed some posts earlier). As long as it's updated manually you will always have a delay. At the moment Marko is away some days so you'll have to wait until he updates the database again.
Several Applications have auto update in-built, Firefox is among them, for apps like these, i personally would recommend adding them to the [Blacklist] section of the settings.ini (except for test purposes). EG
#appname=true - hides from update list
Firefox auto-updater is broken on Portable version, updating registry entries that should not update. So it is better not to blacklist them, and to have a localized update. What would be nice is to have an addons to Firefox that modifies the updater system to disable it or use PortableApps.com Updater.
It is never a good idea to run the built in update in a portable version of an app.
At best, you will get an uncompressed version, which will load slower and take up more space on your drive.
In the middle, you get apps such as the current Mozilla ones, which will subtly break the locally installed one if any, but will still basically work OK.
At worst, you get apps like OpenOffice.org, which, if you autoupdate, will simply install a full standard copy of the app onto the machine that you run the updater on, without touching the portable copy, meaning that it will still prompt to update on the next machine that you come to.
You should only ever update portable apps from here, by using the installers downloaded from here.
Starting PA Updater alpha 7 it states that there are no updates available. Not even the self update to alpha 9 works. Please correct this for the next alpha release.
(Nearly all apps on the key needed updates, and most of them had an appinfo.ini)
You did not get the point. What's an updater worth that doesn't update?
In other words: I'm an experienced user who has no problems with updating software manually. But the updater is targeted to unexperienced users. They don't notice this malfunction and don't know how to repair. So the updater has to be corrected.
Freak out! What are we gonna do gonna do gonna do?!
Calm. Down.
It's still in Alpha, so it really doesn't matter all that much. And I believe Marko did that package of Inkscape. It's a good app, so it's a nice way to get a little self-promotion testing wise.
IIRC Inkscape Portable was part of OOoPortablePlus that was later merged into the German version of PortableApps. So the updater offers an update opportunity to the former users of OOoPortablePlus.
Btw: Stop using CAPITALS. It's commonly regarded as screaming.
This is very nice for updating my apps, but sometimes it says something
about S:\PortableApps\PortableAppsUpdater\Data\updater.ini not found!
I wonder why?
I'm afraid not all entries are up to date.
As stated above the last release of On-Screen Keyboard Portable (February 24, 2008) is 1.1 Multilingual, but the database only knows 1.0.
The database doesn't know PortableApps.com Platform (Menu and Backup utility) at all so users are stuck with version 1.0 instead of version 1.1.
... the updater checks version entry in the apinfo.ini at the moment.
In the Platform only the Backuptool is in paf format and has this file ... and the version there is still
So we have to add an appinfo.ini for the suite or a new module for checking the Suite version for example by checking the exe atributes...
Thats why we should discuss the integration of the updater in the suite before ...
Because if we define the updater as part of the suite we could simply use the self update function for the updater (and install the latest published suite too) ... but this could bring us some problems with people using mods or other menus than PA suite.
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First off, great application. Its truly magnificent and something I wish had been around from the start.
Next, I read through the forum and heard mention of a checkbox that allowed the updater to show applications that you don't have installed. I have a few I'm missing and would love to use such a feature, however no checkbox or ini setting to do such is visible using Alpha 9.
Great things come to pass when something is needed not simply wanted.
I was also getting the error about PortableApps/PortableAppsUpdater/Data/updater.ini not found!. This came with an error in the event log "Generate Activation Context failed for F:\PortableApps\PortableAppsUpdater\App\wget\LIBEAY32.dll. Reference error message: The operation completed successfully."
A bit of searching on google led me to find that I needed to install VC++ 2005 Redistributable. As soon as I installed it it all worked ok.
I have found this program interesting even though I normally do a manual update of my Portable Apps. When using your program I'd like it to save the updates to a user defined locations eg the DESKTOP. Is there a way to set this?
I understand by default already installed app will not will be listed but in config page you do get option to list all apps which shows local install and available update for all apps. If you see my earlier post it has my settings ini which is set to shows all apps. [OnlyInstalledApps=0]. So Updater will list all my other installed local apps and if any updates exist Only 7-zip fails to be listed.
Sorry for misunderstanding. I thought you may have only noticed 7-Zip as it would be listed first. I s'pose that is a bug then, thanks.
If You install 7-Zip via updater it will be installed with the last available version. That means it is up to date after install. Up to date Apps will never shown by the updater! If You see updates for local installed versions, there are not up to date. Try to change the version of the installed 7-Zip appinfo.ini to something lower than, run updater and it will be offered an update to (local . It is an updater not a program manager like the stuff on win.
The option "only installed apps" means: "Show updates only for installed Apps"
But take care, if You've PortableApps installed twice or more (local and on a usb stick) it could be the PortableApps.com Installers of the Apps will every time offer the PortableApps.com directory at the stick (or the one it prefer on Your machine) as default installation directory (if You'll run the installer via updater from the stick or another place is equal). So double check the install folder for 7-Zip to take care, that You will install on the place You want and all will be fine
(That is not an issue of the installer nor the updater, it is just like the way it is designed).
BTW: I checked it with c: e: and z: (stick). Every time same procedure: First (if 7-Zip is not present or outdated) an update is offered, after install and second start it 'disappeared' cause it is up to date now.
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every time i run this i get this error message. is it just a missing file or what?
... in most cases this occures if You are behind a proxy ore without activ internet connection for other reasons. The updater can not find the database because download fails.
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Hi, ...
PortableApps.com Updater 1.0 ALPHA 9
Error = When try to update Inkscape.
The MD5 checksums of Inkscape_Portable_0.45.1.0_RC1.paf.exe do not match. Your download may have been corrupted.
Please delete my korgul, user account, ... (I not use it)
Thanks for reply Marko. I missed that if updated version is installed it will not be listed.
Tested with all the application listed in updater a9. 90% for all apps installed fine. The following apps failed to install
GnuCash 2.2.4 - Selecting this downloads winstatdir portable.
InkScape 0.45RC1 - MD5 checksum does not match (FTP path access denied error)
WinSCP 4.0.7 - File not found
With Regards,
Nikhil Bendre
... all issues verified and fixed now!
(Bugs in the database...)
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Updating a thumb drive with an old installation (about Feb. 2007) I noticed that PA Updater alpha 9 updated only some apps (e.g. Clamwin, Filezilla, Firefox, Thunderbird), but did NOT update different other outdated apps (e.g. 7Zip, Gimp, Inkscape, Miranda, Sudoku, VLC).
Shouldn't the updater recognize those versions?
How "new" must the apps be to get recognized by the updater?
[If it matters: If available all the apps were in German language.]
... but if Apps are not in the current paf spec (appinfo.ini on the right place) the updater handles it as not installed. Please set "Show only installed Apss" off.
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There is a bug in the updater. It doesn't want to quit. I am on a school PC, with the updater running as I speak, and the bell will ring in 10. I want to log off, but I cant, as the updater it running. I tried hitting X on it, right clicking and hitting close, running the eject script, safely removing hardware, and even hitting log off. I may have to pull my drive out while it is in use.
Simplifying daily life through technology
... there is no way to close the installer window if the client process (Download/Install) is running. You can enable the cancel button and close the updater but in this case the client process will be still active.
At the moment there is only the way to kill it over the task manager, but I'll search a solution for it.
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Thank you. I hope this can be fixed. Lucually, I don't think any damage was done.
Simplifying daily life through technology
I don't know if you tried this, but could it be that the problem you are having with the wget command is that it is breaking on German characters in the path rather than the spaces in the pathname?
I commented out the space-removing mods in the source and it seems that it worked okay with spaces in the path on my copy of Windows (XP/SP2, English-US)
-- Greg
... but it works now with spaces in all versions, cause the routine was changes from dont allowing changes to trasform it to dos paths. This works on all systems.
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Ooh! It wants to upgrade me from 0.45 to 0.45!
- InfraRecorder Portable 0.45 --> (local:0.45)
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Thank You!
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Make a new topic for alpha 10, this one is too large.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I just updated the updater to Alpha 9 and tried to use the program but when i tried to start it, it gave me a "No actualization needed" error. I know that I have updates because some of my Apps are out of date and newer versions are out there. Why am I getting this error and how should I fix this.
The Error means that all of your installed and supported apps are up to date, you can change the settings.ini
This will show all available downloads (supported).
Add Firefox 3 to the updater.
Simplifying daily life through technology
I love this man Good work keep it up.....
Apparantly, unplugging the drive doesn't always stop the updater. If I unplug it during download, the updater willl keep runing, and continue the download if the drive is reinserted, which prevents any log off or shuting down of the PC of any kind. However, if it is unplugged when starting a new download, it will do a quick "download" of each, and exit out. I thing if you can cansel in the middle, being able to stop the download like that should be added in. After all, it would be bad if you start the download of openoffice and the bell rings.
Simplifying daily life through technology
Don't unplug drive without first safely ejecting and furthermore while apps are running.
the problem with that is....
Updater is running from the stick, so Windows wont let you stop the drive
Problem: I have 3 more programs to download, and I am already late for class.
Simplifying daily life through technology
Solution: Don't try to run a mass update at the same time class is starting
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I think what people are asking for is a 'resume' function.
For instance, an update of x,y & z apps is requested, either on purpose or by accident.
There should be a method of stopping the update process while a file is downloading. EG
Update Requested...
During Download, a Pause button is pressed (message saying the current app being updated is AppName. Complete download & Pause | Abort Download?
y=Paused (or Aborted)
On startup the app could look for this file (or section within settings?) and continue downloads either automatically or based on a settings switch.
I have fallen foul of a unexpectedly slow net connection which has made me late for leaving work due to downloading open office... that was a looooooong day
The Updater is not seeing the newer version (3.0.10) of Filezilla
I also have this problem with filezilla 3.0.10, it isn't updating. Also the menu doesn't update either (to 1.1), not sure whether it should or not as you would need to colse the menu before installing it though?
The programs to download and the latest version of an app is read from an INI file on the authors official site. The beta firefox and the menu are not in the ini file yet. The menu isn't in, as it has really been conventional for years. The beta isn't there for the same reason, plus it is not directly listed in apps. These should be added, though. However, if it is added, please make sure it doesn't tell you to update if you use a menu mod, like I do.
Simplifying daily life through technology
Why should we accomodate for menu mods?
In the last days I work with all my time and energy on OpenOffice.org Portable 3 Beta 1, thats why the release of the Beta 1 of the updater have to wait until the second week of June.
But I think its worth to wait for. It is nearly complete (only final tests have to run)
Beta 1 will come with:
* as stable as the last version but with a way to cancel the updater
* using of profiles (different inis for different tasks/places like office/home/scool
with or without proxy, one profile for developer versions
* new icon for the updater
... and some featurs more.
What we need to complete the Beta are some final strings for translation in French, Italian, Spanish and Japanese. If You are able to help please look at the svn source
I'll be some days away from the net ... so please keep smiling if the upadter will miss some updates. I'll update the database as soon as possible.
If someone is interessted in creating an maintain a database for the developerversions please let a hint here. I'll conact You in the second week of June for it.
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That's a real great reason to be delayed.
... so please keep smiling if the upadter will miss some updates. I'll update the database as soon as possible.
If someone is interessted in creating an maintain a database for the developerversions please let a hint here.
Why isn't updating the database part of the process of releasing an app?
The update is still in alpha, and is not yet supported by the site, and the database itself is stored on a different server, over which the current PortableApps.com site staff have no control whatsoever.
Ultimately, once this is released, and official, and supported, then it will indeed be just one more task to perform in each release, but it's not quite there yet.
Why is the database itself is stored on a different server?
The updater is being designed by a moderator (Marko Moeller) of the PortableApps.com forum so it seems to me, as he is one of the team, it would be in PortableApps.com's interest to have the database stored on their server, even though Marko's code is still (just) in the alpha stage.
Marko doesn't have upload access to a location on this server as far as I'm aware. And it is alpha, so I see no problem with it being stuck on another server.
The problem with it being on another server is that Marko has to keep it up-to-date. Indeed he has asked if someone could take on this task. No-one should have to - it should be automatic.
What ideas do you have to make it automatic?
Couldn't a script be written to trawl through all the apps collecting the version numbers and writing them out to the database in the format required by the updater?
Since John is currently the only one making the releases, he'll be doing it once it goes official. He always has a process of having to update download links, MD5s, add release stories and notifications on SourceForge and PortableApps.com, etc, so updating an entry in the database will be fine for now.
As I proposed April 10: Base for the version check could be the sourceforge web page with the "latest file releases".
But it was interesting that Marko ignored were you mentioned this in the second part of point 2)
I am confident he'll follow my proposals on the long run
... but I'm still looking for a solution to parse the informations from the site.
Additional informations like md5 sums and the internal release numbers are not on this page, thats the next issue
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Just wanted to throw in my .02 cents.
Really love this app.
I think it should be part of the core of the platform.
One thing I would like to see is if you have many updates, have them download at once. Rather than download one, install, download the next, install, etc etc.
That way you could begin the download, go off and do things, and when you get back all the apps are ready to be updated.
the first time i used this app, something strange happened, it downloaded some software that was already in latest version.
Example: FireFox, ClamWin, Filezilla.
Now, at the "second run" (2 weeks after) there is a new version of filezilla, newer than mine, and the app is not getting it.
its reporting that there are no updates.
what kind of data you need so that i can help you?
best regards,
On the first run the updater downloaded all programs where the appinfo.ini (X:\PortableApps\\App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini) stated that is wasn't the actual version. But some programs (like Firefox, Clamwin, Filezilla) have update functions on their own. I would suggest to NOT use the included update functions because they are not aware that you are using portable versions of those programs. It might be they write registry keys or store some files locally. It would be better to disable those update functions in the portable version by default but that seems to be a licensing issue.
On the second run you found out that the database of the updater isn't updated automatically (as discussed some posts earlier). As long as it's updated manually you will always have a delay. At the moment Marko is away some days so you'll have to wait until he updates the database again.
thanks for the clarification.
I don't use the program's updater because i know they ignore you're using a portable app.
best regards,
Several Applications have auto update in-built, Firefox is among them, for apps like these, i personally would recommend adding them to the [Blacklist] section of the settings.ini (except for test purposes). EG
Firefox auto-updater is broken on Portable version, updating registry entries that should not update. So it is better not to blacklist them, and to have a localized update. What would be nice is to have an addons to Firefox that modifies the updater system to disable it or use PortableApps.com Updater.
It is never a good idea to run the built in update in a portable version of an app.
At best, you will get an uncompressed version, which will load slower and take up more space on your drive.
In the middle, you get apps such as the current Mozilla ones, which will subtly break the locally installed one if any, but will still basically work OK.
At worst, you get apps like OpenOffice.org, which, if you autoupdate, will simply install a full standard copy of the app onto the machine that you run the updater on, without touching the portable copy, meaning that it will still prompt to update on the next machine that you come to.
You should only ever update portable apps from here, by using the installers downloaded from here.
I stand informatively corrected
Starting PA Updater alpha 7 it states that there are no updates available. Not even the self update to alpha 9 works. Please correct this for the next alpha release.
(Nearly all apps on the key needed updates, and most of them had an appinfo.ini)
Alpha 7 wont work cause it is outdated!!! The Alpha 7 never had the self update.
Simplifying daily life through technology
Even alpha 6 had the self update ...
Just update the updater manually and it should be fixed.
Simplifying daily life through technology
You did not get the point. What's an updater worth that doesn't update?
In other words: I'm an experienced user who has no problems with updating software manually. But the updater is targeted to unexperienced users. They don't notice this malfunction and don't know how to repair. So the updater has to be corrected.
You are using an old version of the updater. It is not supported. The INI link is broken in the old one. The new updater has ALREADY fixed this bug.
Simplifying daily life through technology
Using PA Updater alpha 9 it doesn't update On-Screen Keyboard Portable. Current version is 1.1 but the database only knows 1.0.
Why is inkscape in the updater, it's not an official app!
Simplifying daily life through technology
Freak out! What are we gonna do gonna do gonna do?!
Calm. Down.
It's still in Alpha, so it really doesn't matter all that much. And I believe Marko did that package of Inkscape. It's a good app, so it's a nice way to get a little self-promotion testing wise.
I'm not freaked out. I was just asking why, and I thought it was a mistake.
Simplifying daily life through technology
I was kidding. Capitals and unnecessary exclamation points typically mean anxiety and rage.
IIRC Inkscape Portable was part of OOoPortablePlus that was later merged into the German version of PortableApps. So the updater offers an update opportunity to the former users of OOoPortablePlus.
Btw: Stop using CAPITALS. It's commonly regarded as screaming.
This is very nice for updating my apps, but sometimes it says something
about S:\PortableApps\PortableAppsUpdater\Data\updater.ini not found!
I wonder why?
Are you behind a proxy?
I got that at school, when I once tried it... I knew that it shouldn't work... and it didn't.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Maybe I am behind a proxy but I don't know much about that stuff.
Maybe that is the problem.
If so,do you know how to fix it?
Surprisingly, the updater sometimes doesn't work at home, but it'll work in school!
Simplifying daily life through technology
Well, It does not work at my computer but it does work on other computers.

In fact, alot of things dont work on my pc. *mumble*ToadsTool*mumble*
Simplifying daily life through technology
A lot of things dont work on my computer too. *sigh*
I thought I was alone. Some CD games wouldn't even open the installer, even if I did it manually!
Simplifying daily life through technology
believe the filename in the database for Sumartra PDF is wrong, it is missing the .paf so it fails to download
... all entries schould be up to date now.
Thank You for the hint.
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I'm afraid not all entries are up to date.
As stated above the last release of On-Screen Keyboard Portable (February 24, 2008) is 1.1 Multilingual, but the database only knows 1.0.
The database doesn't know PortableApps.com Platform (Menu and Backup utility) at all so users are stuck with version 1.0 instead of version 1.1.
On-Screen Keyboard Portable.
Platform is not part of the updater process at the moment, cause the intergration of the updater in the platform is not defined at the moment.
The updater is (like I see it) is part of the platform itself like the menu and the update tool.
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I think it would be ok to include it into the ini atm.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
... the updater checks version entry in the apinfo.ini at the moment.
In the Platform only the Backuptool is in paf format and has this file ... and the version there is still
So we have to add an appinfo.ini for the suite or a new module for checking the Suite version for example by checking the exe atributes...
Thats why we should discuss the integration of the updater in the suite before ...
Because if we define the updater as part of the suite we could simply use the self update function for the updater (and install the latest published suite too) ... but this could bring us some problems with people using mods or other menus than PA suite.
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First off, great application. Its truly magnificent and something I wish had been around from the start.
Next, I read through the forum and heard mention of a checkbox that allowed the updater to show applications that you don't have installed. I have a few I'm missing and would love to use such a feature, however no checkbox or ini setting to do such is visible using Alpha 9.
Great things come to pass when something is needed not simply wanted.
... and start the updater with /SHOWOP
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I was also getting the error about PortableApps/PortableAppsUpdater/Data/updater.ini not found!. This came with an error in the event log "Generate Activation Context failed for F:\PortableApps\PortableAppsUpdater\App\wget\LIBEAY32.dll. Reference error message: The operation completed successfully."
A bit of searching on google led me to find that I needed to install VC++ 2005 Redistributable. As soon as I installed it it all worked ok.
... please let me know which OS do You use?
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This was on an XP system not sure what the SP level was.
The MD5 sum checking for InkScape is broken.
Simplifying daily life through technology
I'll remove it with the next update hoping that we will have an official and actual version of inkscape soon.
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While thats being done, you should probably remove inkscape from the update list
Simplifying daily life through technology
... if there is no final version in the near future it will be removed.
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I have found this program interesting even though I normally do a manual update of my Portable Apps. When using your program I'd like it to save the updates to a user defined locations eg the DESKTOP. Is there a way to set this?