i wish that eveyone would move here as season 8 has exeded 1 pages
also, as everyone is complaining about corrupt-a-wish, this season will be an exeption to the rest. we will no longer create new threads after this one exedes 1 page, instead we will have to suck it up and just layer on the pages :(. also PTMB pointed out a nice thing, when you are browsing the threads list on the off topic forum, there is a little something that is like "1 new" or similar, click on that and it will take you directly to the latest post.
--Edit 10/11/2009, topic renamed by request--
You didn't make a wish
I wish I would have made this instead of sergentsiler.
but then i used my super awsome powers to take over the thread anyway
i wish that we didnt have surf control at my school so i could download anything i wanted
...but the school's ISP had surf control
I wish I could have an EeePC 1000.
you hated it.
I wish that I had good luck forever.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
And you luck held held for all your life and that of your children and your children's children and your luck kept you alive throughout it all. unfortunately this meant you spent eternity watching everyone you care about grow old and pass away. Eventually the world ended but your luck still held you together so you remained alive and conscious in a dead world with no sun stars or planets, just you alone in dark empty universal void
I wish the guys that think little of corrupt a wish could see its good time waster when you just want to kill a minute or two.
(Note I think the one thread idea is good)
PortableApps.com Advocate
but since some of them are "Just big meanies" :D, they only acted like they understood it.
i wish the comps at my school werent so crappy. (Some of them are just slow, others are just so bad that they dont even boot.)
But then with the flash new top of the line and better pcs your school has the fees quadruple and you can no longer afford to go there.
I wish the MS Antivirus 2008 virus I accidentally put on my work pc and am going to be etting in trouble for would magically disappear.
PortableApps.com Advocate
...but then you accidentally installed the XP Antivirus virus
(btw, most real antivirus can detect those, just get AVG Free or something, run it, clean the PC and unninstall it)
I wish Google Chrome had its final license that is really OSS already (or was OSS if the actual license is the final).
but it still didnt work on linux so you id screwed!
i wish for stuff, lots and lots of stuff
...but it was bad stuff.
I wish I had lots of good stuff (that are good for me
but it was only good for 0.2215487 seconds
i wish FF portable could tie into the host comps flash install or carry its own flash install (flash 9)
Chrome is OSS. Look at googles code page for it.
...but none of your school PCs had flash and could only take portably Flash 3.
(btw, check this page)
(And no, Chrome is closed according to their EULA. Chromium, that is the underlying engine on Chrome, is OSS.)
I wish Firefox 4 would use Chromium's V8 JavaScript virtual machine (if this is actually faster than all other JavaScript VMs...
but it was super slow because of a bad config
i wish ptmb would realize that i am on
but he just ignored you.
I wish you would stop replying to people.
but seeing as i have corrupted this wish now 2 times before, i will give the same answer yet AGAIN. the add comment button turned into the reply button and the reply button stayed the same so it made no diference.
now stop wishing for that.
i wish PTMB would realize that i am connected to the IM and that he should be on right now because i have been waiting for a long time for him to get on.
...but I blocked you.
I wish sergentsiler's "Reply" button would redirect him to the "New Comment" button, that would work properly.
but since that is the same wish as the last one i corrupted i will simply say, look above
i wish i knew how to make ubuntu themes
...but, like you didn't pay attention to my wish, you didn't pay attention to the theme making tut, and you blew up with your PC instead.
I wish the previous wish I made
(not wishing to sergentsiler to use the comment button, but wishing a reply button malfunction on his end.
but it malfunctioned and didnt work
i wish WINE was 100% compat with windows so i could play Halo on WINE
but your computer couldn't play it cause of the extra resources and you where sad
i wish that java 6 update 10 would come out of beta so i could try out some java games in chrome
...due to time limits, they skipped Java 6 Update 10 and moved to Java 6 Update 11 beta
I wish a certain site of someone that hates IE used non-deprecated standards.
he starts working with that code you have been developing, and it sucks
i wish for more stuff
i had more stuff but it got lost
i wish people would freakin use this thread already
but due to the sudden increase in traffic the server chrased and all the portableapps data was lost
i wish i could actually think of a wish (i just could resist corrupting this wish)
But once you thought of one John declared it illegal and you got banned from portableapps.com
I wish I would be able to lick my elbow.
But then someone walked in as you were doing it, caught it on film, edited it, added music and stuff, uploaded it to youtube and with all the stuff they did to it you ended up looking like a bit of a weirdo and were ostracised from the rest of society
I wish Bill Gates woke up tomorrow and decided to make all microsoft software freeware:)
PortableApps.com Advocate
but it was still as buggy as it was the day before.
i wish the papps server didnt crash 4 times last week while i was posting.
Instead it went permanently offline :o(:::
I wish my home internet would hurry up and get installed and connected. (Will be online for first time in life on own connection around Friday next week:)
PortableApps.com Advocate
i wish the papps server didnt crash 4 times last week while i was posting.
but since you reposted an earlier wish on page 1 of a multipage thread, you got stuck in a time paradox and have been stuck in time looping the same day you stayed home from school with a real stomach ache.
I wish I had a good night's sleep.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Unfortunately you never woke up again, and will "live" out the rest of your days dreaming about being awake.
I wish I could take a 3 month paid vacation.
It amazes me that on the internet you can be anything you want, and yet so many people still choose to be idiots.
...but when sergentsiler saw a new wireless connection online (because you had to hook up more pcs without ethernet cable) he stole the connection, changed the router password, disabled the reset button and gave you a miserable amount of bandwidth so it was useless for you anyway.
(btw, don't blame me, blame him, as he did that to you on the wish, not me
I wish my router didn't suck as much as it does so my wireless connection between my pc and another would not die with a little bandwidth overflow (mainly when I turn on the Windows XP VM
). (BTW, it is WPA protected and I turn the router off when nobody I know is using
but then all of your comps died
i wish 000webhost would hurry up in my inspection so i can work on my site again.
(accedental Double Post)
(accident post)
because you are an immature jacka$$
i wish people would not make stupid posts like the one floating above me that are useless even to this useless thread.
wish granted- but now you cant take out all your anger on them, making you take anger out on your friends.
I wish that ceedo was free.
New to Making Portable apps, but not to portable apps
I'm going to corrupt that wish 5 times since you like ceedo.
Wish granted but I hated it and sued the site that made ceedo.
Wish granted but you decided you hated it because I hated it.
Wish granted but you hate it now.
Wish granted but you hate it and fed it to the bugs crawling all over the site(smiley bugs).
Wish granted but ceedo renamed itself to ceeedo and another company named their software to ceedo and now you don't wish you, you wished ceedo was free because the new ceedo was horrible and I sued the ceedo.
I wish you didn't wish ceedo was freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Wish Granted.
But then someone (a mod) banned you for "HOW DARE YOU WISH THAT....."
I wish Developing of software was faster...
but because it was faster, it sucked more
i wish i could get my downloads center working properly. (cant download exes for some reason)
Wish Granted, but your "html" internet stoped working.
I wish gluxon put that web site back on...
but seeing as he didnt use the version that PTMb sent him, it still sucked
i wish i had money to upgrade my comps proc and ram
(Intel P4 L1-8bytes L2-512k -- RAM - Rambus PC800 256Mb)
...but the money you had was very thigh, so you bought the parts on Ebay. And you were scammed, and as you didn't use Paypal, not even a cent of your money was recovered.
I wish Gluxon would send me a mail so I could know his email so I could send him my functional version of his site with instructions and all
Go here: http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=013s5SZuJBs6_dVjqATUEezw==&c=vmpDcLdHO...
I wish I had more time to play this game.
...but you lost it setting up your brand new site.
I wish you would check your email
But I checked my email but I didn't reply
I wish you would check your email.
...but I didn't find anything that could be related to your wish?
I wish to know if that was a kidding wish or if you were speaking seriously (thats why we need smileys, if the smileys module is yet unstable, then make a new one!
...but all the smilies icons in the new module just look like the text ones, so it's no better.
I wish someone would resurrect the Portable LINUX Apps project!
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Wish Granted, but they "stopped" the windows project.
I wish my computer wouldn't take soooo much time to load...
But once your computer was loading fast windows started loading really slow.
SO YOU HAD TO GET LINUX!!! (or digitvista, whatever you want).
I wish My Sandisk Cruzer Micro 8gb was bootable.
But it only booted to a joke operating system that had a penguin doing the disco. And then you rebooted to the main OS and found that the hard drive was wiped.
I wish for kevlar.
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
but it got really hot and sweaty until it smelled like week-old fish, so you had to take it off.
I wish I had 700 billion Euros to pay everyone's mortgages.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
but then the banks increased their fees by 700 billion percent so everybody lost their home and all the worlds real estate became the property of a handful of greedy bankers.
I wish I win my soccer match today : )
PortableApps.com Advocate
My team lost 10 - nil : (:::::
PortableApps.com Advocate
Wish granted, but you granted it yourself, therefore failure.
I wish for a good webhost.
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
but then you were banned.
I wish Roamer didn't get banned from webhostXXX.
...but he quited because WebhostXXX changed their policy and started to be a paid host (and very expensive) and roamer didn't had money for that much of an expense.
I wish weekends were 3 days long.
Wish Granted, but everyone got confused so weekends got 1 day "long"
I wish for superfast internet so I can get anything I want in 1 millisecond.
EDIT: so what about wish list 10? how are you going to do it?
...but nobody could deliver you anything that fast.
(I love when science corrupts the wish for me)
I wish there were OpenSource standards about EVERYTHING!
Also, there wont be Corrupt a Wish 10. From now on all wishes will keep on here. Why? Because now the "new" link works and redirects you to the right page.
but since everything was OSS everything was hacked and no one knew until all of their comps were useless from the viruses and crap
i wish my download site worked better (it hates me when i upload any files)
But then something weird happened and Corrupt-A-Wish Season 8 was bumped. Then everybody went there and I didn't just post this message.
I wish bumps were allowed here.
but then there were so many bumps here that every one used the site purely for bumping.
i wish i could upload files to my new website at school
But then you were caught and got detention.
I wish people would stop using that red reply button.
...people started using my stylish theme for Firefox that made PortableApps.com blue and pressed the blue reply button instead
I wish weekdays were Saturday and Sunday and weekend days were Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
but then everyone was lazy and did nothing and we all died
i wish my site was just a little better
(the weebly one)
Wish Granted.
But your site took a loooong to load.
I wish i had a faster computer
wish granted, but it's only faster because it's running a command-line only UNIX OS
i wish my homework would solve itself
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
but your teachers noticed you started to become more and more stupid until you got kicked out of school because you were so stupid and had a river of drool coming out your mouth

i wish i could code VB faster (need to get this project into my teacher!)
Wish Granted, but you were kicked out of school because... because... of no reason
I wish I didnt havto run on a command-line only UNIX OS...(I really am not)
I wish for money
But everybody switched to..... a ....... foney.
So your money is now useless.
You didn't make a wish
I wish you would make a wish so this corrupt-a-wish wouldn't die.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
I'll make one.
I wish Mix Master Trixz would go away. Forever.
I wish you didn't wish that.
I wish I had some foney.
I wish Mix Master Trixz would go away. Forever.
Wish Granted, but then Bix Baster Trixz came.
I wish you didn't wish that.
Wish Granted, he wished you went away. }:-)
I wish I had some foney.
Wish Granted, but then the “foney” stock market collapsed and you went bankrupt.
I wish I had gold bars instead of money (nobody else).
but then i was you and you were no longer you so i got all of the gold bars

i wish someone would send me a perfictly good and fully functional 92A toner cartrage for my laserjet printer
Wish Granted but.....
I wish I know what that was.
but you realize you didn't really grant the past wish.
I wish you were Brandon Smalls from Home Movies (Cartoon Network)
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Wish Granted but you turn into Coach McGirk
I wish I didn't have money
(Try that one :P)
...but you had fake money. (not the best corruption, but it works
I wish...
that my wish is grantedthat people understood that if they press the Home button they go to the top of the page and that way they don't have to use the reply button as the New Comment button is easier to use than before (just noticed this).Wish Granted, But then you completely forget about it.
I wish that something Bad will happen to me
Something you died in a car accident and your family mourned and in their despair several PA users took their lives causing your ghost to never make it to heaven but remain on earth.
I wish for the weekend
PortableApps.com Advocate
(Ouch, kinda thought that one through, didn't you)
Wish Granted, But then you sleep through the whole weekend till Monday Morning. (Somehow surviving without food and water >_>)
I Wish that I knew how to make portable apps...
But you only ever picked sucky apps to port so no one ever bothered to download your apps.
I wish I had millions so I could afford to donate very healthy sums to PA.com
PortableApps.com Advocate
But you died.....
I wish I would stop being lazy and improve my NSIS.
Wish Granted, but you died too
I wish that gluxon would put whatever hes developing on the forums...
But his app sucked, was buggy and John discovered a virus in it so removed it from the site, banned gluxon and and removed every trace of him on the site (nothing personal glux
I wish this economic crisis could be solved today.
PortableApps.com Advocate
But... umm... then the economy... didn't suck?
Sorry. My imagination's broken.
I wish I had a life.
...you had the best life someone would imagine have. But on a tragic day the economy (that was saved and didn't suck anymore) was drastically changed, and sucked again, and in few time is entered in collapse. Luckily, you had all of your money invested in properties and gold, so you didn't lost the value of a dime. But, with the panic of the broken economy, we all passed to a fascist state where everybody had no money to do nothing except the government, all of you possessions were taken from you and you got nothing and started living on the streets. After that a war started between the resistance and the fascist government. You were forced to enter the govern's army to fight against the resistance, even if you didn't want to, because you would be painfully killed if you didn't help the war. Eventually the resistance won, and you died on the war with a canon ball on the face.
I wish my corruptions WON'T happen.