PortableApps.com Platform 14.4.3: Maintenance, Security, and Locale Updates
PortableApps.com is proud to announce the PortableApps.com Platform 14.4.3 release. This minor maintenance release updates 7-Zip to the latest version to address a potential security issue, fixes an issue with plugin display, and updates 7 localizations. As always it has a complete app store, automatic updater, easy app organization, fast app searching, proxy support, a great set of themes, portable fonts, and lots of other features to make it your favorite set of apps whether you're running from a portable drive, a cloud drive, or run locally! If you'd like to see more features and functionality keep coming, please read a personal appeal from PortableApps.com founder John T. Haller to help! Read on for all the details...(permalink)
Existing Platform users can automatically update by clicking Help - Check for Updates. A smaller, faster installing update will be applied.