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Migrating from µTorrent to µTorrent Portable

Submitted by lwc on April 23, 2015 - 3:29pm

If I want to continue exactly where I left off in downloading and sharing, is it enough to migrate my:

  1. Downloads into uTorrentPortable\Data\downloads
  2. Torrents into uTorrentPortable\Data\torrents


Well, the former is obvious, but concerning the latter does µTorrent Portable just load all the torrents it sees?

Xnviw portable and ghostscript portable

Submitted by ciccino on April 16, 2015 - 11:48am

hello everyone
I have used for a long time xnview ( instralled ) and to use it with the pdf files also install ghostscript.
I never had no problem

but now I'm using the portable version of xnview ( portable apps) and also in this case to use the program with the pdf files I use ghostscript portable

xnview portable and portable ghostscript are installed in the same folder:
D:/ Portable prog/grafic/xnview portable
D:/Portable progr/grafic/commonfiles/ghostscript

PeerBlock Portable did not close properly last time, AHK workaround

Submitted by Sprinterdriver on April 12, 2015 - 5:01pm


Have decided to put a link to PeerBlockPortable.exe in the start meny/startup directory to make it start up with windows. Unfortunately about every time Windows starts up, I got this annoying errormessage. and the tedious process to manually start the program over again begins.

[Closed] qBittorrent creating multiple instances when adding torrents

Submitted by ONE on April 8, 2015 - 7:08pm

Hi, I'm having some trouble with qBittorrent.

If I start the program using the launcher "qBittorrentPortable.exe" and later try to open a torrent file with it, it starts a new process instead of opening it in the existing one.

However if try to launch "qBittorrentPortable.exe" by opening torrent file it seems to work fine.
I found this topic and I can see that the fix is already applied but it doesn't seem to work for me.

Is there any way to fix or circumvent this problem?
