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Greenfish Icon Editor Pro

Submitted by MarkinID on April 2, 2015 - 1:08pm

I am using Greenfish Icon Editor Pro, v3.31 on Windows 8.1. The installation was using GreenfishIconEditorProPortable_3.31.paf.exe

When the program is opened using a short cut to Greenfish Icon Editor Pro the toolbars are present, as expected.

However, when a filename (.ico or .png) is selected using a right click followed by Open with Greenfish Icon Editor Pro, the program opens missing the Toolbar on the left hand side of the window and the Toolbar in the active area just below the Menu Bar containing File, Edit, View, etc.

Installing an existing profile into Seamonkey portable

Submitted by jaskinner on April 1, 2015 - 12:37pm

How do I go about installing the profile that I use for my hard drive version of Seamonkey into the the portable version of Seamonkey that I have on my USB drive so I can use it when traveling without my computer. Do I just move my profile folder into Seamonkey portable. I was thinking of using the second profile .exe also. Thanks for any help.

How to make Chrome portable run totally portable?

Submitted by Suya Lynx on March 30, 2015 - 8:45pm

Hi guys

I love chrome portable but some months ago while cleaning my seemingly broken chrome portable, I found out that it save the user profile / user data to the pc %appdata% . How to make it to save the profile to my portable device?

Why I say it save the profile to pc %appdata%, because when I try to remove some broken extension by deleting the profile from the Chromr Portable dir, to does not work, but after erasing the one from my pc, it works

IrfanView Portable Plugins

Submitted by KIborama on March 27, 2015 - 5:07pm

When I try to use the Custum/Fine rotation command (Ctrl-U) I get an error that says "Can't load PlugIn: "EFFECTS.DLL" !
Please install or update PlugIns from IrfanView homepage!"

I downloaded the plugin Zip file and put the plugins in the folder G:\PortableApps\IrfanViewPortable\App\IrfanView\Plugins\ where G: is my flash drive. What am I doing wrong? Wink

[Fixed] Fix for XnView to work with ghostscript

Submitted by UVProtector on March 24, 2015 - 10:05am

After some detective work I have been able to get XnView to work with ghostscript again. I am not sure when it broke but I have a fix for it.

It appears that two of the environment variables inside of XnView were changed as follows.


As a result the [Environment] entries in XnViewPortable.ini located in the App\AppInfo\Launcher\ directory need to be changed to reflect this. The new entries should be:
