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jPortable 7 Update 5 - reported defective by LibreOffice

Submitted by dunedin-hughie on June 13, 2012 - 1:56am

Oh dear, I was really hoping that the latest jportable would work with the current LibreOffice portable. LibreOffice portable has been reporting the jportable java runtime as defective for the last two versions - LO 3.5.3 and 3.5.4. Neither suites would run with jportable 7 update 4.

One needs a java runtime to use the Base application in LibreOffice.

Older versions of SeaMonkey

creibens's picture
Submitted by creibens on June 12, 2012 - 4:34am

Starting with version 2.9, the mail&news client of SeaMonkey portable causes trouble on some machines (as on mine and on my wife's), and with 2.10, this trouble even got worse (at least on my machine). So, I would like to return to an older version (i.e. 2.8 ) to solve this trouble. Unfortunately, I could only find the latest version on this site.

Where can I find older versions of SeaMonkey portable?

Chrome open loca file from root

Submitted by neutrino on June 11, 2012 - 8:10am


I have a javascript application which is used only locally (not over internet). It works best with Chrome.

I'm looking for a way to make it easy for a non-tech client to open my application in Chrome. Here is the ideal situation:

I give the client a folder. Inside this folder there is a icon to open Chrome and a folder named "files" with all the data files inside. When client double clicks on the Chrome icon, Chrome launches and displays the file called "index.html" from the "files" folder.

[Fixed] XnView Portable 1.99 needs [Activate]:Registry=true

Submitted by Double Impact on June 7, 2012 - 4:48am

John, in the next version of XnView Portable would you please consider adding a line:
in the [Activate] section of the App\AppInfo\Launcher\XnViewPortable.ini
The reason is that now the TEMP\ns*.tmp folders with registry.dll are not deleted upon exit.
Thank you for your wonderful work!

GoogleChromePortable Settings

Submitted by markwm1 on June 6, 2012 - 6:42pm

This concerns settings using GoogleChromePortable on a USB memory stick.

If I have GoogleChromePortable.ini set to:


will this insure that NOTHING--for example the the browser history--will be written to the user's computer.

Further, if I have those settings set as shown and the USB stick runs out of writable memory, what will the browser do?

If I want the cache to not get any content is it correct to add this to do so?

AdditionalParameters= --disk-cache-size=0

Explorer++ vs eject conflict question

Submitted by Bindlestiff on June 6, 2012 - 12:04pm

I typically run PortableApps from an external hard drive. Let's say I plug in one or two USB sticks after PortableApps is running. I run Explorer++ from the copy that is loaded on the hard drive. If I subsequently try to eject either of the USB sticks I get the "can't eject right now because a file is being used" or a similar nastygram. I get this message even when Explorer++ does not have its focus on either USB stick, but, for example, on the C drive. I need to close the copy of Explorer++ that is running in order to eject either USB stick without getting the nastygram.

weird chrome portable issue

Submitted by cgorrell on June 5, 2012 - 11:28pm

So I can get chrome portable on my sandisk thumb drive no worries. But if I remove the drive and reinsert it, it will loose connection and go straight to the classic all snap page. Now if I change the drive letter of the USB drive, I immediately get connectivity the next time I boot the usb drive. If I use a drive letter that i previously used for the usb drive at some point before I get the issue back again. Does anyone have any idea of what is going on? I am using the latest version of chrome portable.
